Datasets (7) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
- Keuter, S.; Zingone, A.; Frada, M.; The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences (IUI) & Silberman Institute of Life Sciences, Hebrew University: Israel; Stazione Zoologica 'Anton Dohrn' of Naples, Integrative Marine Ecology: Italy; (2020): Coccolithophore abundances at the monitoring station LTER Marechiara (Long-Term Ecosystem Research Marechiara) in the Gulf of Naples. Http://, more
- Lundholm, N.; Bernard, C.; Churro, C.; Escalera, L.; Hoppenrath, M.; Iwataki, M.; Larsen, J.; Mertens, K.; Moestrup, Ø.; Murray, S.; Salas, R.; Tillmann, U.; Zingone, A. (Eds) (2009 onwards). IOC-UNESCO Taxonomic Reference List of Harmful Micro Algae. Accessed at on yyyy-mm-dd, more
- Sarno, Diana; Zingone, Adriana (2008): MARECHIARA-phytoplankton long-term time-series (1984-2006) at the fixed coastal station in the Gulf of Naples, Southern Tyrrhenian Sea. Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn,, more
- Scalco, E., Sarno, D., Dimier, C., Picheral, M., Searson, S., Kandels-Lewis, S., Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators, Karsenti, E., Pesant, S., Bowler, C., Zingone, A.; (2020) Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction 20-180 micrometres, collected worldwide during the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) using a ring net and analysed by inverted light microscopy., more
- HABMAP-MED: Zingone Adriana, Gianluca Maio, Montresor Marina, Amany Ismael.(2005) HABMAP-MED Harmful Algal Blooms from the Mediterranean Sea. Version 1. Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn di Napoli. Napoli, Italy., more
- MACISTE: Zingone, A.; Conversano, F.; Iudicone, D.; Margiotta, F.; Mazzocchi, M.G.; Montresor, M.; Passarelli, A.; Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn; (2018) Marine Coastal Information SysTEm from LTER-MareChiara in the Gulf of Naples, more
- MC zooplankton - mesozooplankton at the Gulf of Naples, more
Publications (48) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
A1 Publications (41) [show] |
- Longobardi, L.; Dubroca, L.; Sarno, D.; Zingone, A. (2023). Global long-term observations reveal wide geographic divergence in coastal phytoplankton species niches. J. Plankton Res. 45(1): 163-179., more
Longobardi, L.; Dubroca, L.; Margiotta, F.; Sarno, D.; Zingone, A. (2022). Photoperiod-driven rhythms reveal multi-decadal stability of phytoplankton communities in a highly fluctuating coastal environment. NPG Scientific Reports 12(1): 3908., more
Cappelletto, M.; Santoleri, R.; Evangelista, L.; Galgani, F.; Garcés, E.; Giorgetti, A.; Fava, F.; Herut, B.; Hilmi, K.; Kholeif, S.; Lorito, S.; Sammari, C.; Campillos Lianos, M.; Celussi, M.; D’Alelio, D.; Francocci, F.; Giorgi, G.; Melaku Canu, D.; Organelli, E.; Pomaro, A.; Sannino, G.; Segou, M.; Simoncelli, S.; Babeyko, A.; Barbanti, A.; Chang-Seng, D.; Cardin, V.; Casotti, R.; Drago, A.; El Asmi, S.; Eparkhina, D.; Fichaut, M.; Hema, T.; Procaccini, G.; Santoro, F.; Scoullos, M.; Solidoro, C.; Trincardi, F.; Tunesi, L.; Umgiesser, G.; Zingone, A.; Ballerini, T.; Chaffai, A.; Coppini, G.; Gruber, S.; Knezevic, J.; Leone, G.; Penca, J.; Pinardi, N.; Petihakis, G.; Rio, M.-H.; Said, M.; Siokouros, Z.; Srour, A.; Snoussi, M.; Tintoré, J.; Vassilopoulou, V.; Zavatarelli, M. (2021). The Mediterranean Sea we want. Ocean and Coastal Research 69(suppl 1): e21031., more
- Di Capua, I.; Piredda, R.; Mazzocchi, M.G.; Zingone, A. (2021). Metazoan diversity and seasonality through eDNA metabarcoding at a Mediterranean long-term ecological research site. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 78(9): 3303-3316., more
Hallegraeff, G.M.; Anderson, D.M.; Belin, C.; Bottein, M.-Y.D.; Bresnan, E.; Chinain, M.; Enevoldsen, H.; Iwataki, M.; Karlson, B.; McKenzie, C.H.; Sunesen, I.; Pitcher, G.C.; Provoost, P.; richardson, A.; Schweibold, L.; Tester, P.A.; Trainer, V.L.; Yñiguez, A.T.; Zingone, A. (2021). Perceived global increase in algal blooms is attributable to intensified monitoring and emerging bloom impacts. Commun. Earth Environ. 2(1): 117., more
Keuter, S.; Young, J.R.; Koplovitz, G.; Zingone, A.; Frada, M.J. (2021). Novel heterococcolithophores, holococcolithophores and life cycle combinations from the families Syracosphaeraceae and Papposphaeraceae and the genus Florisphaera. J. Micropalaeontol. 40(2): 75-99., more
- Zingone, A.; Escalera, L.; Aligizaki, K.; Fernandez-Tejedor, M.; Ismael, A.; Montresor, M.; Mozetic, P.; Tas, S.; Totti, C. (2021). Toxic marine microalgae and noxious blooms in the Mediterranean Sea: A contribution to the Global HAB Status Report. Harmful Algae 102: 101843., more
Muelbert, J.H.; Nidzieko, N.J.; Acosta, A.T.R.; Beaulieu, S.E.; Bernardino, A.F.; Boikova, E.; Bornman, T.G.; Cataletto, B.; Deneudt, K.; Eliason, E.; Kraberg, A.; Nakaoka, M.; Pugnetti, A.; Ragueneau, O.; Scharfe, M.; Soltwedel, T.; Sosik, H.M.; Stanisci, A.; Stefanova, K.; Stéphan, P.; Stier, A.; Wikner, J.; Zingone, A. (2020). Corrigendum: ILTER – the International Long-Term Ecological Research network as a platform for global coastal and ocean observation. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 819., more
Caputi, L.; Carradec, Q.; Eveillard, D.; Kirilovsky, A.; Pelletier, E.; Pierella Karlusich, J.J.; Vieira, F.R.J.; Villar, E.; Chaffron, S.; Malviya, S.; Scalco, E.; Acinas, S.G.; Alberti, A.; Aury, J.-M.; Benoiston, A.-S.; Bertrand, A.; Biard, T.; Bittner, L.; Boccara, M.; Brum, J.R.; Brunet, C.; Busseni, G.; Carratalà, A.; Claustre, H.; Coelho, L.P.; Colin, S.; D’Aniello, S.; Da Silva, C.; Del Core, M.; Doré, H.; Gasparini, S.; Kokoszka, F.; Jamet, J.-L.; Lejeusne, C.; Lepoivre, C.; Lescot, M.; Lima-Mendez, G.; Lombard, F.; Lukeš, J.; Maillet, N.; Madoui, M.-A.; Martinez, E.; Mazzocchi, M.G.; Néou, M.B.; Paz-Yepes, J.; Poulain, J.; Ramondenc, S.; Romagnan, J.-B.; Roux, S.; Salvagio Manta, D.; Sanges, R.; Speich, S.; Sprovieri, M.; Sunagawa, S.; Taillandier, V.; Tanaka, A.; Tirichine, L.; Trottier, C.; Uitz, J.; Veluchamy, A.; Veselá, J.; Vincent, F.; Yau, S.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Searson, S.; Dimier, C.; Picheral, M.; Tara Oceans Coordinators; Bork, P.; Boss, E.; de Vargas, C.; Follows, M.J.; Grimsley, N.; Guidi, L.; Hingamp, P.; Karsenti, E.; Sordino, P.; Stemmann, L.; Sullivan, M.B.; Tagliabue, A.; Zingone, A.; Garczarek, L.; D’Ortenzio, F.; Testor, P.; Not, F.; d'Alcalà, M.R.; Wincker, P.; Bowler, C.; Iudicone, D. (2019). Community-level responses to iron availability in open ocean plankton ecosystems. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 33(3): 391-419., more
Muelbert, J.H.; Nidzieko, N.J.; Acosta, A.T.R.; Beaulieu, S.E.; Bernardino, A.F.; Boikova, E.; Bornman, T.G.; Cataletto, B.; Deneudt, K.; Eliason, E.; Kraberg, A.; Nakaoka, M.; Pugnetti, A.; Ragueneau, O.; Scharfe, M.; Soltwedel, T.; Sosik, H.M.; Stanisci, A.; Stefanova, K.; Stéphan, P.; Stier, A.; Wikner, J.; Zingone, A. (2019). ILTER – The International Long-Term Ecological Research network as a platform for global coastal and ocean observation. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 527., more
She, J.; Muñiz Piniella, A.; Benedetti-Cecchi, L.; Boehme, L.; Boero, F.; Christensen, A.; Crowe, T.; Darecki, M.; Nogueira, E.; Grémare, A.; Hernandez, F.; Kõuts, T.; Kromkamp, J.; Petihakis, G.; Sousa Pinto, I.; Reißmann, J.H.; Tuomi, L.; Zingone, A. (2019). An integrated approach to coastal and biological observations. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 314., more
Piredda, R.; Claverie, J.M.; Decelle, J.; de Vargas, C.; Dunthorn, M.; Edvardsen, B.; Eikrem, W.; Forster, D.; Kooistra, W.H.C.F.; Logares, R.; Massana, R.; Montresor, M.; Not, F.; Ogata, H.; Pawlowski, J.; Romac, S.; Sarno, D.; Stoeck, T.; Zingone, A. (2018). Diatom diversity through HTS-metabarcoding in coastal European seas. NPG Scientific Reports 8(1): 12 pp., more
Berdalet, E.; Tester, P.A.; Chinain, M.; Fraga, S.; Lemée, R.; Litaker, W.; Penna, A.; Usup, G.; Vila, M.; Zingone, A. (2017). Harmful algal blooms in benthic systems: Recent progress and future research. Oceanography 30(1): 36-45., more
Cianelli, D.; D’Alelio, D.; Uttieri, M.; Sarno, D.; Zingone, A.; Zambianchi, E.; Ribera d’Alcalà, M. (2017). Disentangling physical and biological drivers of phytoplankton dynamics in a coastal system. NPG Scientific Reports 7(1): 15 pp., more
- Piredda, R.; Sarno, D.; Lange, C.B.; Tomasino, M.P.; Zingone, A.; Montresor, M. (2017). Diatom resting stages in surface sediments: a pilot study comparing Next Generation Sequencing and Serial Dilution Cultures. Cryptogam., Algol. 38(1): 31-46., more
- Corriero, G.; Pierri, C.; Accoroni, S.; Alabiso, G.; Bavestrello, G.; Barbone, E.; Bastianini, M.; Bazzoni, A.M.; Bernardi Aubry, F.; Boero, F.; Buia, M.C.; Cabrini, M.; Camatti, E.; Cardone, F.; Cataletto, B.; Cattaneo-Vietti, R.; Cecere, E.; Cibic, T.; Colangelo, P.; de Olazabal, A.; D'Onghia, G.; Finotto, S.; Fiore, N.; Fornasaro, D.; Fraschetti, S.; Gambi, M.C.; Giangrande, A.; Gravili, C.; Guglielmo, R.; Longo, C.; Lorenti, M.; Lugliè, A.; Maiorano, P.; Mazzocchi, M.G.; Mercurio, M.; Mastrototaro, F.; Mistri, M.; Monti, M.; Munari, C.; Musco, L.; Nonnis-Marzano, C.; Padedda, B.M.; Patti, F.P.; Petrocelli, A.; Piraino, S.; Portacci, G.; Pugnetti, A.; Pulina, S.; Romagnoli, T.; Rosati, I.; Sarno, D.; Satta, C.T.; Sechi, N.; Schiaparelli, S.; Scipione, B.; Sion, L.; Terlizzi, A.; Tirelli, V.; Totti, C.; Tursi, A.; Ungaro, N.; Zingone, A.; Zupo, V.; Basset, A. (2016). Ecosystem vulnerability to alien and invasive species: a case study on marine habitats along the Italian coast. Aquat. Conserv. 26(2): 392-409., more
Malviya, S.; Scalco, E.; Audic, S.; Vincent, F.; Veluchamy, A.; Poulain, J.; Wincker, P.; Iudicone, D.; de Vargas, C.; Bittner, L.; Zingone, A.; Bowler, C. (2016). Insights into global diatom distribution and diversity in the world’s ocean. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113(11): E1516-E1525., more
Migliaccio, O.; Castellano, I.; Di Cioccio, D.; Tedeschi, G.; Negri, A.; Cirino, P.; Romano, G.; Zingone, A.; Palumbo, A. (2016). Subtle reproductive impairment through nitric oxide-mediated mechanisms in sea urchins from an area affected by harmful algal blooms. NPG Scientific Reports 6(26086): 14 pp., more
- de Vargas, C.; Audic, S.; Henry, N.; Decelle, J.; Mahé, F.; Logares, R.; Lara, E.; Berney, C.; Le Bescot, N.; Probert, I.; Carmichael, M.; Poulain, J.; Romac, S.; Colin, S.; Aury, J.-M.; Bittner, L.; Chaffron, S.; Dunthorn, M.; Engelen, S.; Flegontova, O.; Guidi, L.; Horák, A.; Jaillon, O.; Lima-Mendez, G.; Lukeš, J.; Malviya, S.; Morard, R.; Mulot, M.; Scalco, E.; Siano, R.; Vincent, F.; Zingone, A.; Dimier, C.; Picheral, M.; Searson, S.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Acinas, S.G.; Bork, P.; Bowler, C.; Gorsky, G.; Grimsley, N.; Hingamp, P.; Iudicone, D.; Not, F.; Ogata, H.; Pesant, S.; Raes, J.; Sieracki, M.E.; Speich, S.; Stemmann, L.; Sunagawa, S.; Weissenbach, J.; Wincker, P.; Karsenti, E. (2015). Eukaryotic plankton diversity in the sunlit ocean. Science (Wash.) 348(6237): 11 pp., more
- Harrison, P.J.; Zingone, A.; Mickelson, M.J.; Lehtinen, S.; Ramaiah, N.; Kraberg, A.C.; Sun, J.; McQuatters-Gollop, A.; Jakobsen, H.H. (2015). Cell volumes of marine phytoplankton from globally distributed coastal data sets. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 162: 130-142., more
- Jakobsen, H.H.; Carstensen, J.; Harrison, P.J.; Zingone, A. (2015). Estimating time series phytoplankton carbon biomass: Inter-lab comparison of species identification and comparison of volume-to-carbon scaling ratios. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 162: 143-150., more
Kopf, A.; Bicak, M.; Kottmann, R.; Schnetzer, J.; Kostadinov, I.; Lehmann, K.; Fernàndez-Guerra, A.; Jeanthon, C.; Rahav, E.; Ullrich, M.; Wichels, A.; Gerdts, G.; Polymenakou, P.; Kotoulas, G.; Siam, R.; Abdallah, R.Z.; Sonnenschein, E.; Cariou, T.; O'Gara, F.; Jackson, S.; Orlic, S.; Steinke, M.; Busch, J.; Duarte, B.; Caçador, I.; Canning-Clode, J.; Marteinsson, V.; Reynisson, E.; Loureiro, C.M.; Luna, G.M.; Quero, G.M.; Löscher, C.R.; Kremp, A.; DeLorenzo, M.E.; Øvreås, L.; Tolman, J.; LaRoche, J.; Penna, A.; Frischer, M.; Davis, T.; Barker, K.; Meyer, C.P.; Ramos, S.; Magalhães, C.; Jude-Lemeilleur, F.; Aguirre-Macedo, M.L.; Wang, S.; Poulton, N.; Jones, S.; Collin, R.; Fuhrman, J.A.; Conan, P.; Alonso, C.; Stambler, N.; Goodwin, K.; Yakimov, M.M.; Baltar, F.; Bodrossy, L.; Van de Kamp, J.; Frampton, D.M.F.; Ostrowski, M.; Van Ruth, P.; Malthouse, P.; Claus, S.; Deneudt, K.; Mortelmans, J.; Pitois, S.; Wallom, D.; Salter, I.; Costa, R.; Schroeder, D.C.; Kandil, M.M.; Amaral, V.; Biancalana, F.; Santana, R.; Pedrotti, M.L.; Yoshida, T.; Ogata, H.; Ingleton, T.; Munnik, K.; Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, N.; Berteaux-Lecellier, V.; Wecker, P.; Cancio, I.; Vaulot, D.; Bienhold, C.; Ghazal, H.; Chaouni, B.; Essayer, S.; Ettamimi, S.; Zaid, E.H.; Boukhatem, N.; Bouali, A.; Chahboune, R.; Barrijal, S.; Timinouni, M.; El Otmani, F.; Bennani, M.; Mea, M.; Todorova, N.; Karamfilov, V.; ten Hoopen, P.; Cochrane, G.; L'Haridon, S.; Bizsel, K.C.; Vezzi, A.; Lauro, F.M.; Martin, P.; Jensen, R.M.; Hinks, J.; Gebbels, S.; Rosselli, R.; De Pascale, F.; Schiavon, R.; dos Santos, A.; Villar, E.; Pesant, S.; Cataletto, B.; Malfatti, F.; Edirisinghe, R.; Herrera Silveira, J.A.; Barbier, M.; Turk, V.; Tinta, T.; Fuller, W.J.; Salihoglu, I.; Serakinci, N.; Ergoren, M.C.; Bresnan, E.; Iriberri, J.; Nyhus, P.A.F.; Bente, E.; Karlsen, H.E.; Golyshin, P.N.; Gasol, J.M.; Moncheva, S.; Dzhembekova, N.; Johnson, Z.; Sinigalliano, C.D.; Gidley, M.L.; Zingone, A.; Danovaro, R.; Tsiamis, G.; Clark, M.S.; Costa, A.C.; El Bour, M.; Martins, A.M.; Collins, R.E.; Ducluzeau, A.-L.; Martinez, J.; Costello, M.J.; Amaral-Zettler, L.A.; Gilbert, J.A.; Davies, N.; Field, D.; Glóckner, F.O. (2015). The ocean sampling day consortium. GigaScience 4: 27., more
- Villar, E.; Farrant, G.K.; Follows, M.; Garczarek, L.; Speich, S.; Audic, S.; Bittner, L.; Blanke, B.; Brum, J.R.; Brunet, C.; Casotti, R.; Chase, A.; Dolan, J.R.; D'Ortenzio, F.; Gattuso, J.P.; Grimal, N.; Guidi, L.; Hill, C.N.; Jahn, O.; Jamet, J.-L.; Le Goff, H.; Lepoivre, C.; Malviya, S.; Pelletier, E.; Romagnan, J.-B.; Roux, S.; Santini, S.; Scalco, E.; Schwenck, S.M.; Tanaka, A.; Testor, P.; Vannier, T.; Vincent, F.; Zingone, A.; Dimier, C.; Picheral, M.; Searson, S.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Acinas, S.G.; Bork, P.; Boss, E.; de Vargas, C.; Gorsky, G.; Ogata, H.; Pesant, S.; Sullivan, M.B.; Sunagawa, S.; Wincker, P.; Karsenti, E.; Bowler, C.; Not, F.; Hingamp, P.; Iudicone, D. (2015). Environmental characteristics of Agulhas rings affect interocean plankton transport. Science (Wash.) 348(6237): 11 pp., more
- Zingone, A.; Harrison, P.J.; Kraberg, A.; Lehtinen, S.; McQuatters-Gollop, A.; O'Brien, T.; Sun, J.; Jakobsen, H.H. (2015). Increasing the quality, comparability and accessibility of phytoplankton species composition time-series data. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 162: 151-160., more
- Smetacek, V.; Zingone, A. (2013). Green and golden seaweed tides on the rise. Nature (Lond.) 504(7478): 84-88., more
Degerlund, M.; Huseby, S.; Zingone, A.; Landfald, B. (2012). Functional diversity in cryptic species of Chaetoceros socialis Lauder (Bacillariophyceae). J. Plankton Res. 34(5): 416-431., more
- Zingone, A.; Forlani, G.; Percopo, I.; Montresor, M. (2011). Morphological characterization of Phaeocystis antarctica (Prymnesiophyceae). Phycologia 50(6): 650–660., more
Zenetos, A.; Gofas, S.; Verlaque, M.; Cinar, M.E.; García Raso, J.E.; Bianchi, C.N.; Morri, C.; Azzurro, E.; Bilecenoglu, M.; Froglia, C.; Siokou, I.; Violanti, D.; Sfriso, A.; San Martín, G.; Giangrande, A.; Katagan, T.; Ballesteros, E.; Ramos Esplá, A.A.; Mastrototaro, F.; Ocaña, O.; Zingone, A.; Gambi, M.C.; Streftaris, N. (2010). Alien species in the Mediterranean Sea by 2010. A contribution to the application of European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Part I. Spatial distribution. Mediterr. Mar. Sci. 11(2): 381-493., more
- Kooistra, W.H.C.F.; Sarno, D.; Balzano, S.; Gu, H.; Andersen, R.A.; Zingone, A. (2008). Global Diversity and Biogeography of Skeletonema Species (Bacillariophyta). Protist 159(2): 177-193., more
- McDonald, S.M.; Sarno, D.; Zingone, A. (2007). Identifying Pseudo-nitzschia species in natural samples using genus-specific PCR primers and clone libraries. Harmful Algae 6(6): 849-860., more
McDonald, S.M.; Sarno, D.; Scanlan, D.J.; Zingone, A. (2007). Genetic diversity of eukaryotic ultraphytoplankton in the Gulf of Naples during an annual cycle. Aquat. Microb. Ecol. 50(1): 75-89., more
- Medlin, L.; Zingone, A. (2007). A taxonomic review of the genus Phaeocystis. Biogeochemistry 83(1-3): 3-18., more
- Sarno, D.; Kooistra, W.H.C.F.; Balzano, S.; Hargraves, P.E.; Zingone, A. (2007). Diversity in the genus Skeletonema (Bacillariophyceae): III. Phylogenetic position and morphological variability of Skeletonema costatum and Skeletonema grevillei, with the description of Skeletonema ardens sp. nov. J. Phycol. 43(1): 156-170., more
- Cerino, F.; Zingone, A. (2006). A survey of cryptomonad diversity and seasonality at a coastal Mediterranean site. Eur. J. Phycol. 41(4): 363-378, more
- Cerino, F.; Orsini, L.; Sarno, D.; Dell'Aversano, C.; Tartaglione, L.; Zingone, A. (2005). The alternation of different morphotypes in the seasonal cycle of the toxic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia galaxiae. Harmful Algae 4(1): 33-48., more
Ribera d'Alcalà, M.; Conversano, F.; Corato, F.; Licandro, P.; Mangoni, O.; Marino, D.; Mazzocchi, M.G.; Modigh, M.; Montresor, M.; Nardella, M.; Saggiomo, V.; Sarno, D.; Zingone, A. (2004). Seasonal patterns in plankton communities in a pluriannual time series at a coastal Mediterranean site (Gulf of Naples): an attempt to discern recurrences and trends. Sci. Mar. (Barc.) 68(S1): 65-83., more
- Zingone, A.; Borra, M.; Brunet, C.; Forlani, G.; Kooistra, W.H.C.F.; Procaccini, G. (2002). The phylogenetic position of Crustomastix stigmatica sp. nov. and Dolichomastix tenuilepis in relation with the Mamiellales (Prasinophyceae, Chlorophyta). J. Phycol. 38: 1024-1039, more
Zingone, A.; Bora, M.; Brunet, C.; Forlani, G.; Kooistra, W.H.C.F.; Procaccini, G. (2002). Phylogenetic position of Crustomastix stigmatica sp. nov. and Dolichomastix tenuilepis in relation to the Mamiellales (Prasinophyceae, Chlorophyta). J. Phycol. 38: 1024-1039., more
- Zingone, A.; Chrétiennot-Dinet, M.-J.; Lange, M.; Medlin, L. (1999). Morphological and genetic characterization of Phaeocystis cordata and P. jahnii (Prymnesiophyceae), two new species from the Mediterranean Sea. J. Phycol. 35: 1322-1337., more
- Montresor, M.; Zingone, A.; Marino, D. (1998). Dinoflagellate cyst production at a coastal Mediterranean site. J. Plankton Res. 20: 2291-2312, more
- Montresor, M.; Zingone, A.; Sarno, D. (1993). The calcareous resting cyst of Pentapharsodinium tyrrhenicum comb. nov. (Dinophyceae). J. Phycol. 29: 223-230., more
Peer reviewed publication [show] |
- Ruggiero, M.V.; Kooistra, W.H.C.F.; Piredda, R.; Sarno, D.; Zampicinini, G.; Zingone, A.; Montresor, M. (2022). Temporal changes of genetic structure and diversity in a marine diatom genus discovered via metabarcoding. Environmental DNA 4(4): 763-775., more
Book chapters (2) [show] |
- Cerino, F.; Zingone, A. (2007). Decrypting cryptomonads: a challenge for molecular taxonomy, in: Brodie, J. et al. (Ed.) Unravelling the algae: the past, present, and future of algal systematics. The Systematics Association Special Volume Series, 75: pp. 197-214, more
- Zingone, A.; Wyatt, T. (2005). Harmful algal blooms: keys to the understanding of phytoplankton ecology, in: Robinson, A.R. et al. (Ed.) The global coastal ocean. Multiscale interdisciplinary processes. The sea: ideas and observations on progress in the study of the seas, 13: pp. 867-926, more
Abstracts (2) [show] |
Benedetti Cecchi, L.; Crowe, T.; Boehme, L.; Boero, F.; Christensen, A.; Grémare, A.; Hernandez, F.; Kromkamp, J.C.; Nogueira García, E.; Petihakis, G.; Sousa Pinto, I.; Zingone, A. (2018). European Marine Board expert Working Group's recommendations to Strengthen Europe's Capability in Biological Ocean Observations., in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 116, more
Saggiomo, M.; Mangoni, O.; Zingone, A. (2012). Diatom succession in bottom and platelet ice in a coastal area of Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica, in: Sabbe, K. et al. (Ed.) Twenty-second International Diatom Symposium, Aula Academica, Ghent, 26-31 August 2012. Abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 58: pp. 214, more
Report [show] |
Berdalet, E.; Tester, P.; Zingone, A. (Ed.) (2012). Global Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms. GEOHAB Core Research Project: HABs in benthic systems. GEOHAB: global ecology and oceanography of harmful algal blooms, 9. IOC/SCOR: Paris and Newark. 64 pp., more
Other publication [show] |
Garcés, E.; Zingone, A.; Montresor, M.; Reguera, B.; Dale, B. (Ed.) (2002). Report of the workshop on LIFEHAB: Life histories of microalgal species causing harmful blooms. Research in Enclosed Seas Series, 12. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg. 189 pp., more