Winter Picoplankton Diversity and Distribution in the US Antarctic Marine Living Resources Study Area - Northern Antarctic Peninsula
Winter Picoplankton Diversity and Distribution in the US Antarctic Marine Living Resources Study Area - Northern Antarctic Peninsula during August and early September of 2012, 2013 and 2014. Contributed by Alison E. Murray, Carla Gimpel, Christian Reiss.
Murray, Alison Availability:
![]() Description
Picoplankton (bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotic organisms < 3.0 micron) surveys conducted in collaboration with the U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources (AMLR) field research program aimed to study the pelagic ecosystem during month-long winter research cruises in the South Shetland Islands, Scotia Sea and the NW Weddell Sea regions in August, 2012, 2013, and 2014. This inter-annual study on the winter pelagic ecosystem follows a 25-year time series program studying austral summer waters, though is the first survey to also include the characterization of the picoplankton in this study area. more
The primary goal of the AMLR winter cruise was to establish the ecological importance of winter processes and plankton distributons particularly as related to sea ice and to capture the hydrography and winter distributions of krill for comparisons with summer conditions over this long times series study. The winter time study will help determine how the template for ecological success is set up for summertime production across all trophic levels. The picoplankton research will improve the understanding of winter distributions and provide sample collection opportunities for diversity and biogeochemical studies to create an integrated ecosystem picture that will be developed with the NOAA AMLR group. In particular, this effort will extend the geographic coverage of winter picoplankton in the South Shetland Islands region, both on and off the continental slope. This is important to test hypotheses concerning high latitude winter processes that were observed in coastal Antarctic Peninsula waters suggesting the relative importance of chemolithoautotrophy is a key winter-time metabolic process. Geographic coverage: This is the U.S. Antarctic Marine Living Resources study area. Hydrographic surveys were conducted across three broad sub-areas in this region, around Elephant Island, in the Bransfield Strait, west of the South Shetland Islands. Taxonomic coverage: Bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic diversity in seawater picoplankton (< 3.0 micron fraction) and the diversity of the sea ice microbial community were described based on small subunit ribosomal RNA amplicon sequencing. Sampling method: Hydrographic surveys were conducted using CTD rossette outfitted with niskin bottle samplers to retrieve water samples at 15, 50, 75, 100, 200, and 750 m (or above the bottom if bottom depth was shallower than 750 m). Water was filtered immediately once on board the ship in a cold room at 0C. Samples for DNA extraction and subsequent sequencing were passed through in-line 2.7 micron filters to remove larger organisms, and the picoplankton fraction was collected on 0.2 micron Sterivex cartridge filters. A sucrose-Tris-EDTA buffer was added to the filters and they were stored frozen at -80C until extraction at our home institutions. Quality control: Nucleic extraction blanks were carried out through amplification steps and sequence analysis quality control measures were followed on data analyzed. Oceanographic instruments were calibrated at SeaBird before the cruise and sample blanks were periodically run for chlorophyll and nutrient analyses. Scope Themes: Biology > Plankton Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Bacterioplankton, Hydrography, Metadata, Picoplankton, PSW, Antarctica, Antarctic Peninsula, Archaea, Bacteria Geographical coverage PSW, Antarctica, Antarctic Peninsula [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
6 August 2012 - 14 August 2012 14 August 2013 - 5 September 2013 22 August 2014 - 15 September 2014 Contributors
Desert Research Institute; Northern Nevada Science Center Campus, more, data creator, data creator
University of Hawaii, more, data creator
Federal Government of the United States of America; Department of Commerce; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Fisheries Service; Southwest Fisheries Science Center; Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division (AERD), more, data creator
Related datasets
Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Metadata
Data origin: Research: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2017-08-24
Information last updated: 2019-04-10