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Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee; Ocean Sciences (OCS), more
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Publications (13) |
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A1 Publications (11) [show] |
Hoerstmann, C.; Aguiar-González, B.; Barrillon, S.; Carpaneto Bastos, C.; Grosso, O.; Pérez-Hernández, M.D.; Doglioli, A.M.; Petrenko, A.A.; Carracedo, L.I.; Benavides, M. (2024). Nitrogen fixation in the North Atlantic supported by Gulf Stream eddy-borne diazotrophs. Nature Geoscience 17(11): 1141-1147., more
- Morris, T.; Aguiar-González, B.; Ansorge, I.; Hermes, J. (2019). Lagrangian evolution of two Madagascar cyclonic eddies: Geometric properties, vertical structure, and fluxes. JGR: Oceans 124(11): 8193-8218., more
Dilmahamod, A. F.; Aguiar-González, B.; Penven, P.; Reason, C.J.C.; de Ruijter, W. P. M.; Malan, N.; Hermes, C.J. (2018). SIDDIES Corridor: A major East-West pathway of long-lived surface and subsurface eddies crossing the subtropical South Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans 123(8): 5406-5425. , more
- Barceló-Llull, B.; Sangrà, P.; Pallàs-Sanz, E.; Barton, E.D.; Estrada-Allis, S.N.; Martínez-Marrero, A.; Aguiar-González, B.; Grisolía, D.; Gordo, C.; Rodríguez-Santana, Á.; Márrero-Díaz, A.; Aristegui, J. (2017). Anatomy of a subtropical intrathermocline eddy. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 124: 126-139., more
- Sangrà, P.; Stegner, A.; Hernández-Arencibia, Mónica; Márrero-Díaz, A.; Salinas, C.; Aguiar-González, B.; Henríquez-Pastene, C.H.; Mouriño-Carballido, B. (2017). The Bransfield Gravity Current. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 119: 1-15., more
- Voldsund, A.; Aguiar-González, B.; Gammelsrød, T.; Krakstad, J.-O.; Ullgren, J. (2017). Observations of the East Madagascar Current system: Dynamics and volume transports. J. Mar. Res. 75(4): 531-555., more
- Aguiar-González, B.; Ponsoni, L.; Ridderinkhof, H.; van Aken, H.M; de Ruijter, W.P.M.; Maas, L (2016). Seasonal variation of the South Indian tropical gyre. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 110: 123–140., more
Aguiar-González, B.; Gerkema, T. (2016). Limiting amplitudes of fully nonlinear interfacial tides and solitons. Nonlinear Process Geophys. 23: 285–305., more
Ponsoni, L.; Aguiar-González, B.; Ridderinkhof, H.; Maas, L. (2016).
The East Madagascar Current: Volume Transport and Variability Based on Long-Term Observations. J. Phys. Oceanogr. 46: 1045-1065., more
Ponsoni, L.; Aguiar-Gonzáles, B.; Maas, L.R.M.; van Aken, H.M.; Ridderinkhof, H. (2015). Long-term observations of the East Madagascar Undercurrent. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 100: 64-78., more
Ponsoni, L.; Aguiar-Gonzáles, B.; Nauw, J.; Ridderinkhof, H.; Maas, L.R.M. (2015). First observational evidence of a North Madagascar Undercurrent. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans 72: 12-20., more
Thesis [show] |
Aguiar Gonzalez, B. (2013). Breeze-forced oscillations and strongly nonlinear tide-generated internal solitons. PhD Thesis. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: [s.l.]. 1-186 pp., more
Thesis (co-)promotor [show] |