Institutes (2) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects |
- Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Economie, Wetenschap en Innovatie; Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek; Teledetectie en Aardobservatieprocessen (TAP), more
Function: Scientist
Direct contact at institute:
- Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Economie, Wetenschap en Innovatie; Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (VITO), more
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Projects (3) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects |
- BELCOLOUR-2 : Optical remote sensing of marine, coastal and inland waters, more
- Operational Remote sensing Mapping of Estuarine Suspended sediment concentrations, more
- Plastic Flux for Innovation and Business Opportunities in Flanders, more
Publications (46) |
Top | Institutes | Publications | Projects |
A1 Publications (19) [show] |
Castagna, A.; Dierssen, H.M.; Devriese, L.I.; Everaert, G.; Knaeps, E.; Sterckx, S. (2024). Corrigendum to “Evaluation of historic and new detection algorithms for different types of plastics over land and water from hyperspectral data and imagery” [Remote Sensing of Environemnt 298 (2023) 113834]. Remote Sens. Environ. 300: 113916., more
Castagna, A.; Dierssen, H.; Devriese, L.; Everaert, G.; Knaeps, E.; Sterckx, S. (2023). Evaluation of historic and new detection algorithms for different types of plastics over land and water from hyperspectral data and imagery. Remote Sens. Environ. 298: 113834., more
De Keukelaere, L.; Moelans, R.; Knaeps, E.; Sterckx, S.; Reusen, I.; De Munck, D.; Simis, S.G.H.; Constantinescu, A.M.; Scrieciu, A.; Katsouras, G.; Mertens, W.; Hunter, P.D.; Spyrakos, E.; Tyler, A. (2023). Airborne drones for water quality mapping in inland, transitional and coastal waters—MapEO water data processing and validation. Remote Sens. 15(5): 1345., more
Bassani, C.; Sterckx, S. (2021). Calibration of satellite low radiance by AERONET-OC products and 6SV model. Remote Sens. 13(4): 781., more
Knaeps, E.; Sterckx, S.; Strackx, G.; Mijnendonckx, J.; Moshtaghi, M.; Garaba, S.P.; Meire, D. (2021). Hyperspectral-reflectance dataset of dry, wet and submerged marine litter. ESSD 13(2): 713-730., more
Moshtaghi, M.; Knaeps, E.; Sterckx, S.; Garaba, S.; Meire, D. (2021). Spectral reflectance of marine macroplastics in the VNIR and SWIR measured in a controlled environment. NPG Scientific Reports 11(1): 5436., more
Pahlevan, N.; Mangin, A.; Balasubramanian, S.V.; Smith, B.; Alikas, K.; Arai, K.; Barbosa, C.; Bélanger, S.; Binding, C.; Bresciani, M.; Giardino, C.; Gurlin, D.; Fan, Y.; Harmel, T.; Hunter, P.; Ishikaza, J.; Kratzer, S.; Lehmann, M.K.; Ligi, M.; Ma, R.; Martin-Lauzer, F.-R.; Olmanson, L.; Oppelt, N.; Pan, Y.; Peters, S.; Reynaud, N.; Sander de Carvalho, L.A.; Simis, S.; Spyrakos, E.; Steinmetz, F.; Stelzer, K.; Sterckx, S.; Tormos, T.; Tyler, A.; Vanhellemont, Q.; Warren, M. (2021). ACIX-Aqua: a global assessment of atmospheric correction methods for Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 over lakes, rivers, and coastal waters. Remote Sens. Environ. 258: 112366., more
De Keukelaere, L.; Sterckx, S.; Adriaensen, S.; Bhatia, N.; Monbaliu, J.; Toorman, E.; Cattrijsse, A.; Lebreton, C.; Van der Zande, D.; Knaeps, E. (2020). Coastal turbidity derived from PROBA-V global vegetation satellite. Remote Sens. 12(3): 463., more
Martínez-Vicente, Víctor; Clark, James R.; Corradi, Paolo; Aliani, Stefano; Arias, Manuel; Bochow, Mathias; Bonnery, Guillaume; Cole, Matthew; Cózar, Andrés; Donnelly, Rory; Echevarría, Fidel; Galgani, François; Garaba, Shungudzemwoyo P.; Goddijn-Murphy, Lonneke; Lebreton, Laurent; Leslie, Heather A.; Lindeque, Penelope K.; Maximenko, Nikolai; Martin-Lauzer, François-Régis; Moller, Delwyn; Murphy, Peter; Palombi, Lorenzo; Raimondi, Valentina; Reisser, Julia; Romero, Laia; Simis, Stefan G.H.; Sterckx, Sindy; Thompson, Richard C.; Topouzelis, Konstantinos N.; van Sebille, Erik van; Veiga, Joana Mira; Vethaak, A. Dick (2019). Measuring marine plastic debris from space: initial assessment of observation requirements. Remote Sens. 11(20): 2443., more
De Keukelaere, L.; Sterckx, S.; Adriaensen, S.; Knaeps, E.; Reusen, I.; Giardino, C.; Bresciani, M.; Hunter, P.; Neill, C.; Van der Zande, D.; Vaiciute, D. (2018). Atmospheric correction of Landsat-8/OLI and Sentinel-2/MSI data using iCOR algorithm: validation for coastal and inland waters. European Journal of Remote Sensing 51(1): 525-542., more
Knaeps, E.; Doxaran, D.; Dogliotti, A.; Nechad, B.; Ruddick, K.; Raymaekers, D.; Sterckx, S. (2018). The SeaSWIR dataset. ESSD 10(3): 1439-1449., more
- Knaeps, E.; Ruddick, K.G.; Doxaran, D.; Dogliotti, A.I.; Nechad, B.; Raymaekers, D.; Sterckx, S. (2015). A SWIR based algorithm to retrieve total suspended matter in extremely turbid waters. Remote Sens. Environ. 168: 66-79., more
- Sterckx, S.; Knaeps, E.; Kratzer, S; Ruddick, K. (2015). SIMilarity Environment Correction (SIMEC) applied to MERIS data over inland and coastal waters. Remote Sens. Environ. 157: 96-110., more
- Knaeps, E.; Dogliotti, A.I.; Raymaekers, D.; Ruddick, K.; Sterckx, S. (2012). In situ evidence of non-zero reflectance in the OLCI 1020 nm band for a turbid estuary. Remote Sens. Environ. 120(SI): 133-144., more
- Bertels, L.; Houthuys, R.; Sterckx, S.; Knaeps, E.; Deronde, B. (2011). Large-scale mapping of the riverbanks, mud flats and salt marshes of the Scheldt basin, using airborne imaging spectroscopy and LiDAR. Int. J. Remote Sens. 32(10): 2905-2918., more
- Sterckx, S.; Knaeps, E.; Ruddick, K. (2011). Detection and correction of adjacency effects in hyperspectral airborne data of coastal and inland waters: the use of the near infrared similarity spectrum. Int. J. Remote Sens. 32(21): 6479-6505., more
Knaeps, E.; Sterckx, S.; Raymaekers, D. (2010). A seasonally robust empirical algorithm to retrieve suspended sediment concentrations in the Scheldt river. Remote Sens. 2(9): 2040-2059., more
- Bertels, L.; Vanderstraete, T.; Van Coillie, S.; Knaeps, E.; Sterckx, S.; Goossens, R.; Deronde, B. (2008). Mapping of coral reefs using hyperspectral CASI data; a case study: Fordata, Tanimbar, Indonesia. Int. J. Remote Sens. 29(8): 2359-2391., more
- Sterckx, S.; Knaeps, E.; Bollen, M.; Trouw, K.; Houthuys, R. (2007). Retrieval of suspended sediment from advanced hyperspectral sensor data in the Scheldt estuary at different stages in the tidal cycle. Mar. Geod. 30(1-2): 97-108., more
Peer reviewed publications (4) [show] |
- Adriaensen, S.; Sterckx, S.; De Keukelaere, L.; Van de Kerchove, R.; Knaeps, E. (2018). Atmospheric correction ICOR and integration in operational workflows, in: 38th IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IGARSS, 38: pp. 3524-3526., more
- Deronde, B.; Sterckx, S.; Bertels, L.; Knaeps, E.; Kempeneers, P. (2006). Imaging spectroscopy and integrated coastal zone management: a promising marriage, in: Brebbia, C.A. (Ed.) Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions VI: Including Oil and Chemical Spill Studies. 6th International Conference on Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions, Rhodes, June 5-7, 2006. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 88: pp. 327-339., more
Sterckx, S.; Debruyn, W.; Vanderstraete, T.; Goossens, R.; Van der Heijden, P. (2005). Hyperspectral data for coral reef monitoring. A case study: Fordate, Tanimbar, Indonesia. EARSeL eProc. 4(1): 18-25, more
Deronde, B.; Houthuys, R.; Sterckx, S.; Fransaer, D. (2004). Sand dynamics along the Belgian coast based on airborne hyperspectral data and lidar data. EARSeL eProc. 3(1): 26-33, more
Books (2) [show] |
Knaeps, E.; Sterckx, S.; Raymaekers, D.; Ruddick, K.; Dogliotti, A.I. (2012). Using NIR and SWIR wavelengths for turbid water corrections: the SIMEC environment correction and in-situ evidence of non-zero reflectance [Presentation]. VITO/MUMM: Mol, Brussel. 4 pp., more
- Vanderstraete, T.; Goossens, R.; Sterckx, S.; Bertels, L.; Debruyn, W.; van der Heijden, P.R. (2005). Hyperspectral monitoring of coral reefs, a case study: Fordate, Tanimbar, Indonesia. Presented at the Eighth International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 17-19 May 2005. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 8 pp., more
Book chapters (11) [show] |
Sterckx, S. (2011). Unmanned Airborne Vehicles (UAV): A technology in evolution , in: QUEST4D Symposium: Human footprint on the floor. Keys from the past. Doors to the future, 2nd September 2011, Brussels. pp. 1-9, more
- Knaeps, E.; Sterckx, S.; Ruddick, K.; Giardino, C.; Mariano, B. (2010). SIMEC, an environment correction for MERIS based on the NIR Similarity Spectrum, in: Proceedings Ocean Optics XX, September 25–October 1, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska. pp. 12, more
Knaeps, E.; Raymaekers, D.; Sterckx, S.; Bertels, L.; Odermatt, D. (2010). Monitoring inland waters with the APEX sensor, a wavelet approach, in: Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE 2nd Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolution in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS), 14–16 June 2010, Reykjavik, Iceland. pp. 4, more
Knaeps, E.; Raymaekers, D.; Sterckx, S.; Odermatt, D. (2010). An intercomparison of analytical inversion approaches to retrieve water quality for two distinct inland waters, in: Lacoste-Francis, H. et al. Proceedings of the ‘Hyperspectral Workshop 2010’ ESRIN, Frascati, Italy (ESA SP-683, May 2010). pp. 7, more
- Ruddick, K.; Lacroix, G.; Park, Y.; Rousseau, V.; De Cauwer, V.; Sterckx, S. (2008). Overview of ocean colour: theoretical background, sensors and applicability to detection and monitoring of harmful algal blooms (capabilities and limitations), in: Babin, M. et al. (Ed.) Real-time coastal observing systems for marine ecosystem dynamics and harmful algal blooms: Theory, instrumentation and modelling. Oceanographic Methodology Series, : pp. 331-383, more
- Bertels, L.; Knaeps, E.; Sterckx, S.; Deronde, B.; Vanderstraete, T.; Van Coillie, S.; Goossens, R. (2006). Monitoring of coral reefs using hyperspectral data; a case study: Fordata, Tanimbar, Indonesia, in: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on environmental problems in coastal regions including oil and chemical spill studies, 5 - 7 June 2006, Rhodes, Greece. pp. [1-10], more
- Sterckx, S.; Knaeps, E.; Bollen, M.; Trouw, K.; Houthuys, R. (2006). Operational remote sensing mapping of estuarine suspended sediment concentrations (ORMES), in: Evolutions in hydrography, 6th - 9th November 2006, Provincial House Antwerp, Belgium: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of the International Federation of Hydrographic Societies. Special Publication (Hydrographic Society), 55: pp. 129-132, more
- Kempeneers, P.; Sterckx, S.; Debruyn, W.; De Backer, S.; Scheunders, P.; Park, Y.; Ruddick, K. (2005). Retrieval of oceanic constituents from ocean color using simulated annealing, in: Proceedings of the 25th International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) held in Seoul, 25-29, July, 2005. pp. 5651-5654, more
- Sterckx, S.; Debruyn, W.; Kempeneers, P. (2005). Hyperspectral airborne remote sensing of the Belgian coastal waters, in: Zagajewski, B. et al. (Ed.) Imaging spectroscopy. New quality in environmental studies: Proceedings of the 4th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, Warsaw, April 26-29 2005. pp. 293-299, more
Vitse, I.; Adam, S.; De Backer, A.; Degraer, S.; Deronde, B.; Forster, R.; Johannsen, C.; Monbaliu, J.; Sabbe, K.; Sterckx, S.; van der Wal, D.; Vincx, M. (2005). TideSed: intertidal sediment characterization using HyMap imagery, in: Herrier, J.-L. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings 'Dunes and Estuaries 2005': International Conference on nature restoration practices in European coastal habitats, Koksijde, Belgium 19-23 September 2005. VLIZ Special Publication, 19: pp. 679-680, more
- Sterckx, S.; Debruyn, W. (2004). A hyperspectral view of the North Sea, in: Proceedings of the Airborne Imaging Spectroscopy workshop 8 October 2004 - Bruges, Belgium. pp. 1-9, more
Abstracts (4) [show] |
Sterckx, S.; Adriaensen, S.; De Keukelaere, L.; Lebreton, C. (2017). Suitability of Proba-V 100 m products for turbidity mapping in coastal areas, in: HIGHROC Science Conference: How to exploit the large variety of ocean colour space borne data to provide a high spatio-temporal monitoring of coastal ocean? 7-9 November 2017, Brussels. pp. 24, more
De Keukelaere, L.; Knaeps, E.; Sterckx, S. (2015). SIMEC, a sensor-generic correction algorithm for adjacency effects in coastal and inland waters, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day. Brugge, Belgium, 20 February 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 71: pp. 43, more
Sterckx, S.; Knaeps, E.; Ruddick, K.G.; Kratzer, S.; Ruescas, A. (2013). Validation SIMEC adjacency correction for coastal and inland waters, in: Proceedings of the International Ocean Colour Science Meeting, Darmstadt, Germany 6-8 May 2013: Abstracts. pp. 225-226, more
Vitse, I.; Adam, S.; De Backer, A.; Degraer, S.; Deronde, B.; Forster, R.; Monbaliu, J.; Sabbe, K.; Sterckx, S. (2005). TIDESED: Intertidal sediment characterization using hymap imagery, in: Mees, J. et al. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 25 February 2005: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 20: pp. 68, more
Reports (2) [show] |
Santer, R.; Sterckx, S. (2013). SIMEC-ICOL-ODESA processing MERIS. Association pour le Développement de la Recherche et de l'Innovation dans le Nord-Pas de Calais (ADRINORD): Lille. 18 pp., more
Ruddick, K.; Astoreca, R.; Borges, A.V.; Dekker, A.; Dogliotti, A.; Doxaran, D.; Harlay, J.; Knaeps, E.; Lancelot, C.; Nechad, B.; Neukermans, G.; Park, Y.; Raymaekers, D.; Rousseau, V.; Schroeder, T.; Sterckx, S.; Tote, C.; Van Mol, B. (2012). Optical remote sensing of marine and inland waters (“BELCOLOUR-2”). Belgian Science Policy: Brussel. 57 pp., more
Other publications (3) [show] |
Sterckx, S.; Knaeps, E.; Kratzer, S.; Ruddick, K.; Ruescas, A. (2013). Validation SIMEC adjacency correction for coastal and inland waters. VITO/MUMM/Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University/Brockmann Consult: Mol, Brussel, Stockholm . 1 poster pp., more
Knaeps, E.; Sterckx, S. (2012). Adjacency effects in Sentinel-2 data: application of SIMEC (SIMilarity Environment Correction). VITO: Mol. 1 poster pp., more
Sterckx, Sindy; Knaeps, E.; Santer, R.; Kratzer, S.; Ruddick, K. (2012). Environment correction for inland and coastal water scenes: a comparison of methods. VITO/MUMM/Department of Systems Ecology, Stockholm University/Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale: Mol, Brussel, Stockholm and Wimereux. 1 poster pp., more
Thesis (co-)promotor [show] |