English name: Recent Invertebrates Section
Parent institute: Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Operationele Directie Taxonomie en Fylogenie (IRScNB/KBIN), more
Thesaurus terms (4) : Food webs; Isotopes; Marine ecology; Polar zones
Taxonomic terms (8) : Amphipoda [WoRMS]; Copepoda [WoRMS]; Crustacea [WoRMS]; Desmoscolecidae Shipley, 1896 [WoRMS]; Draconematidae Filipjev, 1918 [WoRMS]; Epsilonematidae Steiner, 1927 [WoRMS]; Nematoda [WoRMS]; Peracarida [WoRMS]
Geographical terms (5) : Antarctica [Marine Regions]; Indonesia [Marine Regions]; Melanesia; PN, Arctic [Marine Regions]; PS, Southern Ocean [Marine Regions]
Address: Vautierstraat 29
1000 Brussel Belgium
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Type: Scientific Level: Section
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Persons formerly associated with this organization (7) |
Publications (27) |
Top | Persons | Projects | Datasets |
( 18 peer reviewed ) split up filter
D'Udekem d'Acoz, C.; Verheye, M.L. (2017). Epimeria of the Southern Ocean with notes on their relatives (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Eusiroidea). Eur. J. Taxon. 359: 1-553. https://dx.doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2017.359, more
Min, W.; Kim, D.; Decraemer, W.; Rho, H.S. (2016). Dracograllus trukensis sp. nov. (Draconematidae: Nematoda) from a seagrass bed (Zostera spp.) in Chuuk Islands, Micronesia, Central Western Pacific Ocean. Ocean Science Journal 51(3): 343-354. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12601-016-0030-z, more
Massin, C.; Hendrickx, M.E. (2013). On two Psolidae (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) from the Gulf of California, Mexico. Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 84(1): 94-99. dx.doi.org/10.7550/rmb.27287, more
Samyn, Y.; Smirnov, A.; Massin, C. (2013). Carl Gottfried Semper (1832-1893) and the location of his type specimens of sea cucumbers. Archives of natural history 40(2): 324-339. dx.doi.org/10.3366/anh.2013.0179, more
Massin, C.; Hendrickx, M.E. (2011). Deep-water Holothuroidea (Echinodermata) collected during the TALUD cruises off the Pacific coast of Mexico, with the description of two new species. Rev. Mex. Biodiv. 82(2): 413-443, more
Soo Rho, H.; Decraemer, W.; Sorensen, M.; Min, W.; Jung, J.; Kim, W. (2011). Megadraconema cornutum, a new genus and species from Korea, with a discussion of its classification and relationships within the family Draconematidae (Nematoda, Desmodorida) based on morphological and molecular characters. Zool. Sci. 28(1): 68-84. dx.doi.org/10.2108/zsj.28.68, more
Massin, C.; Hendrickx, M.E. (2010). A new species of deep-water Holothuroidea (Echinodermata) of the genus Synallactes from off western Mexico. Sci. Mar. (Barc.) 74(3): 599-603. dx.doi.org/10.3989/scimar.2010.74n3599, more
Soo Rho, H.; Won Gi Min; Decraemer, W.; Dong Sung Kim (2010). Prochaetosoma dokdoense sp. nov. (Nematoda: Draconematidae) from Dokdo, Korea: First record of the genus Prochaetosoma from a shallow subtidal zone in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Mar. Biol. Res. 6(2): 172-188. dx.doi.org/10.1080/17451000903078622, more
Bert, W.; Manhout, J.; Van Colen, C.; Borgonie, G.; Decraemer, W. (2009). Nematode assemblages in a nature reserve with historical pollution. Belg. J. Zool. 139(1): 3-14, more
Raes, M.; Decraemer, W.; Vanreusel, A. (2009). Draconematidae (Nematoda) from cold-water corals in the Porcupine Seabight: the genus Cygnonema Allen & Noffsinger, 1978. Org. Divers. Evol. 9(1): 37-40. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ode.2008.06.003, more
Raes, M.; Decraemer, W.; Vanreusel, A. (2009). Draconematidae (Nematoda) from cold-water corals in the Porcupine Seabight: the genus Tenuidraconema Decraemer, 1989. Org. Divers. Evol. 9(1): 41-43. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ode.2008.06.004, more
Raes, M.; Decraemer, W.; Vanreusel, A. (2008). Walking with worms: coral-associated epifaunal nematodes. J. Biogeogr. 35(12): 2207-2222. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2699.2008.01945.x, more
d’Udekem d’Acoz, C.; Vader, W.; Legezinska, J. (2007). On a new diminutive Rhachotropis species from the North Sea, with a key to European Rhachotropis (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Eusiridae). Boll. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Verona Bot. Zool. 31: 31-49, more
Gheerardyn, H.; Fiers, F.; Vincx, M.; De Troch, M. (2007). Spiniferaphonte, a new genus of Laophontidae (Copepoda: Harpacticoida), with notes on the occurrence of processes on the caudal rami. J. Crust. Biol. 27(2): 309-318. dx.doi.org/10.1651/S-2723.1, more
Bert, W.; Messiaen, M.; Manhout, J.; Houthoofd, W.; Borgonie, G. (2006). Evolutionary Loss of Parasitism by Nematodes? Discovery of a Free-Living Filaroid Nematode. J. Parasitol. 92(3): 645-647. https://dx.doi.org/10.1645/GE-672R.1, more
Gheerardyn, H.; Fiers, F.; Vincx, M.; De Troch, M. (2006). Peltidiphonte gen. n., a new taxon of Laophontidae (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) from coral substrates of the Indo-West Pacific Ocean. Hydrobiologia 553(1): 171-199. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10750-005-1134-0, more
Nyssen, F.; Brey, T.; Dauby, P.; Graeve, M. (2005). Trophic position of Antarctic amphipods - enhanced analysis by a 2-dimensional biomarker assay. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 300: 135-145. dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps300135, more
Raes, M.; Vanreusel, A.; Decraemer, W. (2003). Epsilonematidae (Nematoda) from a cold-water coral environment in the Porcupine Seabight, with a discussion on the status of the genus Metaglochinema Gourbault & Decraemer, 1986. Hydrobiologia 505(1-3): 49-72. dx.doi.org/10.1023/B:HYDR.0000007245.66840.0a, more
- Verheye, M.; d’Udekem d’Acoz, C. (2014). Deep phylogeny of the amphipod super-family Eusiroidea, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 7 March 2014. VLIZ Special Publication, 67: pp. 123, more
- Chen, M.; Wartel, S.; Fiers, F. (2011). Impact of oil and gas production activities on cohesive sediment and biological adaptation, in: Hun-Wei Lee, J. et al. Asian and Pacific Coasts 2011. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on APAC, Hong Kong, 14-16 December 2011. pp. 1062-1069. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/9789814366489_0126, more
- Raes, M.; Decraemer, W.; Vanreusel, A. (2007). Ecology of the free-living marine nematodes associated with cold-water and tropical coral structures, in: Thirteenth International Meiofauna Conference (THIRIMCO) July 29 - August 3, 2007, Recife, Brazil: Abstract book. pp. [26], more
- Nyssen, F.; Brey, T.; Dauby, P.; Graeve, M. (2005). Trophic position of Antarctic amphipods - enhanced analysis by a 2-dimensional biomarker assay, in: Nyssen, F. Role of benthic amphipods in Antarctic trophodynamics: a multidisciplinary study. pp. 72-104, more
- Fiers, F.; Backeljau, T.; Willenz, P.; Verheyen, E.; Govaere, J.; Grootaert, P.; Baert, L.; Jocqué, R.; Snoeks, J. (1994). Diversity and speciation in the wider Caribbean, in: Vanderborght, O. et al. (Ed.) IGBP and 'Global Change' related research in Belgium II. pp. 38, more
- Fiers, F.; Schockaert, E.; Flores Nava, A. (1994). Caribbean invertebrate biodiversity research center, in: Vanderborght, O. et al. (Ed.) IGBP and 'Global Change' related research in Belgium II. pp. 215, more
- Verhecken, A. (1990). Estrazione sperimentale della porpora da alcuni molluschi = Experiences with mollusc purple. La Conchiglia 22(1): 32-34, 46, more
- Backeljau, T. (1988). A faunistic survey of the Belgian marine molluscs: a first progress report, in: Wouters, K. et al. (Ed.) Symposium Invertebraten van België, samenvattingen, 25-26 nov. 1988. pp. 10, more
- Massin, C.; De Ridder, C. (1988). Les échinodermes de Belgique, in: Wouters, K. et al. (Ed.) Symposium Invertebraten van België, samenvattingen, 25-26 nov. 1988. pp. 65, more
Projects (16) |
Top | Persons | Publications | Datasets |
- BE_POLES: Belgian Polar Research Cluster, more
- BIANZO II: Biodiversity of three representative groups of the Antarctic Zoobenthos - Coping with Change, more
- BIANZO: Biodiversity of 3 representative groups of the Antarctic Zoobenthos, more
- Biodiversity in the Coastal Antartic Sea-Ice Zone, more
- Biodiversity of selected invertebrates of the Southern Ocean, more
- Ecofunctional biodiversity of benthic crustacean taxocoenoses in the Southern Ocean, more
- Morphology, taxonomy, phylogeny and systematics of the phylum Nematoda, mainly marine freeliving (Desmoscolecida, Draconematidae, Epsilonematidae) and plant parasitic taxa more specifically on Trichodoridae, virus vector nematodes, more
- Niet-inheemse soorten in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en omliggende estuaria, more
- Quest4D: Quantification of Erosion and Sedimentation patterns to Trace the natural versus anthropogenic sediment dynamics, more
- Synopsis of Antarctic Amphipoda(Crustacea), more
- Systematische studie van algae, fungi, plantae en invertebrata in het Indo-Melanesische gebied, more
- Taxonomy, phylogeny and ecology of marine interstitial Ostracoda (Crustacea), more
- Taxonomy, phylogeny and zoogeography of marine and brackish water Ostracoda (Crustacea) from Papua New-Guinea and the Indo-Pacific Ocean, more
- Taxonomy, phylogeny, zoogeography and ecology of marine lysianassoid Amphipoda (Crustacea), more
- The Hirudinea (Annelida) of the Belgian fauna, more
- The role of the Amphipod Crustaceans in the trophodynamics of benthic communities in the Southern Ocean, more
Datasets (4) |
Top | Persons | Publications | Projects |
- De Broyer C., Lowry J.K., Jazdzewski K. & Robert H., 2007. Catalogue of the Gammaridean and Corophiidean Amphipoda (Crustacea) of the Southern Ocean with distribution and ecological data. In: De Broyer, C. (ed.) Census of Antarctic Marine Life. Synopsis of the Amphipoda of the Southern Ocean. /Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Biologie / 77(Suppl.1, part 1): 1-325., more
- Sicinski J., Pawlikowska M. 2008. Admiralty Bay Benthos Diversity Data Base (ABBED). Amphipoda., more
- Sicinski J., Pawlikowska M. 2008. Admiralty Bay Benthos Diversity Data Base (ABBED). Gastropoda., more
- Amphipoda Antarctic checklist, more