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Dickson ACT 2602 Australia
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1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Associated to an institute part (3) |
Child institutes (2) |
Top | Persons | Publications | Projects | Event | Datasets |
- Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (Australia); Marine and Atmospheric Research (CSIRO-CMAR), more
- Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation; Australian National Herbarium (CSIRO), more
Publications (12) |
Top | Persons | Institutes | Projects | Event | Datasets |
( 3 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Australian Systematic Botany. CSIRO: East Melbourne. ISSN 1030-1887; e-ISSN 1446-5701, more
Marine and Freshwater Research. CSIRO: East Melbourne. ISSN 1323-1650; e-ISSN 1448-6059, more
Functional Plant Biology. CSIRO: Collingwood. ISSN 1445-4408; e-ISSN 1445-4416, more
- Klaer, N.L. (2020). HMAP Dataset 1: SE Australian Trawl Fishery I - Fish (various) landings and fishing effort, South East Australia, 1918-1923 - Supporting documentation. CSIRO: Australia. 10 pp., more
- Bruce, S.; Temminghoff, M.; Hayward, J.; Schmidt, E.D.; Munnings, C.; Palfreyman, D.; Hartley, P. (2018). National Hydrogen Roadmap: Pathways to an economically sustainable hydrogen industry in Australia. CSIRO: Australia. 92 pp., more
- Box, P.; Lemon, D. (2015). The role of social architecture in information infrastructure: a report for the National Environmental Information Infrastructure (NEII). CSIRO: Canberra. 50 pp., more
- Ampe, E.; Hestir, E.L.; Salvadore, E.; Triest, L.; Batelaan, O. (2013). A wavelet approach for estimating Chl-a from inland waters with reflectance spectroscopy. Poster at the VLIZ Young Scientist's Day 15 February 2013. Vrije Universiteit Brussel/CSIRO: Brussel & Canberra. 1 poster pp., more
- Campbell, R. A.; Tuck, G. N. (1998). Preliminary analysis of billfish catch rates in the Indian Ocean. Proceedings of the 7th Expert Consultation on Indian Ocean Tunas (IOTC): Victoria, Seychelles. 192-210 pp., more
- Rowe, F.W.E.; Gates, J. (1995). Echinodermata. Zoological catalogue of Australia, 33. CSIRO: Melbourne. ISBN 0-643-05696-3. XIII, 510 pp., more
- CSIRO Occasional Papers. CSIRO: Dickson, A.C.T.. ISSN 1030-6676, more
- Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. CSIRO: Melbourne. ISSN 0067-1940, more
- Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture. CSIRO: Melbourne . ISSN 0816-1089, more
Projects (3) |
Top | Persons | Institutes | Publications | Event | Datasets |
- 4D4Life: Distributed Dynamic Diversity Databases for Life, more
- BELCOLOUR-2: BELCOLOUR-2 : Optical remote sensing of marine, coastal and inland waters, more
- goSEABED: dbSEABED - Global Seabed Information System, more
Datasets (24) |
Top | Persons | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Event |
- CSIRO - Albatross Bay fish study 1986-1988, more
- CSIRO - Arafura Sea shark surveys (Rachel cruises 1984-1985), more
- CSIRO - Marine Data Warehouse, more
- CSIRO - Prawn bycatch survey, Torres Strait, Gulf of Carpentaria and Arafura Sea, 1997-199, more
- CSIRO - SE Fishery habitat & ecosystem study 1993-1996, more
- CSIRO - Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 02/2007, biodiversity survey for SE Marine Protected Areas including the Tasmanian Sea Mounts Marine Reserve, more
- CSIRO - Southern Surveyor Voyage SS 05/2007, benthic biodiversity of the deep continental shelf and slope in Australia's NW region, more
- CSIRO - Southern Surveyor voyage SS 01/2000, SE large marine domain and the Great Australian Bight, more
- CSIRO - Southern Surveyor voyage SS 01/91, WA coast deepwater invertebrate study, more
- CSIRO - Southern Surveyor voyage SS 01/97, Tasmanian Seamounts study, more
- CSIRO - Southern Surveyor voyage SS 02/94, ichthyoplankton survey, more
- CSIRO - Southern Surveyor voyage SS 10/2005, benthic biodiversity of the deep continental shelf and slope in Australia's SW region, more
- CSIRO - Soviet Fishery surveys in Australian waters 1965-78, more
- Klaer, N.; (2020): HMAP Dataset 01: SE Australian Trawl Fishery I: Fish (various) landings and fishing effort, South East Australia, 1918-1923 in Nicholls, J, Breen, R & Yang, Z. (comp.). HMAP Data (, more
- N. Klaer ed. 'South East Australian Trawl Records, 1937-1943' in J.H Nicholls (comp.) HMAP Data Pages (, more
- N. Klaer ed. 'South East Australian Trawl Records, 1951-1957' in J.H Nicholls (comp.) HMAP Data Pages (, more
- NORFANZ - biodiversity survey 2003, Norfolk Ridge and Lord Howe Rise, more
- Pillans R. 2016. Ningaloo Outlook Whale Shark tracking. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP ( on yyyy-mm-dd., more
- SRFME - Perth region algal biomass 2003-2005, more
- Sweatman HPA, Cheal AJ, Coleman GJ, Emslie MJ, Johns K, Jonker M, Miller IR and Osborne K (2008) Long-term Monitoring of the Great Barrier reef, Status Report. 8. Australian Institute of Marine Science. 369 p., more
- Vanderklift M. 2016. Bardi Jawi turtle tagging and tracking. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP ( on yyyy-mm-dd., more
- Vanderklift M. 2016. Ningaloo Outlook turtle tracking. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP ( on yyyy-mm-dd., more
- Woods B, Trebilco R, Walters A, Hindell M, Duhamel G, Flores H, Moteki M, Pruvost P, Reiss C, Saunders R, Sutton C, Gan Y, Van de Putte A (2023). Myctobase, a circumpolar database of mesopelagic fishes for new insights into deep pelagic prey fields - data. Version 1.1. SCAR - AntOBIS. Samplingevent dataset., more
- Zarco Perello S, Moreno Mendoza R, Simões N (2014) Checklist of Fishes from Madagascar Reef, Campeche Bank, México. Biodiversity Data Journal 2: e1100. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.2.e1100, more