LifeWatch Jerico-Next Flow Cytometry Data Analysis Workshop 2020 | Lifewatch regional portal

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LifeWatch Jerico-Next Flow Cytometry Data Analysis Workshop 2020

From 5 to 6 March 2020, another LifeWatch Jerico-Next Flow Cytometry Data Analysis Workshop will be organized at VLIZ, in cooperation with ULB and CNRS-LOG. The goal of this workshop is to analyse the data from the joint LifeWatch-JericoNext cruise in May 2019, to couple the sensor data with the stations, and to identify spatial patterns in de phytoplankton communities in the Channel, southern North Sea, the Thames estuary and the Scheldt, Rhine and Meuse estuaries.

InnovOcean Site
Wandelaarkaai 7
8400 Oostende
Jeudi, mars 5, 2020 - 09:00 - Vendredi, mars 6, 2020 - 17:00