Publications (10) |
Top | Institute | Publications |
A1 Publications (2) [show] |
Delaney, A.E.; McLay, H.A.; Van Densen, W.L.T. (2007). Influences of discourse on decision-making in EU fisheries management: the case of North Sea cod (Gadus morhua). ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 64(4): 804-810., more
Schwach, V.; Bailly, D.; Christensen, A.-S.; Delaney, A.E.; Degnbol, P.; Van Densen, W.L.T.; Holm, P.; McLay, H.A.; Nielsen, K.N.; Pastoors, M.A.; Reeves, S.A.; Wilson, D.C. (2007). Policy and knowledge in fisheries management: a policy brief. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 64(4): 798-803., more
Book [show] |
- Heip, C.H.R.; Hummel, H.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Appeltans, W.; Arvanitidis, C.; Aspden, R.; Austen, M.; Boero, F.; Bouma, T.J.; Boxshall, G.; Buchholz, F.; Crowe, T.; Delaney, A.E.; Deprez, T.; Emblow, C.; Feral, J.-P.; Gasol, J.M.; Gooday, A.J.; Harder, J.; Ianora, A.; Kraberg, A.C.; MacKenzie, B.R.; Ojaveer, H.; Paterson, D.; Rumohr, H.; Schiedek, D.; Sokolowski, A.; Somerfield, P.J.; Sousa Pinto, I.; Vincx, M.; Weslawski, J.M.; Nash, R. (2009). Marine biodiversity & ecosystem functioning. MarBEF EU Network of Excellence: Dublin. 100 pp., more
Abstract [show] |
Austen, M.; Delaney, A.E.; Mangi, B.N.J.; Holm, P.; Marboe, A.; Atkins, J.; Burdon, D.; Davis, C.; Degraer, S.; Derous, S.; Dentinho, S.T.; Ressurreição, A.; Jones, G.E.; Kaiser, M.; Zarzycki, T. (2008). Integrating valuation methodologies at European case study sites, in: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Valencia, Spain, 11-15 November 2008: book of abstracts. pp. 1, more
Reports (5) [show] |
Barrat, K.; Bell, E.; Carlshamre, S.; Davie, S.; Demaneche, S.; Dolder, P.; Holmes, S.; Jardim, E.; Kempf, A.; Kovsars, M.; Lövgren, J.; O’Hea, B.; Radtke, K.; Raid, T.; Silva, C.; Van der Kamp, P.; Vermand, Y.; Mitrakis, N.; Casey, J.; Abella, J.A.; Andersen, J.L.; Bailey, N.; Bertignac, M.; Cardinale, M.; Curtis, H.; Daskalov, G.M.; Delaney, A.E.; Döring, R.; García-Rodriguez, M.; Gascuel, D.; Graham, N.; Gustavsson, T.K.-E.; Jennings, S.; Kenny, A.; Kirkegaard, E.; Kraak, S.; Kuikka, S.; Malvarosa, L.; Martin, P.; Motova, A.; Murua, H.; Nowakowski, P.; Prellezo, R.; Sala, A.; Somarakis, S.; Stransky, C.; Théret, F.; Ulrich, C.; Vanhee, W.; Van Oostenbrugge, H. (2011). Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries. Evaluation of fishing effort regimes - Deep sea and Western waters (STECF-11-12). JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg. ISBN 978-92-79-22039-5. 142 pp., more
Casey, J.; Abella, J.A.; Andersen, J.L.; Bailey, N.; Bertignac, M.; Cardinale, M.; Curtis, H.; Daskalov, G.M.; Delaney, A.E.; Di Natale, A.; Döring, R.; García-Rodriguez, M.; Gascuel, D.; Graham, N.; Gustavsson, T.K.-E.; Jennings, S.; Kenny, A.; Kirkegaard, E.; Kraak, S.; Kuikka, S.; Malvarosa, L.; Martin, P.; Motova, A.; Murua, H.; Nowakowski, P.; Prelezzo, R.; Sala, A.; Somarakis, S.; Stransky, C.; Théret, F.; Ulrich, C.; Vanhee, W.; Van Oostenbrugge, H.; Guillén, J.; Rätz, H.-J.; Simmonds, E.J.; Virtanen, J. (2011). 36th plenary meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-11-01). JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg. ISBN 978-92-79-20170-7. 77 pp., more
Casey, J.; Abella, J.A.; Andersen, J.L.; Bailey, N.; Bertignac, M.; Cardinale, M.; Curtis, H.; Daskalov, G.M.; Delaney, A.E.; di Natale, A.; Döring, R.; García-Rodriguez, M.; Gascuel, D.; Graham, N.; Gustavsson, T.K.-E.; Jennings, S.; Kenny, A.; Kirkegaard, E.; Kraak, S.; Kuikka, S.; Malvarosa, L.; Martin, P.; Motova, A.; Murua, H.; Nowakowski, P.; Prelezzo, R.; Sala, A.; Somarakis, S.; Stransky, C.; Théret, F.; Ulrich, C.; Vanhee, W.; Van Oostenbrugge, H.; Rätz, H.-J.; Simmonds, E.J. (2011). 37th plenary meeting report of the scientific, technical and economic committee for fisheries (PLEN-11-02). JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg. ISBN 978-92-79-20809-6. 90 pp., more
Casey, J.; Abella, J.A.; Andersen, J.L.; Bailey, N.; Bertignac, M.; Cardinale, M.; Curtis, H.; Daskalov, G.M.; Delaney, A.E.; di Natale, A.; Döring, R.; García-Rodriguez, M.; Gascuel, D.; Graham, N.; Gustavsson, T.K.-E.; Jennings, S.; Kenny, A.; Kirkegaard, E.; Kraak, S.; Kuikka, S.; Malvarosa, L.; Martin, P.; Motova, A.; Murua, H.; Nowakowski, P.; Prelezzo, R.; Sala, A.; Somarakis, S.; Stransky, C.; Théret, F.; Ulrich, C.; Vanhee, W.; Van Oostenbrugge, H.; Simmonds, E.J.; Rätz, H.-J.; Jardim, E.; Virtanen, J. (2011). 38th plenary meeting report of the scientific, technical and economic committee for fisheries (PLEN-11-03). JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg. ISBN 978-92-79-22036-4. 101 pp., more
Casey, J.; Abella, J.A.; Andersen, J.L.; Bailey, N.; Bertignac, M.; Cardinale, M.; Curtis, H.; Daskalov, G.M.; Delaney, A.E.; di Natale, A.; Döring, R.; García-Rodriguez, M.; Gascuel, D.; Graham, N.; Gustavsson, T.K.-E.; Jennings, S.; Kenny, A.; Kirkegaard, E.; Kraak, S.; Kuikka, S.; Malvarosa, L.; Martin, P.; Motova, A.; Murua, H.; Nowakowski, P.; Prelezzo, R.; Sala, A.; Somarakis, S.; Stransky, C.; Théret, F.; Ulrich, C.; Vanhee, W.; Van Oostenbrugge, H. (2011). 38th plenary meeting report of the scientific, technical and economic committee for fisheries (PLEN-11-03). Corrigendum. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, 67886. Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg. ISBN 978-92-79-22332-7. 8 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
Mangi, S.; Delaney, A.E.; Austen, M. (2008). The role of marine biodiversity in directly providing goods and services. MarBEF Newsletter 8: 7-9, more