Waterbird observations in Lake Victoria wetlands, south Kenya coast and Tana River dams (Kenya) in 1995
Citable as data publication
Nasirwa O.; Oyugi J.; Jackson C.; Lens L.; Bennun L.; Seys J.; Department of Ornithology, National Museums of Kenya; Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute: Kenya; (2016): Waterbird observations in Lake Victoria wetlands, south Kenya coast and Tana River dams (Kenya) in 1995. https://doi.org/10.14284/175
![]() Description
Count of observed waterbirds during a survey in Kenya in 1995. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Nasirwa, O.; Oyugi, J.; Jackson, C.; Lens, L.; Bennun, L.; Seys, J. (1995). Surveys of waterbirds in Kenya, 1995: Lake Victoria wetlands, south Kenya coast and Tana River dams. Centre for Biodiversity Research Reports: Ornithology, 20. National Museums of Kenya: Nairobi. 22 pp. more
In February 1995, eight sites around Lake Victoria and beaches, reefs and creeks along the Kenyan coast from Vanga to Sabaki River mouth (around 220 km of shoreline, split into 15 sites) were surveyed and waterbirds counted. In March 1995, waterbirds were counted on the five large dams along the upper Tana River. These represent the first waterbird surveys for almost all of these sites. Five sites (Vanga Creek, Kilifi-Mida Beach, Malindi Marine Park, Sabaki River Mouth and Masinga Dam) qualify as Globally Important Bird Areas on the basis of their waterbird populations (and hence as potential Ramsar sites). Scope Themes: Biology > Birds Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Terrestrial, Waterbirds, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, ISW, Kenyan Coast, Kenya, Tana R., Kenya, Victoria L., Aves Geographical coverage EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box Coordinates: MinLong: 34,1333; MinLat: -4,6425 - MaxLong: 40,1539; MaxLat: -0,1167 [WGS84] ISW, Kenyan Coast [Marine Regions] Kenya, Tana R. [Marine Regions] Kenya, Victoria L. [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
4 February 1995 - 26 March 1995 Taxonomic coverage
Aves [WoRMS]
Area of sample {sampled area} from the bed [BODC] Count of birds Contributors
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Based on this dataset
Nasirwa, O. et al. (1995). Surveys of waterbirds in Kenya, 1995: Lake Victoria wetlands, south Kenya coast and Tana River dams. Centre for Biodiversity Research Reports: Ornithology, 20. National Museums of Kenya: Nairobi. 22 pp., more
Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2013-05-17
Information last updated: 2016-11-09