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Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep landbouweconomie, more
Publications (16) |
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A1 Publications (13) [show] |
- Jacobs, S.; Sioen, I.; Pieniak, Z.; De Henauw, S.; Maulvault, A.L.; Reuver, M.; Fait, G.; Cano-Sancho, G.; Verbeke, W. (2015). Consumers' health risk-benefit perception of seafood and attitude toward the marine environment: Insights from five European countries. Environ. Res. 143(Part B): 11-19., more
- Pieniak, Z.; Vanhonacker, F.; Verbeke, W. (2013). Consumer knowledge and use of information about fish and aquaculture. Food Policy 40: 25-30., more
- Vanhonacker, F.; Pieniak, Z.; Verbeke, W. (2013). European consumer perceptions and barriers for fresh, frozen, preserved and ready-meal fish products. Br. Food J. 115(4): 508-525., more
- Vanhonacker, F.; Pieniak, Z.; Verbeke, W. (2013). European consumer image of farmed fish, wild fish, seabass and seabream. Aquacult. Int. 21(5): 1017-1033., more
Pérez-Cueto, F.J.A.; Pieniak, Z.; Verbeke, W. (2011). Attitudinal determinants of fish consumption in Spain and Poland. Nutr. Hosp. 26(6): 1412-1419, more
- Pieniak, Z.; Kolodziejczyk, M.; Kowrygo, B.; Verbeke, W. (2011). Consumption patterns and labelling of fish and fishery products in Poland after the EU accession. Food Control 22(6): 843-850., more
- Pieniak, Z.; Verbeke, W.; Olsen, S.O.; Hansen, K.B.; Brunsø, K. (2010). Health-related attitudes as a basis for segmenting European fish consumers. Food Policy 35(5): 448-455., more
- Pieniak, Z.; Verbeke, W.; Scholderer, J. (2010). Health-related beliefs and consumer knowledge as determinants of fish consumption. J. hum. nutr. diet. (Print) 23(5): 480-488., more
- Pieniak, Z.; Verbeke, W.; Brunsø, K.; Scholderer, J.; Olsen, S.O. (2009). Comparison between Polish and Western European fish consumers in their attitudinal and behavioural patterns. Acta Alimentaria 38(2): 179-192., more
- Pieniak, Z.; Verbeke, W.; Scholderer, J.; Brunsø, K.; Olsen, S.O. (2008). Impact of consumers' health beliefs, health involvement and risk perception on fish consumption: a study in five European countries. Br. Food J. 110(9): 898-915., more
Pieniak, Z.; Verbeke, W.; Perez-Cueto, F.; Brunsø, K.; De Henauw, S. (2008). Fish consumption and its motives in households with versus without self-reported medical history of CVD: a consumer survey from five European countries. BMC Public Health 8: 306., more
- Pieniak, Z.; Verbeke, W.; Scholderer, J.; Brunsø, K.; Olsen, S.O. (2007). European consumers' use of and trust in information sources about fish. Food Qual. Prefer. 18(8): 1050-1063, more
- Verbeke, W.; Sioen, I.; Pieniak, Z.; Van Camp, J.; De Henauw, S. (2005). Consumer perception versus scientific evidence about health benefits and safety risks from fish consumption. Public health nutr. (Wallingford) 8(4): 422-429., more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
Book chapter [show] |
- Pieniak, Z.; Verbeke, W.; Brunsø, K.; Olsen, S.O. (2006). Consumer knowledge and interest in information about fish, in: Luten, J.B. et al. (Ed.) Seafood research from fish to dish: quality, safety and processing of wild and farmed fish. pp. 229-239, more
Abstract [show] |
- Pieniak, Z.; Verbeke, W.; Brunsø, K.; Olsen, S.O. (2005). Consumer knowledge and interest in information about fish, in: Abstracts of the 35th WEFTA meeting 19-22 September 2005, Antwerp, Belgium. pp. 64, more