| Expertise> |
Taxonomic term: Mollusca [WoRMS]
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Institutes (4) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Dataset |
- Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Operationele Directie Taxonomie en Fylogenie; Afdeling Malacologie, more
Direct contact at institute:
Tel.: +32-(0)2-627 43 39
- Universiteit Antwerpen; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Departement Biologie; Onderzoeksgroep Evolutionaire Ecologie, more
Function: Professor
Direct contact at institute:
Tel.: +32-(0)3-265 34 69
- Unitas Malacologica, more
Function: President
- Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Operationele Directie Taxonomie en Fylogenie, more
Direct contact at institute:
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Projects (12) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Dataset |
- Tapes decussatus and T. philippinarum (Mollusca, Bivalvia), more
- Effecten van anthropogene stress (zware metalen, gechloreerde koolwaterstoffen en thermale vervuiling) op de genetische structuur van natuurlijke populaties van intertidale ongewervelden, more
- Fylogenie van de Typhloplanida en de Kalypthorhynchia (Plathelminthes) in een multidisciplinaire benadering, more
- Geïntegreerde, multidisciplinaire studie van speciatie en adaptatieve radiatie aan de hand van enkele zoölogische probleemgroepen uit terrestrische en lacustriene milieus. I, more
- Geïntegreerde, multidisciplinaire studie van speciatie en adaptatieve radiatie aan de hand van enkele zoölogische probleemgroepen uit terrestrische en lacustriene milieus. II, more
- Molecular phylogeny of invertebrates, more
- Niet-inheemse soorten in het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee en omliggende estuaria, more
- Phylogeography, population and eco-genetics of European marine and terrestrial molluscs, more
- Populatiegenetische structuur en cryptische diversiteit van vrijlevende mariene nematoden : beschrijving en implicaties voor het functioneren van populaties en ecosystemen., more
- Population genetics and morphological variation of Littorinidae, more
- Population genetics and phylogeny of periwinkle (Littorinidae, Gasteropoda), more
- Population genetics of European periwinkles (Mollusca, Gastropoda: Littorinidae), more
Dataset |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Dataset |
- Backeljau T, Reyserhove L, Desmet P (2019): Registry of introduced terrestrial molluscs in Belgium. v1.4. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Dataset/Checklist., more
Publications (137) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Dataset |
A1 Publications (99) [show] |
Mayk, D.; Peck, L.S.; Backeljau, T.; Harper, E.M. (2022). Shell thickness of Nucella lapillus in the North Sea increased over the last 130 years despite ocean acidification. Commun. Earth Environ. 3(1): 158. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s43247-022-00486-7, more
Mayk, D.; Harper, E.M.; Fietzke, J.; Backeljau, T.; Peck, L.S. (2022). 130 years of heavy metal pollution archived in the shell of the intertidal dog whelk, Nucella lapillus (Gastropoda, Muricidae). Mar. Pollut. Bull. 185(Part A): 114286. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114286, more
Aydin, M.; Biltekin, D.; Breugelmans, K.; Backeljau, T. (2021). First record, DNA identification and morphometric characterization of Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) in the southern Black Sea. Bioinvasions Records 10(4): 838-852. https://dx.doi.org/10.3391/bir.2021.10.4.08, more
De Wolf, K.; Vanderheyden, A.; Deblauwe, I.; Smitz, N.; Gombeer, S.; Vanslembrouck, A.; Meganck, K.; Dekoninck, W.; De Meyer, M.; Backeljau, T.; Müller, R.; Van Bortel, W. (2021). First record of the West Nile virus bridge vector Culex modestus Ficalbi (Diptera: Culicidae) in Belgium, validated by DNA barcoding. Zootaxa 4920(1): 131-139. https://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4920.1.7, more
Gombeer, S.; Nebesse, C.; Musaba, P.; Ngoy, S.; Peeters, M.; Vanderheyden, A.; Meganck, K.; Smitz, N.; Geers, F.; Van Den Heuvel, S.; Backeljau, T.; De Meyer, M.; Verheyen, E. (2021). Exploring the bushmeat market in Brussels, Belgium: a clandestine luxury business. Biodivers. Conserv. 30(1): 55-66. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10531-020-02074-7, more
Koudenoukpo, Z.C.; Odountan, O.H.; Agboho, P.A.; Dalu, T.; Van Bocxlaer, B.; Janssens de Bistoven, L.; Chikou, A.; Backeljau, T. (2021). Using self-organizing maps and machine learning models to assess mollusc community structure in relation to physicochemical variables in a West Africa river–estuary system. Ecol. Indic. 126: 107706. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107706, more
- Nsengimana, V.; Vanderheyden, A.; Gombeer, S.; Smitz, N.; Meganck, K.; De Meyer, M.; Backeljau, T.; Fisher, B.L.; Dekoninck, W. (2021). First record of the ant Pheidole megatron Fischer and Fisher, 2013 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from Rwanda. African Zoology 46(2): 157-161. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1080/15627020.2021.1901605, more
Smitz, N.; De wolf, K.; Gheysen, A.; Deblauwe, I.; Meganck, K.; De Witte, J.; Schneider, A.; Verlé, I.; Dekoninck, W.; Gombeer, S.; Vanderheyden, A.; De Meyer, M.; Backeljau, T.; Müller, R.; Van Bortel, W. (2021). DNA identification of species of the Anopheles maculipennis complex and first record of An. daciae in Belgium. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 35(3): 442-450. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1111/mve.12519, more
Smitz, N.; De Wolf, K.; Deblauwe, I.; Kampen, H.; Schaffner, F.; De Witte, J.; Schneider, A.; Verlé, I.; Vanslembrouck, A.; Dekoninck, W.; Meganck, K.; Gombeer, S.; Vanderheyden, A.; De Meyer, M.; Backeljau, T.; Werner, D.; Müller, R.; Van Bortel, W. (2021). Population genetic structure of the Asian bush mosquito, Aedes japonicus (Diptera, Culicidae), in Belgium suggests multiple introductions. Parasites & Vectors 14(1): 179. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13071-021-04676-8, more
Telesca, L.; Peck, L.S.; Backeljau, T.; Heinig, M.F.; Harper, E.M. (2021). A century of coping with environmental and ecological changes via compensatory biomineralization in mussels. Glob. Chang. Biol. 27(3): 624-639. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15417, more
Tessens, B.; Monnens, M.; Backeljau, T.; Jordaens, K.; Van Steenkiste, N.W.L.; Breman, F.C.; Smeets, K.; Artois, T.J.; Breman, F.C. (2021). Is 'everything everywhere'? Unprecedented cryptic diversity in the cosmopolitan flatworm Gyratrix hermaphroditus. Zoologica Scri. 50(6): 837-851. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/zsc.12507, more
Clark, M.S.; Peck, L.S.; Arivalagan, J.; Backeljau, T.; Berland, S.; Cardoso, J.C.R.; Caurcel, C.; Chapelle, G.; De Noia, M.; Dupont, S.; Gharbi, K.; Hoffman, J.I.; Last, K.S.; Marie, A.; Melzner, F.; Michalek, K.; Morris, J.; Power, D.M.; Ramesh, K.; Sanders, T.; Sillanpaa, K.; Sleight, V.A.; Stewart-Sinclair, P.J.; Sundell, K.; Telesca, L.; Vendrami, D.L.J.; Ventura, A.; Wilding, T.A.; Yarra, T.; Harper, E.M. (2020). Deciphering mollusc shell production: the roles of genetic mechanisms through to ecology, aquaculture and biomimetics. Biol. Rev. 95(6): 1812-1837. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1111/brv.12640, more
Dimzas, D.; Morelli, S.; Traversa, D.; Di Cesare, A.; Van Bourgonie, Y.R.; Breugelmans, K.; Backeljau, T.; di Regalbono, A.T.; Diakou, A. (2020). Intermediate gastropod hosts of major feline cardiopulmonary nematodes in an area of wildcat and domestic cat sympatry in Greece. Parasites & Vectors 13(1): 345. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13071-020-04213-z, more
- Horsák, M.; Naggs, F.; Backeljau, T. (2020). Paropeas achatinaceum (Pfeiffer, 1846) and other alien subulinine and opeatine land snails in European greenhouses (Gastropoda, Achatinidae). Malacologia 63(1): 123-130. https://dx.doi.org/10.4002/040.063.0112, more
Koudenoukpo, Z.C.; Odountan, O.H.; Van Bocxlaer, B.; Sablon, R.; Chikou, A.; Backeljau, T. (2020). Checklist of the fresh and brackish water snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda) of Bénin and adjacent West African ecoregions. ZooKeys 942(942): 21-64. https://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.942.52722, more
- Bayne, B.; d'Auriac, M.A.; Backeljau, T.; Beninger, P.; Boudry, P.; Carnegie, R.; Davis, J.; Guo, X.; Hedgecock, D.; Krause, M.; Langdon, C.; Lapegue, S.; Manahan, D.; Mann, R.; Powell, E.; Shumway, S. (2019). A scientific name for Pacific oysters. Aquaculture 499: 373-373. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2018.08.048, more
- Beninger, P.G.; Backeljau, T. (2019). Understanding taxonomic and nomenclatural instability – a case study of the Manila clam. Aquaculture 504: 375-379. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.02.016, more
Fourdrilis, S.; Backeljau, T. (2019). Highly polymorphic mitochondrial DNA and deceiving haplotypic differentiation: implications for assessing population genetic differentiation and connectivity. BMC Evol. Biol. 19: 92. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12862-019-1414-3, more
Fourdrilis, S.; Backeljau, T. (2019). Correction to: Highly polymorphic mitochondrial DNA and deceiving haplotypic differentiation: implications for assessing population genetic differentiation and connectivity. BMC Evol. Biol. 19(1): 103. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12862-019-1428-x, more
- Morris, J.P.; Backeljau, T.; Chapelle, G. (2019). Shells from aquaculture: a valuable biomaterial, not a nuisance waste product. Reviews in Aquaculture 11(1): 42-57. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/raq.12225, more
Fourdrilis, S.; de Frias Martins, A.M.; Backeljau, T. (2018). Relation between mitochondrial DNA hyperdiversity, mutation rate and mitochondrial genome evolution in Melarhaphe neritoides (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) and other Caenogastropoda. NPG Scientific Reports 8: 17964. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-36428-7, more
- Lange, M.K.; Penagos-Tabares, F.; Hirzmann, J.; Failing, K.; Schaper, R.; Van Bourgonie, Y.R.; Backeljau, T.; Hermosilla, C.; Taubert, A. (2018). Prevalence of Angiostrongylus vasorum, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Crenosoma vulpis larvae in native slug populations in Germany. Veterinary parasitology 254: 120-130. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.vetpar.2018.03.011, more
- Bayne, B.L.; Ahrens, M.; Allen, S.K.; D'auriac, M.A.; Backeljau, T.; Beninger, P.; Bohn, R.; Boudry, P.; Davis, J.; Green, T.; Guo, X.; Hedgecock, D.; Ibarra, A.M.; Kingsley-Smith, P.; Krause, M.; Langdon, C.; Lapegue, S.; Li, C.; Manahan, D.; Mann, R.; Perez-Paralle, L.; Powell, E.N.; Rawson, P.D.; Speiser, D.; Sanchez, J.-L.; Shumway, S.; Wang, H. (2017). The proposed dropping of the genus Crassostrea for all Pacific cupped oysters and its replacement by a new genus Magallana: A dissenting view. J. Shellfish Res. 36(3): 545-547. https://dx.doi.org/10.2983/035.036.0301, more
Gombeer, S.; Meganck, K.; Van Bourgonie, Y.R.; Smitz, N.; De Meyer, M.; Backeljau, T. (2017). Authenticating fish and seafood products for sale on the Belgian market, in: Scientific abstracts from the 7th International Barcode of Life Conference = Résumés scientifiques du 7e Conférence internationale « Barcode of Life », November 20-24, 2017 Kruger National Park, South Africa. Genome, 60(11): pp. 937, more
- Verheye, M.L.; Backeljau, T.; d'Udekem d'Acoz, C. (2017). Locked in the icehouse: evolution of an endemic Epimeria (Amphipoda, Crustacea) species flock on the Antarctic shelf. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 114: 14-33. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2017.05.013, more
Fourdrilis, S.; Mardulyn, P.; Hardy, O.J.; Jordaens, K.; de Frias Martins, A.M.; Backeljau, T. (2016). Mitochondrial DNA hyperdiversity and its potential causes in the marine periwinkle Melarhaphe neritoides (Mollusca: Gastropoda). PeerJ 4: 33 pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.7717/peerj.2549, more
- Morris, J.P.; Wang, Y.; Backeljau, T.; Chapelle, G. (2016). Biomimetic and bio-inspired uses of mollusc shells. Marine Genomics 27: 85-90. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.margen.2016.04.001, more
- Verheye, M.L.; Martin, P.; Backeljau, T.; D'Udekem D'Acoz, C. (2016). DNA analyses reveal abundant homoplasy in taxonomically important morphological characters of Eusiroidea (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Zoologica Scri. 45(3): 300-321. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/zsc.12153, more
- Verheye, M.L.; Backeljau, T.; d'Udekem d'Acoz, C. (2016). Looking beneath the tip of the iceberg: diversification of the genus Epimeria on the Antarctic shelf (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Polar Biol. 39(5): 925-945. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00300-016-1910-5, more
de Jong, Y.; Kouwenberg, J.; Boumans, L.; Hussey, C.; Hyam, R.; Nicolson, N.; Kirk, P.; Paton, A.; Michel, E.; Guiry, M.D.; Boegh, P.S.; Pedersen, H.A.; Enghoff, H.; von Raab-Straube, E.; Güntsch, A.; Geoffroy, M.; Müller, A.; Kohlbecker, A.; Berendsohn, W.; Appeltans, W.; Arvanitidis, C.; Vanhoorne, B.; Declerck, J.; Vandepitte, L.; Hernandez, F.; Nash, R.; Costello, M.J.; Ouvrard, D.; Bezard-Falgas, P.; Bourgoin, T.; Wetzel, F.T.; Glöckler, F.; Korb, G.; Ring, C.; Hagedorn, G.; Haüser, C.; Aktaç, N.; Asan, A.; Ardelean, A.; Vieira Borges, P.A.; Dhora, D.; Khachatryan, H.; Malicky, M.; Ibrahimov, S.; Tuzikov, A.; De Wever, A.; Moncheva, S.; Spassov, N.; Chobot, K.; Popov, A.; Borsic, I.; Sfenthourakis, S.; Kõljalg, U.; Uotila, P.; Olivier, G.; Dauvin, J.C.; Tarkhnishvili, D.; Chaladze, G.; Tuerkay, M.; Legakis, A.; Peregovits, L.; Gudmundsson, G.A.; Ólafsson, E.; Lysaght, L.; Galil, B.S.; Raimondo, F.M.; Domina, G.; Stoch, F.; Minelli, A.; Spungis, V.; Budrys, E.; Olenin, S.; Turpel, A.; Walisch, T.; Krpach, V.; Gambin, M.T.; Ungureanu, L.; Karaman, G.; Kleukers, R.M. J. C.; Stur, E.; Aagaard, K.; Valland, N.; Moen, T.L.; Bogdanowicz, W.; Tykarski, P.; Weslawski, J.M.; Kendra, M.; de Frias Martins, A.M.; Abreu, A.D.; Silva, R.; Medvedev, S.; Ryss, A.; Simic, S.; Marhold, K.; Stloukal, E.; Tome, D.; Ramos, M.A.; Valdés, B.; Pina, F.; Kullander, S.O.; Telenius, A.; Gonsenth, Y.; Tschudin, P.; Sergeyeva, O.; Vladymyrov, V.; Rizun, W.B.; Raper, C.; Lear, D.; Stoev, P.; Penev, L.; Rubio, A.C.; Backeljau, T.; Saarenmaa, H.; Ulenberg, S. (2015). PESI - a taxonomic backbone for Europe. Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e5848. http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.3.e5848, more
- Decraemer, W.; Backeljau, T. (2015). Utility of classical alpha-taxonomy for biodiversity of aquatic nematodes. J. Nematol. 47(1): 1-10, more
Raeymaekers, J.A.M.; Backeljau, T. (2015). Recurrent adaptation in a low-dispersal trait. Mol. Ecol. 24(4): 699-701. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/mec.13081, more
- Armenteros, M; Rojas-Corzo, A; Ruiz-Abierno, A; Derycke, S.; Backeljau, T.; Decraemer, W. (2014). Systematics and DNA barcoding of free-living marine nematodes with emphasis on tropical desmodorids using nuclear SSU rDNA and mitochondrial COI sequences. Nematology (Leiden) 16: 979-989. dx.doi.org/10.1163/15685411-00002824, more
Derycke, S.; Backeljau, T.; Moens, T. (2013). Dispersal and gene flow in free-living marine nematodes. Front. Zool. 10: 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1742-9994-10-1, more
Van Steenkiste, N.; Tessens, B.; Willems, W.; Backeljau, T.; Jondelius, U.; Artois, T. (2013). A comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Dalytyphloplanida (Platyhelminthes: Rhabdocoela) reveals multiple escapes from the marine environment and origins of symbiotic relationships. PLoS One 8(3): 1-13. dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0059917, more
- Casteleyn, G.; Leliaert, F.; Backeljau, T.; Debeer, A.-E.; Kotaki, Y.; Rhodes, L. L.; Lundholm, N.; Sabbe, K.; Vyverman, W. (2010). Limits to gene flow in a cosmopolitan marine planktonic diatom. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107(29): 12952-12957. dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1001380107, more
Derycke, S.; Vanaverbeke, J.; Rigaux, A.; Backeljau, T.; Moens, T. (2010). Exploring the use of cytochrome oxidase c Subunit 1 (COI) for DNA barcoding of free-living marine nematodes. PLoS One 5(10): e13716. dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0013716, more
- Van den Broeck, H.; De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T.; Blust, R. (2010). Effect of metal accumulation on metallothionein level and condition of the periwinkle Littorina littorea along the Scheldt estuary (the Netherlands). Environ. Pollut. 158(5): 1791-1799. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2009.11.004, more
- Avila, S.P.; da Silva, C.M.; Schiebel, R.; Cecca, F.; Backeljau, T.; Martins, A.M.D. (2009). How did they get here? The biogeography of the marine molluscs of the Azores. Bull. Soc. Géol. Fr. 180(4): 295-307, more
- Casteleyn, G.; Evans, K.M.; Backeljau, T.; D'hondt, S.; Chepurnov, V.; Sabbe, K.; Vyverman, W. (2009). Lack of population genetic structuring in the marine planktonic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia pungens (Bacillariophyceae) in a heterogeneous area in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 156(6): 1149-1158. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-009-1157-6, more
- Guerra-Varela, J.; Colson, I.; Backeljau, T.; Breugelmans, K.; Hughes, R.; Rolan-Alvarez, E. (2009). The evolutionary mechanism maintaining shell shape and molecular differentiation between two ecotypes of the dogwhelk Nucella lapillus. Evolutionary Ecology 23(2): 261-280. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10682-007-9221-5, more
- Jordaens, K.; Dillen, L.; Backeljau, T. (2009). Shell shape and mating behaviour in pulmonate gastropods (Mollusca). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 96(2): 306-321. dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1095-8312.2008.01122.x, more
- Mikhailova, N.A.; Gracheva, Y.A.; Backeljau, T.; Granovitch, A.I. (2009). A potential species-specific molecular marker suggests interspecific hybridization between sibling species Littorina arcana and L. saxatilis (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda) in natural populations. Genetica 137(3): 333-340. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10709-009-9397-4, more
- Van den Broeck, H.; De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T.; Blust, R. (2009). Comparative assessment of reproductive impairment in the gastropod mollusc Littorina littorea along the Belgian North Sea coast. Sci. Total Environ. 407(8): 3063-3069. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.12.050, more
- Virgilio, M.; Fauvelot, C.; Costantini, F.; Abbiati, M.; Backeljau, T. (2009). Phylogeography of the common ragworm Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta: Nereididae) reveals cryptic diversity and multiple colonization events across its distribution. Mol. Ecol. 18(9): 1980-1994. dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-294X.2009.04170.x, more
- Derycke, S.; Remerie, T.; Backeljau, T.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vincx, M.; Moens, T. (2008). Phylogeography of the Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina species complex: evidence for long-distance dispersal, and for range expansions and restricted gene flow in the northeast Atlantic. Mol. Ecol. 17(14): 3306-3322. dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-294X.2008.03846.x, more
- Van den Broeck, H.; Breugelmans, K.; De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T. (2008). Completely disjunct mitochondrial DNA haplotype distribution without a phylogeographic break in a planktonic developing gastropod. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 153(3): 421-429. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-007-0820-z, more
- Derycke, S.; Backeljau, T.; Vlaeminck, C.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vincx, M.; Moens, T. (2007). Spatiotemporal analysis of population genetic structure in Geomonhystera disjuncta (Nematoda, Monhysteridae) reveals high levels of molecular diversity. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 151(5): 1799-1812. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-007-0609-0, more
- Derycke, S.; Backeljau, T.; Vlaeminck, C.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vincx, M.; Moens, T. (2007). Spatiotemporal analysis of population genetic structure in Geomonhystera disjuncta (Nematoda, Monhysteridae) reveals high levels of molecular diversity. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 151(5): 1799-1812. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-007-0609-0, more
- Derycke, S.; Hendrickx, F.; Backeljau, T.; D’Hondt, S.; Camphijn, L.; Vincx, M.; Moens, T. (2007). Effects of sublethal abiotic stressors on population growth and genetic diversity of Pellioditis marina (Nematoda) from the Westerschelde estuary. Aquat. Toxicol. 82(2): 110-119. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2007.02.002, more
Van den Broeck, H.; De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T.; Blust, R. (2007). Effects of environmental stress on the condition of Littorina littorea along the Scheldt Estuary (the Netherlands). Sci. Total Environ. 376(1-3): 346-358. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2007.01.081, more
- Derycke, S.; Backeljau, T.; Vlaeminck, C.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vincx, M.; Moens, T. (2006). Seasonal dynamics of population genetic structure in cryptic taxa of the Pellioditis marina complex (Nematoda: Rhabditida). Genetica 128(1-3): 307-321. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10709-006-6944-0, more
- Geenen, S.; Jordaens, K.; Backeljau, T. (2006). Molecular systematics of the Carinarion complex (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pulmonata): a taxonomic riddle caused by a mixed breeding system. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 89(4): 589-604. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1095-8312.2006.00693.x, more
- Virgilio, M.; Backeljau, T.; Abbiati, M. (2006). Mitochondrial DNA and allozyme patterns of Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta: Nereididae): the importance of small scale genetic structuring. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 326: 157-165. dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps326157, more
- Willems, W.R.; Wallberg, A.; Jondelius, U.; Littlewood, D.T.J.; Backeljau, T.; Schockaert, E.R.; Artois, T. (2006). Filling a gap in the phylogeny of flatworms: relationships within the Rhabdocoela (Platyhelminthes), inferred from 18S ribosomal DNA sequences. Zoologica Scri. 35(1): 1-17, more
- De Wolf, H.; Van den Broeck, H.; Qadah, D.; Backeljau, T.; Blust, R. (2005). Temporal trends in soft tissue metal levels in the periwinkle Littorina littorea along the Scheldt estuary, The Netherlands. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 50(4): 479-484, more
- Derycke, S.; Remerie, T.; Vierstraete, A.; Backeljau, T.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vincx, M.; Moens, T. (2005). Mitochondrial DNA variation and cryptic speciation within the free-living marine nematode Pellioditis marina. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 300: 91-103. dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps300091, more
Neira, C.; Decraemer, W.; Backeljau, T. (2005). A new species of Glochinema (Epsilonematidae, Nematoda) from the oxygen minimum zone off Baja California, NE Pacific and phylogenetic relationships at species level within the family. Cah. Biol. Mar. 46(2): 105-126. hdl.handle.net/10067/576370151162165141, more
- Willems, W.; Artois, T.; Vermin, W.; Backeljau, T.; Schockaert, E. (2005). “Typhloplanoida” (Platyhelminthes: Rhabdocoela) from the Indian Ocean, with the description of six new taxa. J. Nat. Hist. 39(19): 1561-1582, more
- Willems, W.R.; Artois, T.J.; Backeljau, T.; Schockaert, E.R. (2005). Typhloplanoida (Platyhelminthes, Rhabdocoela) from New Caledonia and eastern Australia, with the description of six new taxa. N.Z. J. Zool. 32: 79-98, more
- De Wolf, H.; Blust, R.; Backeljau, T. (2004). The population genetic structure of Littorina littorea (Mollusca: Gastropoda) along a pollution gradient in the Scheldt Estuary (The Netherlands) using RAPD analysis. Sci. Total Environ. 325(1-3): 59-69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitoten.2003.11.004, more
- De Wolf, H.; Handa, C.; Backeljau, T.; Blust, R. (2004). A baseline survey of intersex in Littorina littorea along the Scheldt Estuary, The Netherlands. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 48(5-6): 592-596. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2003.11.018, more
- De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T.; Blust, R. (2004). Sensitivity to cadmium along a salinity gradient in populations of the periwinkle, Littorina littorea, using time-to-death analysis. Aquat. Toxicol. 66(3): 241-253. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2003.09.006, more
- Willems, W.; Artois, T.; Vermin, W.; Backeljau, T.; Schockaert, E. (2004). Reports on the free-living Platyhelminthes from Australia: Typhloplanoida, with the description of three new taxa. Zool. Sci. 21: 333-341, more
- Bruyndoncx, L.; Jordaens, K.; Ysebaert, T.J.; Meire, P.; Backeljau, T. (2002). Molluscan diversity in tidal marshes along the Scheldt estuary (The Netherlands, Belgium). Hydrobiologia 474(1-3): 189-196. dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1016539905812, more
Brito, C.; Lourenco, P.; Medeiros, R.; Rebelo, J.F.; De Wolf, H.; Jordaens, K.; Backeljau, T. (2001). Radular myoglobin as a molecular marker in littorinid systematics (Caenogastropoda). J. Shellfish Res. 20(1): 411-414. https://hdl.handle.net/10067/386320151162165141, more
- De Wolf, H.; Ulomi, S.A.; Backeljau, T.; Pratap, H.B.; Blust, R. (2001). Heavy metal levels in the sediments of four Dar es Salaam mangroves: accumulation in, and effect on the morphology of the periwinkle, Littoraria scabra (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Environ. Int. 26: 243-249. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0160-4120(00)00113-6, more
- De Wolf, H.; De Coen, W.M.; Backeljau, T.; Blust, R. (2001). Intersex and sterility in the periwinkle Littorina littorea (Mollusca: Gastropoda) along the Western Scheldt estuary, the Netherlands. Mar. Environ. Res. 52(3): 249-255. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0141-1136(01)00097-6, more
- De Wolf, H.; Jordaens, K.; Reusens, E.; Blust, R.; Backeljau, T. (2001). Esterase variation in the periwinkle Littorina littorea, along the western and eastern Scheldt estuarium. Mar. Environ. Res. 52(4): 373-382. dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0141-1136(01)00091-5, more
De Wolf, H.; Blust, R.; Backeljau, T. (2001). Shell size variation in Littorina littorea in the western Scheldt estuary. J. Shellfish Res. 20(1): 427-430. hdl.handle.net/10067/386330151162165141, more
- Reise, H.; Zimdars, B.; Jordaens, K.; Backeljau, T. (2001). First evidence of possible outcrossing in the terrestrial slug Arion intermedius (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). Hereditas 134(3): 267-270. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1601-5223.2001.00267.x, more
- De Wolf, H.; Verhagen, R.; Backeljau, T. (2000). Large scale population structure and gene flow in the planktonic developing periwinkle, Littorina striata, in Macaronesia (Mollusca : Gastropoda). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 246(1): 69-83. dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0022-0981(99)00177-X, more
- De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T.; Blust, R. (2000). Heavy metal accumulation in the periwinkle Littorina littorea, along a pollution gradient in the Scheldt estuary. Sci. Total Environ. 262(1-2): 111-121. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0048-9697(00)00601-X, more
Jordaens, K.; De Wolf, H.; Willems, T.; Van Dongen, S.; Brito, C.; Martins, A.M.F.; Backeljau, T. (2000). Loss of genetic variation in a strongly isolated Azorean population of the edible calm, Tapes decussatus. J. Shellfish Res. 19(1): 29-34, more
- De Wolf, H.; Brito, C.; Van Dongen, S.; Backeljau, T. (1999). Did a heavy storm affect the aperture area of wave-exposed and sheltered Littorina striata? J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 79(6): 1129-1130. https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0025315499001411, more
- De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T.; Van Dongen, S.; Verhagen, R. (1998). Large-scale patterns of shell variation in Littorina striata, a planktonic developing periwinkle from Macaronesia (Mollusca: Prosobranchia). Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 131(2): 309-317. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s002270050324, more
- De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T.; Verhagen, R. (1998). Lack of significant esterase and myoglobin differentiation in the periwinkle, Littorina striata (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia). Hydrobiologia 378: 27-32. https://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1003269000946, more
- De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T.; Verhagen, R. (1998). Congruence between allozyme and RAPD data in assessing macrogeographical genetic variation in the periwinkle Littorina striata (Mollusca, Gastropoda). Heredity 81(Part 5): 486-492. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/sj.hdy.6884330, more
De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T.; Verhagen, R. (1998). Spatio-temporal genetic structure and gene flow between two distinct shell morphs of the planktonic developing periwinkle Littorina striata (Mollusca : Prosobranchia). Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 163: 155-163. https://dx.doi.org/10.3354/meps163155, more
- Desender, K.; Backeljau, T.; Delahaye, K.; De Meester, L. (1998). Age and size of European saltmarshes and the population genetic consequences for ground beetles. Oecologia 114(4): 503-513. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s004420050474, more
- Medeiros, R.; Serpa, L.; Brito, C.; De Wolf, H.; Jordaens, K.; Winnepenninck, B.; Backeljau, T. (1998). Radular myoglobin and protein variation within and among some littorinid species (Mollusca : Gastropoda). Hydrobiologia 378: 43-51, more
- Olabarria, C.; Timmermans, J.M.; Backeljau, T. (1998). Electrophoretic heterogeneity within and between flat periwinkles (Mollusca : Gastropoda) along an intertidal transect at Ria Ferrol, northwest Spain. Hydrobiologia 378: 11-19, more
- Van Riel, P.; Backeljau, T.; Brito, C.; Frias Martins, A.M.; Jordaens, K.; Verhagen, R. (1998). Systematics and conservation genetics of the endemic Leptaxinae (Mollusca, Pulmonata: Hygromiidae) in the Azores. J. Conch., Lond. Spec. Publ. 2: 309-310, more
- Winnepenninckx, B.; Steiner, G.; Backeljau, T.; De Wachter, R. (1998). Details of gastropod phylogeny inferred from 18S rRNA sequences. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 9(1): 55-63, more
- Winnepenninckx, B.; Backeljau, T. (1998). Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers in the periwinkle Littorina striata King & Broderip, 1832 (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Prosobranchia). Mol. Ecol. 7(9): 1253-1254, more
- Winnepenninckx, B.M.H.; Reid, D.G.; Backeljau, T. (1998). Performance of 18S rRNA in littorinid Phylogeny (Gastropoda : Caenogastropoda). J. Mol. Evol. 47(5): 586-596, more
- Winnepenninckx, B.M.H.; Backeljau, T.; Kristensen, R.M. (1998). Relations of the new phylum Cycliophora. Nature (Lond.) 393(6686): 636-638. dx.doi.org/10.1038/31377, more
- De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T.; Medeiros, R.; Verhagen, R. (1997). Microgeographical shell variation in Littorina striata, a planktonic developing periwinkle. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 129(2): 331-342, more
- Decraemer, W.; Gourbault, N.; Backeljau, T. (1997). Marine nematodes of the family Draconematidae (Nemata): a synthesis with phylogenetic relationships. Hydrobiologia 357: 185-202, more
- Mackey, L.Y.; Winnepenninckx, B.; De Wachter, R.; Backeljau, T.; Emschermann, P.; Garey, J.R. (1996). 18S rRNA suggests that Entoprocta are protostomes, unrelated to Ectoprocta. J. Mol. Evol. 42: 552-559. hdl.handle.net/10067/157710151162165141, more
- Backeljau, T.; Bouchet, P.; Gofas, S.; De Bruyn, L. (1994). Genetic variation, systematics and distribution of the venerid clam Chamelea gallina. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 74: 211-223. https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0025315400035773, more
Backeljau, T.; De Wolf, H.; Van Dongen, S.; Brito, C. (1994). Fourth International symposium on littorinid biology, Roscoff 19-25 september 1993: the phylogenetic relationships of Littorina striata as deduced from allozyme data. Cah. Biol. Mar. 35(2): 239-240, more
Backeljau, T.; Breugelmans, K.; Leirs, H.; Rodriguez, T.; Sherbakov, D.; Sitnikova, T.; Timmermans, J.M.; Van Goethem, J.L.; Verheyen, E. (1994). Application of isoelectric-focusing in molluscan systematics. The Nautilus 108(Suppl. 2): 156-167, more
De Wolf, H.; Van Dongen, S.; Brito, C.; Backeljau, T. (1994). Fourth International symposium on littorinid biology, Roscoff 19-25 september 1993: population genetics of Littorina striata at a microgeographical scale. Cah. Biol. Mar. 35(2): 243-244, more
Winnepenninckx, B.; Backeljau, T.; Dewachter, R. (1994). Small ribosomal-subunit RNA and the phylogeny of Mollusca. The Nautilus 108(Suppl. 2): 98-110, more
Backeljau, T.; Winnepenninck, B.; De Bruyn, L.; Reise, H. (1993). Cladistics and metazoan relationships, in: Chardon, M. et al. Third Belgian Congress of Zoology, 5-6 November 1993. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 123(Suppl. 1): pp. 4, more
- De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T.; Breugelmans, K.; Brito, C. (1993). Population genetics in Littorina striata on a microgeographical scale. Belg. J. Zool. 123(Suppl. 1): 22-23, more
- Winnepenninckx, B.; Backeljau, T.; Dewachter, R. (1993). Extraction of high-molecular-weight DNA from mollusks. Trends in genetics 9(12): 407, more
Winnepenninckx, B.; Backeljau, T.; Dewachter, R. (1993). Complete small ribosomal-subunit RNA sequence of the chiton acanthopleura-japonica (Lischke, 1873) (Mollusca, Polyplacophora). Nucleic Acids Res. 21(7): 1670. https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/21.7.1670, more
Peer reviewed publications (13) [show] |
Deblauwe, I.; Brosens, D.; De Wolf, K.; Smitz, N.; Vanslembrouck, A.; Schneider, A.; De Witte, J.; Verlé, I.; Dekoninck, W.; De Meyer, M.; Backeljau, T.; Gombeer, S.; Meganck, K.; Vanderheyden, A.; Müller, R.; Van Bortel, W. (2022). MEMO: Monitoring of exotic mosquitoes in Belgium. GigaByte 2022: 1-9. https://dx.doi.org/10.46471/gigabyte.59, more
- Backeljau, T. (2007). Mededeling - Wolrd Congress of Malacology (Antwerpen 15-20 juli 2007). Het Zeepaard 67(2): 60, more
- Backeljau, T.; Frias Martins, A.M.; Gosling, E.; Grahame, J.; Mill, P.; Brito, C.; Clarke, A.; Medeiros, R.; Small, M.; Wilding, C.; Wilson, I.; Winnepenninckx, B.; Clarke, R.; De Wolf, H. (2001). Periwinkles (Gastropoda, Littorinidae) as a model for studying patterns and dynamics of marine biodiversity. Bull. Kon. Belg. Inst. Natuurwet. Biologie 71(Suppl.): 43-65, more
Bruyndoncx, L.; Jordaens, K.; De Wolf, H.; Meire, P.; Backeljau, T. (2000). New records of Assiminea grayana Fleming, 1828, Myosotella myosotis (Draparnaud, 1801) and Pisidium subtruncatum Malm, 1855 (Mollusca: Gastropoda, Bivalvia) in the Scheldt estuary. Bull. K. Belg. Inst. Nat. Wet. 70: 103-106, more
Troncoso, J.S.; García, F.J.; Backeljau, T.; Urgorri, V. (1996). Faunistic and anatomical data on the Antarctic Opisthobranchia (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the collections of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. Bull. Kon. Belg. Inst. Natuurwet. Biologie 66: 29-40, more
- Risch, P.; Backeljau, T. (1989). On the occurrence of arion lusitanicus mabille, 1868 in Belgium (Mollusca, Pulmonata). Ann. Soc. R. Zool. Bel. 119(1): 25-38, more
Warmoes, T.; Backeljau, T.; De Bruyn, L. (1988). The littorinid fauna of the Belgian coast (Mollusca, Gastropoda). Bull. K. Belg. Inst. Nat. Wet. 58: 51-70, more
Backeljau, T. (1986). Lijst van de recente mariene mollusken van België. Studiedocumenten van het K.B.I.N. = Documents de Travail de l'I.R.Sc.N.B., 29. Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen: Brussel. 106 pp., more
- Backeljau, T.; De Meyer, M.; Janssens, L.; Liesse, H.; Proesmans, R. (1986). The bivalve molluscs of Varangerfjorden (northern Norway). Fauna Norv. (Ser. A) 7: 1-9, more
- Backeljau, T.; De Meyer, M.; Janssens, L.; Proesmans, R. (1984). The systematics and distribution of Altenaeum dawsoni (Jeffreys, 1864) with special reference to some new records from northern Norway (Mollusca, Bivalvia: Condylocardiidae?). Sarsia 69: 205-209, more
- Backeljau, T.; De Meyer, M.; Janssens, L.; Proesmans, R. (1984). Prosobranch and shelled opistobranch molluscs from Store Ekkerøya, Varangerfjorden (northern Norway). Fauna Norv. (Ser. A) 5: 1-5, more
- Backeljau, T. (1982). Het genus Mya in Europa. Gloria Maris 21: 201-222, more
Backeljau, T. (1979). Een uitstapje naar De Panne. Gloria Maris 18(1): 26, more
Book chapters (9) [show] |
- Casteleyn, G.; Leliaert, F.; Backeljau, T.; Debeer, A.E.; Kotaki, Y.; Rhodes, L.; Lundholm, N.; Sabbe, K.; Vyverman, W. (2009). Macrogeographic population genetic differentiation in the cosmopolitan marine planktonic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia pungens var. pungens, in: Casteleyn, G. Species structure and biogeography of Pseudo-nitzschia pungens = Soortstructuur en biogeografie van Pseudo-nitzschia pungens. pp. 103-119, more
Derycke, S.; Backeljau, T.; Vlaeminck, C.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vincx, M.; Moens, T. (2007). Seasonal dynamics of population genetic structure in cryptic taxa of the Pellioditis marina complex (Nematoda: Rhabditida), in: Derycke, S. Patronen en processen in de genetische structuur van twee mariene nemarodentaxa Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina and Halomonhystera disjuncta): een moleculaire, morfologische en experimentele benadering = Patterns and processes in the genetic structure of two marine nematode taxa (Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina and Halomonhystera disjuncta): a molecular, morphology and experimental approach. pp. 41-63, more
Derycke, S.; Remerie, T.; Vierstraete, A.; Backeljau, T.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vincx, M.; Moens, T. (2007). Mitochondrial DNA variation and cryptic speciation within the free-living marine nematode Pellioditis marina, in: Derycke, S. Patronen en processen in de genetische structuur van twee mariene nemarodentaxa Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina and Halomonhystera disjuncta): een moleculaire, morfologische en experimentele benadering = Patterns and processes in the genetic structure of two marine nematode taxa (Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina and Halomonhystera disjuncta): a molecular, morphology and experimental approach. pp. 15-39, more
- Derycke, S.; Hendrickx, F.; Backeljau, T.; D’Hondt, S.; Camphijn, L.; Vincx, M.; Moens, T. (2007). Effects of sublethal abiotic stressors on population growth and genetic diversity of Pellioditis marina (Nematoda) from the Westerschelde estuary, in: Derycke, S. Patronen en processen in de genetische structuur van twee mariene nemarodentaxa Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina and Halomonhystera disjuncta): een moleculaire, morfologische en experimentele benadering = Patterns and processes in the genetic structure of two marine nematode taxa (Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina and Halomonhystera disjuncta): a molecular, morphology and experimental approach. pp. 158-177, more
Derycke, S.; Backeljau, T.; Vlaeminck, C.; Vierstraete, A.; Vanfleteren, J.; Vincx, M.; Moens, T. (2007). Spatiotemporal analysis of population genetic structure in Geomonhystera disjuncta (Nematoda, Monhysteridae) reveals high levels of molecular diversity, in: Derycke, S. Patronen en processen in de genetische structuur van twee mariene nemarodentaxa Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina and Halomonhystera disjuncta): een moleculaire, morfologische en experimentele benadering = Patterns and processes in the genetic structure of two marine nematode taxa (Rhabditis (Pellioditis) marina and Halomonhystera disjuncta): a molecular, morphology and experimental approach. pp. 65-87, more
- Backeljau, T. (2003). Introduction to topic one “Measuring, managing and conserving genetic resources in natural marine systems” (2), in: Hiscock, K. et al. (Ed.) Electronic conference on ‘Genetic biodiversity in marine ecosystems: measurement, understanding and management’: summary of discussions, 6 to 17 October, 2003. MARBENA Proceedings, 5: pp. 13-17, more
- Maltagliati, F.; Backeljau, T. (2003). Summary of discussions on topic 1: Measuring, managing and conserving genetic resources in natural marine systems, in: Hiscock, K. et al. (Ed.) Electronic conference on ‘Genetic biodiversity in marine ecosystems: measurement, understanding and management’: summary of discussions, 6 to 17 October, 2003. MARBENA Proceedings, 5: pp. 36-42, more
- Fiers, F.; Backeljau, T.; Willenz, P.; Verheyen, E.; Govaere, J.; Grootaert, P.; Baert, L.; Jocqué, R.; Snoeks, J. (1994). Diversity and speciation in the wider Caribbean, in: Vanderborght, O. et al. (Ed.) IGBP and 'Global Change' related research in Belgium II. pp. 38, more
- Goddeeris, B.; Martens, K.; Backeljau, T.; Martin, P.; Verheyen, E. (1994). Speciation in ancient lakes (Lake Baikal, Tanganyika and Nyassa/Malawi), in: Vanderborght, O. et al. (Ed.) IGBP and 'Global Change' related research in Belgium II. pp. 39, more
Abstracts (8) [show] |
Verheye, M.L.; Backeljau, T.; d’Udekem d’Acoz, C. (2017). Origin, dispersions and diversification dynamics of Epimeriidae and Iphimediidae (Amphipoda, Crustacea) from the Antarctic shelf, in: Van de Putte, A. (Ed.) Book of Abstracts: XIIth SCAR Biology Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 10-14 July 2017. pp. 118, more
Fourdrilis, S.; Prévot, V.; Monjardez, M.; Backeljau, T. (2014). Genetic structure and connectivity assessment with hyper-polymorphic data in a high-dispersal potential mollusk in North Atlantic, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 7 March 2014. VLIZ Special Publication, 67: pp. 59, more
- Derycke, S.; Backeljau, T.; Moens, T. (2011). The importance of genetic diversity for population persistence in the marine nematode Rhabditis marina investigated through field and laboratory experiments, in: World Conference on Marine Biodiversity 2011. Our Oceans, Our Future: Oral Abstract Booklet. pp. 90, more
Van den Broeck, H.; De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T.; Blust, R. (2007). Differences in shell morphology and reproductive impairment in Littorina littorea along the Belgian coast, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 60, more
Van den Broeck, H.; De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T.; Blust, R. (2005). Assessment of the myoglobin variation in the periwinkle Littorina littorea along the Scheldt estuary, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 62, more
Van den Broeck, H.; Breugelmans, K.; De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T. (2004). Macrogeographic mtDNA differentiation in the Macaronesian periwinkle, Littorina striata (Mollusca: Caenogastropoda), in: Mees, J. et al. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 73, more
Van Riel, P.; Breugelmans, K.; De Wolf, H.; Mikhailova, N.; Backeljau, T. (2004). Analysis of mitochondrial DNA variation via PCR-SSCP reveals micro- and macrogeographic genetic heterogeneity in the planktonic developing periwinkle, Melaraphe neritoides (Caenogastropoda, Littorinidae), in: Mees, J. et al. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 76, more
Backeljau, T. (1988). A faunistic survey of the Belgian marine molluscs: a first progress report, in: Wouters, K. et al. (Ed.) Symposium Invertebraten van België, samenvattingen, 25-26 nov. 1988. pp. 10, more
Other publications (5) [show] |
Backeljau, T. (2018). Crassostrea gigas or Magallana gigas: A community-based scientific response. National Shellfisheries Association Quarterly Newsletter 2018(1): 3, more
Vanderhoeven, S.; Adriaens, T.; Desmet, P.; Strubbe, D.; Backeljau, T.; Barbier, Y.; Brosens, D.; Cigar, J.; Coupremanne, M.; De Troch, R.; Eggermont, H.; Heughebaert, A.; Hostens, K.; Huybrechts, P.; Jacquemart, A.-L.; Lens, L.; Monty, A.; Paquet, J.-Y.; Prévot, C.; Robertson, T.; Termonia, P.; Van De Kerchove, R.; Van Hoey, G.; Van Schaeybroeck, B.; Vercayie, D.; Verleye, T.J.; Welby, S.; Groom, Q.J. (2017). Tracking Invasive Alien Species (TrIAS): building a data-driven framework to inform policy. Research Ideas and Outcomes 3: e13414. https://dx.doi.org/10.3897/rio.3.e13414, more
Bonnin, J.; Rodriguez Babio, C.R.; Backeljau, T.; Kerckhof, F.; Jonckheere, I. (1998). Contribution to the knowledge of Montacuta dawsoni Jeffreys, 1864 (Mollusca, Bivalvia: Galeommatoidea). De Strandvlo 18(4): 142-157, more
- De Wolf, H.; Backeljau, T.; Verhagen, R. (1998). Congruence between allozyme and RADP data in assessing macrogeographic genetic variation in the periwinkle Littorina striata (Mollusca, Gastropoda). Biol. Jb. Dodonaea 65: 135-136, more
- Desender, K.; Backeljau, T.; Delahaye, K.; De Meester, L. (1998). Age and size of European saltmarshes and its population genetic consequences: a case study on two ground beetle species. Biol. Jb. Dodonaea 65: 142, more
Thesis (co-)promotor (3) [show] |