LifeWatch Belgium Publications
The graph below shows the number of publications facilitated by the Belgian LifeWatch Infrastructure. The bar chart [blue] represents the total number of publications for each year, since 2012 (start of LifeWatch Belgium). The line graph [orange] represents the cumulative number of publications since 2012. Each of the publications counted makes use of one of the data or infrastructure components of LifeWatch Belgium: (1) LifeWatch Marine Data Archeology; (2) LifeWatch Observatory; (3) LifeWatch Species Information Backbone: EurOBIS; (4) LifeWatch Species Information Backbone: IRMNG; (5) LifeWatch Species Information Backbone: Marine Regions; (6) LifeWatch Species Information Backbone: OBIS-cited publications; and (7) LifeWatch Species Information Backbone: WoRMS.