Publications (5) |
Top | Institute | Publications |
Book [show] |
- Holtmann, S.E.; Groenewold, A.; Schrader, K.H.M.; Asjes, J.; Craeymeersch, J.A.; Duineveld, G.C.A.; van Bostelen, A.J.; van der Meer, J. (1996). Atlas of the zoobenthos of the Dutch continental shelf. Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management: Rijswijk. ISBN 90-369-4301-9. 243 pp., more
Book chapters (2) [show] |
- Leendertse, P.C.; van der Wal, J.T.; Asjes, J.; Jak, P. (1992). Fate and effects of nutrients and contaminants in salt-marsh ecosystems: a mesocosm study, in: Dankers, N.M.J.A. et al. Present and future conservation of the Wadden Sea: Proceedings of the 7th International Wadden Sea Symposium, Ameland 1990. Publication Series. Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), 20: pp. 269, more
- Schobben, H.P.M.; Scholten, M.C.Th.; Asjes, J. (1992). The ecological risk-evaluation technique 'REFEREE' applied to pollution problems in the Wadden Sea, in: Dankers, N.M.J.A. et al. Present and future conservation of the Wadden Sea: Proceedings of the 7th International Wadden Sea Symposium, Ameland 1990. Publication Series. Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), 20: pp. 215-220, more
Reports (2) [show] |
Paijmans, A.J.; Asjes, J. (2012). Mariene monitoring & Natura 2000. IMARES Wageningen Report, C050/12. IMARES Wageningen UR: IJmuiden. 103 + bijlagen pp., more
- de Vries, I.; Laane, R.W.P.M.; Jager, Z.; Wulffraat, K.; Asjes, J.; de Vries, M. (1996). Verslag van de BEON Workshop in het kader van de voorbereiding van de vierde Nota waterhuishouding (NW4), 30 november en 1 december 1995, NIOZ, Texel. BEON Rapport = BEON-report, 96(7). RIKZ: Den Haag. 40 pp., more