Institute |
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Wageningen University and Research Centre; Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies; Vestiging Den Helder, more
Function: researcher
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Tel.: +31-(0)317-48 25 37
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Publications (7) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Dataset |
A1 Publications (3) [show] |
McQuatters-Gollop, A.; Guérin, L.; Arroyo, N.L.; Aubert, A.; Artigas, L.F.; Bedford, J.; Corcoran, E.; Dierschke, V.; Elliott, S.A.M.; Geelhoed, S.C.V.; Gilles, A.; González-Irusta, J.M.; Haelters, J.; Johansen, M.; Le Loc'h, F.; Lynam, C.P.; Niquil, N.; Meakins, B.; Mitchell, I.; Padegimas, B.; Pesch, R.; Preciado, I.; Rombouts, I.; Safi, G.; Schmitt, P.; Schückel, U.; Serrano, A.; Stebbing, P.; de la Torriente, A.; Vina-Herbon, C. (2022). Assessing the state of marine biodiversity in the Northeast Atlantic. Ecol. Indic. 141: 109148., more
van der Boog, C.G.; de Jong, M.F.; Scheidat, M.; Leopold, M.F.; Geelhoed, S.C.V.; Schulz, K.; Dijkstra, H.A.; Pietrzak, J.D.; Katsman, C.A. (2019). Hydrographic and biological survey of a surface‐intensified anticyclonic eddy in the Caribbean Sea. JGR: Oceans 124(8): 6235-6251., more
Gilles, A.; Viquerat, S.; Becker, E.A.; Forney, K.A.; Geelhoed, S.C.V.; Haelters, J.; Nabe-Nielsen, J.; Scheidat, M.; Siebert, U.; Sveegaard, S.; van Beest, F.M.; van Bemmelen, R.; Aarts, G. (2016). Seasonal habitat-based density models for a marine top predator, the harbor porpoise, in a dynamic environment. Ecosphere 7(6): e01367., more
Peer reviewed publications (2) [show] |
Geelhoed, S.C.V.; Scheidat, M.; van Bemmelen, R.S.A.; Aarts, G. (2013). Abundance of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) on the Dutch Continental Shelf, aerial surveys in July 2010-March 2011. Lutra 56(1): 45-57, more
- Geelhoed, S.; Leopold, M.; Camphuysen, K. (2009). Alk Alca torda met halfwas jong op het Friese front, juli 2009 = Razorbill with chick on the Frisian front. Sula 22(2): 87-89, more
Reports (2) [show] |
Murphy, S.; Tougaard, J.; Wilson, B.; Benjamins, S.; Haelters, J.; Lucke, K.; Werner, S.; Brensing, K.; Thompson, D.; Hastie, G.; Geelhoed, S.; Braeger, S.; Lees, G.; Davies, I.; Graw, K.-U.; Pinn, E. (2012). Assessment of the marine renewables industry in relation to marine mammals: synthesis of work undertaken by the ICES Working Group on Marine Mammal Ecology (WGMME). International Whaling Commission: [s.l.]. 42 pp., more
Geelhoed, S.C.V.; Swaan, A.H. (2002). Ruiende Bergeenden in de Westerschelde. Bureau Fauna Onderzoek (BFO): Egmond-Binnen. 39 + bijlage pp., more