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University of Helsinki; Tvärminne Zoological Station (TZS), more
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Publications (14) |
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A1 Publications (11) [show] |
Kauppi, L.; Göbeler, N.; Norkko, J.; Norkko, A.; Romero-Ramirez, A.; Bernard, G. (2023). Changes in macrofauna bioturbation during repeated heatwaves mediate changes in biogeochemical cycling of nutrients. Front. Mar. Sci. 9: 1070377., more
Roth, F.; Broman, E.; Sun, X.; Bonaglia, S.; Nascimento, F.; Prytherch, J.; Brüchert, V.; Lundevall Zara, M.; Brunberg, M.; Geibel, M.C.; Humborg, C.; Norkko, A. (2023). Methane emissions offset atmospheric carbon dioxide uptake in coastal macroalgae, mixed vegetation and sediment ecosystems. Nature Comm. 14(1)., more
- Hyytiäinen, K.; Bauer, B.; Bly Joyce, K.; Ehrnsten, E.; Eilola, K.; Gustafsson, B.G.; Meier, H.E.M.; Norkko, A.; Saraiva, S.; Tomczak, M.T.; Zandersen, M. (2019). Provision of aquatic ecosystem services as a consequence of societal changes: The case of the Baltic Sea. Popul. Ecol. 63(1): 61-74., more
- Meysick, L.; Ysebaert, T.; Jansson, A.; Montserrat, F.; Valanko, S.; Villnäs, A.; Boström, C.; Norkko, J.; Norkko, A. (2019). Context-dependent community facilitation in seagrass meadows along a hydrodynamic stress gradient. J. Sea Res. 150-151: 8-23., more
Snelgrove, P.V.R.; Soetaert, K.; Solan, M.; Thrush, S.; Wei, C.L.; Danovaro, R.; Kitazato, H.; Ingole, B.; Norkko, A.; Parkes, R.J.; Volkenborn, N. (2018). Global carbon cycling on a heterogeneous seafloor. Trends Ecol. Evol. 33(2): 96-105., more
- Valanko, S.; Norkko, J.; Norkko, A. (2015). Does stability in local community composition depend on temporal variation in rates of dispersal and connectivity? J. Sea Res. 98: 24-32., more
- Bonsdorff, E.; Laine, A.O.; Hänninen, J.; Vuorinena, I.; Norkko, A. (2003). Zoobenthos of the outer archipelago waters (N. Baltic Sea): the importance of local conditions for spatial distribution patterns. Boreal Env. Res. 8(2): 135-145, more
Cummings, V.; Thrush, S.; Hewitt, J.; Norkko, A.; Pickmere, S. (2003). Terrestrial deposits on intertidal sandflats: sediment characteristics as indicators of habitat suitability for recolonising macrofauna. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 253: 39-54., more
- Boström, C.; Bonsdorff, E.; Kangas, P.; Norkko, A. (2002). Long-term changes of a brackish-water eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) community indicate effects of coastal eutrophication. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 55(5): 795-804., more
- Hewitt, J.E.; Thrush, S.F.; Legendre, P.; Cummings, V.J.; Norkko, A. (2002). Integrating heterogeneity across spatial scales: interactions between Atrina zelandica and benthic macrofauna. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 239: 115-128., more
Norkko, A.; Cummings, V.J.; Thrush, S.F.; Hewitt, J.E.; Hume, T. (2001). Local dispersal of juvenile bivalves: implications for sandflat ecology. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 212: 131-144., more
Book chapters (3) [show] |
- Viitasalo, M.; Alenius, P.; Autio, R.; Haapala, J.; Kaartokallio, H.; Kahma, K.K.; Leppänen, J.-M.; Myrberg, K.; Norkko, A.; Poutanen, E.L. (2008). Suomen merentutkimuksen ydinkysymykset. Merentutkimuslaitos suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa = Central issues in Finnish marine research - The societal role of the Finnish Institute of Marine Research, in: Meri : report series of the Finnish Institute of Marine Research 65. MERI Report Series, 65: pp. 7-22, more
- Norkko, A.; Bonsdorff, E. (1996). Altered benthic prey-availability due to episodic oxygen deficiency caused by drifting algal mats, in: Dworschak, P.C. et al. (Ed.) Influences of Organisms on their Environment, the Role of Episodic Events: Proceedings of the 29th European Marine Biology Symposium Vienna, 29 August-2 September 1994. Marine Ecology (Berlin), 17(1-3): pp. 355-372, more
- Bonsdorff, E.; Norkko, A.; Boström, C. (1995). Recruitment and population maintenance of the bivalve Macoma balthica (L.): factors affecting settling success and early survival on shallow sandy bottoms, in: Eleftheriou, A. et al. (Ed.) Biology and ecology of shallow coastal waters. Proceedings of the 28th European Marine Biological Symposium, Crete, Greece, 23-28 September 1993. International Symposium Series, : pp. 253-260, more