Datasets (3) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Datasets |
- FishBase. 1996. FishBase 96 CD-ROM. ICLARM, Manila., more
- Froese, R. And D. Pauly, eds., Fishbase. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources (ICLARM), Manila, Philippines, Version: Fishbase2000 (21 aug. 2004),, database,, more
- Froese, R. and D. Pauly, Editors. 2000. FishBase v4.0., more
Publications (200) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Datasets |
A1 Publications (102) [show] |
- Froese, R.; Pauly, D. (2024). Taking stock of global fisheries. Science (Wash.) 385(6711): 824-825., more
Majluf, P.; Matthews, K.; Pauly, D.; Skerritt, D.J.; Palomares, M.L.D. (2024). A review of the global use of fishmeal and fish oil and the Fish In:Fish Out metric. Science Advances 10(42): eadn5650., more
- Pauly, D.; Froese, R.; Liang, C.; Müller, J.; Sorensen, P. (2023). Post-spawning growth acceleration in fish as a result of reduced live weight and thus, increased food conversion efficiency. Environ. Biol. Fish. 106: 2031-2043., more
Zeller, D.; Palomares, M.L.D.; Pauly, D. (2023). Global fisheries science documents human impacts on oceans: The Sea Around Us serves civil society in the Twenty-First Century. Ann. Rev. Mar. Sci. 15(1): 147-165., more
Pauly, D.; Liang, C.; Xian, W.; Chu, E.; Bailly, N. (2021). The sizes, growth and reproduction of arrow worms (Chaetognatha) in light of the Gill-Oxygen Limitation Theory (GOLT). J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 9(12): 1397., more
Freire, K.M.F.; Belhabib, D.; Espedido, J.C.; Hood, L.; Kleisner, K.M.; Lam, V.W.Y.; Machado, M.L.; Mendonça, J.T.; Meeuwig, J.J.; Moro, P.S.; Motta, F.S.; Palomares, M.L.D.; Smith, N.; Teh, L.; Zeller, D.; Zylich, K.; Pauly, D. (2020). Estimating global catches of marine recreational fisheries. Front. Mar. Sci. 7: 12., more
- Pauly, D. (2020). Sidney Holt (1926–2019). Science (Wash.) 367(6479): 744-744., more
Sumaila, U.R.; Zeller, D.; Hood, L.; Palomares, M.L.D.; Li, Y.; Pauly, D. (2020). Illicit trade in marine fish catch and its effects on ecosystems and people worldwide. Science Advances 6(9): eaaz3801., more
- Canty, S.; Funes, M.; Box, S.; Zylich, K.; Derrick, B.; Divovich, E.; Lindop, A.; Pauly, D.; Zeller, D. (2019). The hidden value of artisanal fisheries in Honduras. Fish. Manage. Ecol. 26(3): 249-259., more
Pauly, D. (2019). A précis of Gill-Oxygen Limitation Theory (GOLT), with some emphasis on the Eastern Mediterranean. Mediterr. Mar. Sci. Spec. Issue(In press)., more
- Pauly, D. (2019). Micronutrient richness of global fish catches. Nature (Lond.) 574(7776): 41-42., more
Liang, C.; Xian, W.; Pauly, D. (2018). Impacts of ocean warming on China's fisheries catches: An application of “Mean Temperature of the Catch” concept. Front. Mar. Sci. 5: 26 [1-7]., more
- Pauly, D. (2018). The future of artisanal fishing. Science (Wash.) 360(6385): 161., more
- Pauly, D. (2018). A vision for marine fisheries in a global blue economy. Mar. Policy 87: 371-374., more
- Pikitch, E.K.; Boersma, P.D.; Boyd, I.L.; Conover, D.O.; Cury, P.; Essington, T.E.; Heppell, S.S.; Houde, E.D.; Mangel, M.; Pauly, D.; Plagányi, E.; Sainsbury, K.; Steneck, R.S. (2018). The strong connection between forage fish and their predators: a response to Hilborn et al. (2017). Fish. Res. 198: 220-223., more
Sala, E.; Mayorga, J.; Costello, C.; Kroodsma, D.A.; Palomares, M.L.D.; Pauly, D.; Sumaila, U.R.; Zeller, D. (2018). The economics of fishing the high seas. Science Advances 4(6): eaat2504., more
- Roberts, C.M.; O'Leary, B.C.; McCauley, D.J.; Cury, P.M.; Duarte, C.M.; Lubchenco, J.; Pauly, D.; Saenz-Arroyo, A.; Sumaila, U.R.; Wilson, R.W.; Worm, B.; Castilla, J.C. (2017). Marine reserves can mitigate and promote adaptation to climate change. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 114(24): 6167-6175., more
Zeller, D.; Cashion, T.; Palomares, M.; Pauly, D. (2017). Global marine fisheries discards: A synthesis of reconstructed data. Fish Fish. 19(1): 30-39., more
Bailey, M.; Favaro, B.; Otto, S.P.; Charles, A.; Devillers, R.; Metaxas, A.; Tyedmers, P.; Ban, N.C.; Mason, T.; Hoover, C.; Duck, T.J.; Fanning, L.; Milley, C.; Cisneros-Montemayor, A.M.; Pauly, D.; Cheung, W.W.L.; Cullis-Suzuki, S.; Teh, L.; Sumaila, U.R. (2016). Canada at a crossroad: The imperative for realigning ocean policy with ocean science. Mar. Policy 63: 53-60., more
Froese, R.; Walters, C.; Pauly, D.; Winker, H.; Weyl, O.L.F.; Demirel, N.; Tsikliras, A.C. (2016). A critique of the balanced harvesting approach to fishing. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 73(6): 1640-1650., more
Pauly, D.; Zeller, D. (2016). Catch reconstructions reveal that global marine fisheries catches are higher than reported and declining. Nature Comm. 7(10244): 9 pp., more
Zeller, D.; Palomares, M.L.D.; Tavakolie, A.; Ang, M.; Belhabib, D.; Cheung, W.W.L.; Sy, E.; Tsui, G.; Zylich, K.; Pauly, D. (2016). Still catching attention: Sea Around Us reconstructed global catch data, their spatial expression and public accessibility. Mar. Policy 70: 145-152., more
- Cheung, W.W.L.; Brodeur, R.D.; Okey, T.A.; Pauly, D. (2015). Projecting future changes in distributions of pelagic fish species of Northeast Pacific shelf seas. Prog. Oceanogr. 130: 19-31., more
- Pauly, D.; Charles, A. (2015). Counting on small-scale fisheries. Science (Wash.) 347(6219 ): 242-243., more
- Piroddi, C.; Gristina, M.; Zylich, K.; Greer, K.; Ulman, A.; Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (2015). Reconstruction of Italy’s marine fisheries removals and fishing capacity, 1950–2010. Fish. Res. 172: 137-147., more
Sumaila, U.R.; Lam, V.W.Y.; Miller, D.D.; Teh, L.; Watson, R.A.; Zeller, D.; Cheung, W.W.L.; Côté, I.M.; Rogers, A.D.; Roberts, C.; Sala, E.; Pauly, D. (2015). Winners and losers in a world where the high seas is closed to fishing. NPG Scientific Reports 5(8481): 6 pp., more
Pauly, D.; Belhabib, D.; Blomeyer, R.; Cheung, W.W.L.; Cisneros-Montemayor, A.M.; Copeland, D.; Harper, S.; Lam, V.W.Y.; Mai, Y.; Le Manach, F.; Österblom, H.; Mok, K.M.; van der Meer, L.; Sanz, A.; Shon, S.; Sumaila, U.R.; Swartz, W.; Watson, R.; Zhai, Y.; Zeller, D. (2014). China’s distant-water fisheries in the 21st century. Fish Fish. 15(3): 474-488., more
- Zeller, D.; Harper, S.; Zylich, K.; Pauly, D. (2014). Synthesis of underreported small-scale fisheries catch in Pacific island waters. Coral Reefs 34(1): 25-39., more
- Campbell, B.; Pauly, D. (2013). Mariculture: A global analysis of production trends since 1950. Mar. Policy 39: 7 pp., more
- Cheung, W.W.L.; Watson, R.; Pauly, D. (2013). Signature of ocean warming in global fisheries catch. Nature (Lond.) 497(7449): 365-368., more
Le Manach, F.; Chaboud, C.; Copeland, D.; Cury, P.; Gascuel, D.; Kleisner, K.M.; Standing, A.; Sumaila, U.R.; Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (2013). European Union's public fishing access agreements in developing countries. PLoS One 8(11): 10 pp., more
- Pauly, D.; Hilborn, R.; Branch, T.A. (2013). Does catch reflect abundance? Nature (Lond.) 494(7437): 303-306., more
Brotz, L.; Cheung, W.W.L.; Kleisner, K.; Pakhomov, E.; Pauly, D. (2012). Increasing jellyfish populations: trends in Large Marine Ecosystems. Hydrobiologia 690(1): 3-20., more
- Coll, M.; Piroddi, C.; Albouy, C.; Ben Rais Lasram, F.; Cheung, W.W.L.; Christensen, V.; Karpouzi, V.S.; Guilhaumon, F.; Mouillot, D.; Paleczny, M.; Palomares, M.L.D.; Steenbeek, J.; Trujillo, P.; Watson, R.; Pauly, D. (2012). The Mediterranean Sea under siege: spatial overlap between marine biodiversity, cumulative threats and marine reserves. Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 21(4): 465-480., more
- Halpern, B.S.; Longo, C.; Hardy, D.; McLeod, K.L.; Samhouri, J.F.; Katona, S.K.; Kleisner, K.; Lester, S.E.; O'Leary, J.; Ranelletti, M.; Rosenberg, A.A.; Scarborough, C.; Selig, E.R.; Best, B.D.; Brumbaugh, D.R.; Chapin, F.S.; Crowder, L.B.; Daly, K.L.; Doney, S.C.; Elfes, C.; Fogarty, M.J.; Gaines, S.D.; Jacobsen, K.I.; Karrer, L.B.; Leslie, H.M.; Neeley, E.; Pauly, D.; Polasky, S.; Ris, B.; StMartin, K.; Stone, G.S.; Sumaila, U.R.; Zeller, D. (2012). An index to assess the health and benefits of the global ocean. Nature (Lond.) 488(7413): 615-620., more
Morrissette, L.; Christensen, V.; Pauly, D. (2012). Marine mammal impacts in exploited ecosystems: would large scale culling benefit fisheries? PLoS One 7(9): 18 pp., more
- Richardson, A.J.; Pauly, D.; Gibbons, M.J. (2012). Keep jellyfish numbers in check. Nature (Lond.) 483(7388): 158., more
- Veitch, L.; Dulvy, N.K.; Koldewey, H.; Lieberman, S.; Pauly, D.; Roberts, C.M.; Rogers, A.D.; Baillie, J.E.M. (2012). Avoiding empty ocean commitments at Rio+20. Science (Wash.) 336(6087): 1383-1385., more
- McCrea-Strub, A.; Zeller, D.; Sumaila, U.R.; Nelson, J.; Balmford, A.; Pauly, D. (2011). Understanding the cost of establishing marine protected areas. Mar. Policy 35(1): 1-9., more
- Alder, J.; Cullis-Suzuki, S.; Karpouzi, V.S.; Kaschner, K.; Mondoux, S.; Swartz, W.; Trujillo, P.; Watson, R.; Pauly, D. (2010). Aggregate performance in managing marine ecosystems of 53 maritime countries. Mar. Policy 34(3): 468-476., more
- Butchart, S.H.M.; Walpole, M.; Collen, B.; van Strien, A.J.; Scharlemann, J.P.W.; Almond, R.E.A.; Baillie, J.E.M.; Bomhard, B.; Brown, C.; Bruno, J.F.; Carpenter, K.E.; Carr, G.M.; Chanson, J.S.; Chenery, A.M.; Csirke, J.; Davidson, N.C.; Dentener, F.; Foster, M.; Galli, A.; Galloway, J.N.; Genovesi, P.; Gregory, R.D.; Hockings, M.; Kapos, V.; Lamarque, J.-F.; Leverington, F.; Loh, J.; McGeoch, M.A.; McRae, L.; Minasyan, A.; Hernández Morcillo, M.; Oldfield, T.E.E.; Pauly, D.; Quader, S. (2010). Global biodiversity: indicators of recent declines. Science (Wash.) 328(5982): 1164-1168., more
- Cheung, W.W.L.; Lam, V.W.Y.; Sarmiento, J.L.; Kearney, K.; Watson, R.; Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (2010). Large-scale redistribution of maximum fisheries catch potential in the global ocean under climate change. Glob. Chang. Biol. 16(1): 24-35., more
Cullis-Suzuki, S.; Pauly, D. (2010). Failing the high seas: A global evaluation of regional fisheries management organizations. Mar. Policy 34(5): 1036-1042., more
- Jacquet, J.; Pauly, D.; Ainley, David G.; Holt, S.; Dayton, P.; Jackson, J. (2010). Seafood stewardship in crisis. Nature (Lond.) 467(7311): 28-29., more
- Cheung, W.W.L.; Lam, V.W.Y.; Sarmiento, J.L.; Kearney, K.; Watson, R.; Pauly, D. (2009). Projecting global marine biodiversity impacts under climate change scenarios. Fish Fish. 10(3): 235-251., more
- Gerber, L.H.; Morissette, L.; Kaschner, K.; Pauly, D. (2009). Should whales be culled to increase fishery yield? Science (Wash.) 323(5916): 880-881., more
- Jacquet, J.; Hocevar, J.; Lai, S.; Majluf, P.; Pelletier, N.; Pitcher, T.; Sala, E.; Sumaila, R.; Pauly, D. (2009). Conserving wild fish in a sea of market-based efforts. Oryx 44(1): 45-56., more
Pauly, D. (2009). Beyond duplicity and ignorance in global fisheries. Sci. Mar. (Barc.) 73(2): 215-224., more
Freire, K.M.F.; Christensen, V.; Pauly, D. (2008). Description of the east Brazil large marine ecosystem using a trophic model. Sci. Mar. (Barc.) 72(3): 477-491, more
Leloup, F.A.; Desroy, N.; Le Mao, P.; Pauly, D.; Le Pape, O. (2008). Interactions between a natural food web, shellfish farming and exotic species: the case of the Bay of Mont Saint Michel (France). Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 76(1): 111-120, more
- Pauly, D. (2008). Book review: Mark Kurlansky, 2008. The last fish tale: the fate of the Atlantic and survival in Gloucester, America’s oldest fishing port and most original town. Random House/Jonathan Cape, 304pp. Nature (Lond.) 453(7199): 1180-1181, more
- Pauly, D.; Graham, W.; Libralato, S.; Morissette, L.; Deng Palomares, M.L. (2008). Jellyfish in ecosystems, online databases, and ecosystem models. Hydrobiologia 616(1): 67-85., more
- Jacquet, J.L.; Pauly, D. (2007). The rise of seafood awareness campaigns in an era of collapsing fisheries. Mar. Policy 31(3): 308-313., more
Karpouzi, V.S.; Watson, R.; Pauly, D. (2007). Modelling and mapping resource overlap between seabirds and fisheries on a global scale: a preliminary assessment. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 343: 87-99., more
- Palomares, M.L.D.; Heymans, J.J.; Pauly, D. (2007). Historical ecology of the Raja Ampat Archipelago, Papua Province, Indonesia. History and philosophy of the life sciences 29(1): 33-56, more
- Pauly, D. (2007). Tales of a small, but crucial, fish. Science (Wash.) 318(5851): 750-751, more
- Pauly, D. (2007). A marine biologist dives into the history of the Gulf of California. Nature (Lond.) 445(7126): 343, more
- Pauly, D. (2007). Trouble in paradise. Nature (Lond.) 447(7140): 33-34, more
- Pauly, D. (2007). Ransom Aldrich Myers (1952-2007): Chronicler of declining fish populations. Nature (Lond.) 447(7141): 160, more
- Pauly, D. (2007). The Sea Around Us Project: documenting and communicating global fisheries impacts on marine ecosystems. Ambio 36(4): 290-295.[290:TSAUPD]2.0.CO;2, more
Sumaila, U.R.; Khan, A.; Watson, R.; Munro, G.; Zeller, D.; Baron, N.; Pauly, D. (2007). The World Trade Organization and global fisheries sustainability. Fish. Res. 88(1-3): 1-4, more
- Sumaila, U.R.; Pauly, D. (2007). All fishing nations must unite to cut subsidies. Nature (Lond.) 450(7172): 945, more
Zeller, D.; Booth, S.; Davis, G.; Pauly, D. (2007). Re-estimation of small-scale fishery catches for U.S. flag-associated island areas in the western Pacific: the last 50 years. Fish. Bull. 105: 266-277, more
- Chuenpagdee, R.; Liguori, L.; Preikshot, D.; Pauly, D. (2006). A public sentiment index for ecosystem management. Ecosystems 9(3): 463-473., more
Kaschner, K.; Watson, R.; Trites, A.W.; Pauly, D. (2006). Mapping world-wide distributions of marine mammal species using a relative environmental suitability (RES) model. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 316: 285-310, more
- Libralato, S.; Christensen, V.; Pauly, D. (2006). A method for identifying keystone species in food web models. Ecol. Model. 195(3-4): 153-171., more
- Morato, T.; Watson, R.; Pitcher, T.J.; Pauly, D. (2006). Fishing down the deep. Fish Fish. 7(1): 24-34, more
- Trites, A.W.; Christensen, V.; Pauly, D. (2006). Effects of fisheries on ecosystems: just another top predator?, in: Boyd, I.L. et al. Top predators in marine ecosystems: Their role in monitoring and management. Conservation Biology, 12: pp. 11-27, more
- Zeller, D.; Booth, S.; Craig, P.; Pauly, D. (2006). Reconstruction of coral reef fisheries catches in American Samoa, 1950-2002. Coral Reefs 25: 144-152, more
Cury, P.M.; Shannon, L.J.; Roux, J.-P.; Daskalov, G.M.; Jarre, A.; Moloney, C.L.; Pauly, D. (2005). Trophodynamic indicators for an ecosystem approach to fisheries. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 62(3): 430-442., more
- Pauly, D. (2005). Rebuilding fisheries will add to Asia's problems. Nature (Lond.) 433(7025): 457, more
- Pauly, D.; Watson, R.; Alder, J. (2005). Global trends in world fisheries: impacts on marine ecosystems and food security. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. (B Biol. Sci.) 360(1453): 5-12., more
- Pauly, D.; Palomares, M.L.D. (2005). Fishing down marine food web: it is far more pervasive than we thought. Bull. Mar. Sci. 76(2): 197-212, more
- Tyedmers, P.H.; Watson, R.; Pauly, D. (2005). Fueling global fishing fleets. Ambio 34(8): 635-638., more
- Zeller, D.; Froese, R.; Pauly, D. (2005). On losing and recovering fisheries and marine science data. Mar. Policy 29(1): 69-73., more
Christensen, V.; Pauly, D. (2004). Placing fisheries in their ecosystem context, an introduction. Ecol. Model. 172(2-4): 103-107, more
Kavanagh, P.; Newlands, N.; Christensen, V.; Pauly, D. (2004). Automated parameter optimization for Ecopath ecosystem models. Ecol. Model. 172(2-4): 141-149, more
- Pauly, D. (2004). Much rowing for fish. Nature (Lond.) 432(7019): 813-814, more
- Watson, R.; Kitchingman, A.; Gelchu, A.; Pauly, D. (2004). Mapping global fisheries: sharpening our focus. Fish Fish. 5: 168-177, more
Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (2004). The future of fisheries: from ‘exclusive’ resource policy to ‘inclusive’ public policy, in: (2004). Perspectives on ecosystem-based approaches to the management of marine resources. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 274: pp. 295-303, more
- Christensen, V.; Guénette, S.; Heymans, J.J.; Walters, C.J.; Watson, R.; Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (2003). Hundred-year decline of North Atlantic predatory fishes. Fish Fish. 4(1): 1-24., more
- Pauly, D.; Alder, J.; Bennett, E.; Christensen, V.; Tyedmers, P.; Watson, R. (2003). The future for fisheries. Science (Wash.) 302(5649): 1359-1361, more
- Sherman, K.; Ajayi, T.; Anang, E.; Cury, P.; Freon, M.C.M.P.; Hardman-Mountford, N.J.; Ibe, C.A.; Koranteng, K.A.; McGlade, J.; Nauen, C.E.C.; Pauly, D.; Scheren, P.A.G.M.; Skjoldal, H.R.; Tang, Q.; Zabi, S.G.; Diaz-de-Leon, A.J. (2003). Suitability of the large marine ecosystem concept. Fish. Res. 64(2-3): 197-204., more
- Pauly, D. (2002). Charles Darwin, ichthyology and the species concept. Fish Fish. 3(3): 146-150., more
- Pauly, D.; Christensen, V.; Guénette, S.; Pitcher, T.J.; Sumaila, U.R.; Walters, C.J.; Watson, R.; Zeller, D. (2002). Towards sustainability in world fisheries. Nature (Lond.) 418(6898): 689-695, more
- Pauly, D.; Palomares, M.L.; Froese, R.; Sa-a, P.; Vakily, M.; Preikshot, D.; Wallace, S. (2001). Fishing down Canadian aquatic food webs. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 58(1): 51-62, more
- Watson, R.; Pauly, D. (2001). Systematic distortions in world fisheries catch trends. Nature (Lond.) 414(6863): 534-536, more
Cury, P.; Pauly, D. (2000). Patterns and propensities in reproduction and growth of marine fishes. Ecological Research 15: 101-106, more
Pauly, D.; Christensen, V.; Froese, R.; Palomares, M.L. (2000). Fishing down aquatic food webs: industrial fishing over the past half-century has noticeably depleted the topmost links in aquatic food chains. Am. Sci. 88(1): 46-51, more
- Pauly, D.; Christensen, V.; Walters, C.J. (2000). Ecopath, Ecosim, and Ecospace as tools for evaluating ecosystem impact of fisheries. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 57: 697-706, more
- Pauly, D. (1998). Tropical fishes: patterns and propensities. J. Fish Biol. 53(Supplement A): 1-17., more
- Pauly, D. (1998). Beyond our original horizons: the tropicalization of Beverton and Holt. Rev. Fish Biol. Fish. 8(3): 307-334., more
- Pauly, D.; Christensen, V.; Dalsgaard, J.; Froese, R.; Torres Jr., F. (1998). Fishing down marine food webs. Science (Wash.) 279: 860-863, more
- Pitcher, T.J.; Pauly, D. (1998). Editorial: The Beverton and Holt Jubilee Issue, 1947–1997. Rev. Fish Biol. Fish. 8(3): 225-227., more
- Pauly, D. (1997). Geometrical constraints on body size. Trends Ecol. Evol. 12(11): 442, more
- Pauly, D. (1997). Putting fisheries management back in places. Rev. Fish Biol. Fish. 7: 125-127, more
- Pauly, D. (1996). One hundred million tonnes of fish, and fisheries research. Fish. Res. 25(1): 25-38., more
- Pauly, D. (1996). ITQ: the assumptions behind a meme. Rev. Fish Biol. Fish. 6(1): 109-112., more
Pauly, D. (1995). Anecdotes and the shifting baseline syndrome of fisheries. Trends Ecol. Evol. 10(10): 430, more
- Pauly, D.; Christensen, V. (1995). Correction: Primary production required to sustain global fisheries. Nature (Lond.) 376: 279, more
- Pauly, D.; Christensen, V. (1995). Primary production required to sustain global fisheries. Nature (Lond.) 374: 255-257, more
- Pauly, D. (1980). On the interrelationships between natural mortality, growth parameters, and mean environmental temperature in 175 fish stocks. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 39(2): 175-192, more
Peer reviewed publications (17) [show] |
Pauly, D.; Ruiz-Leotaud, V. (2020). Marine and freshwater Miscellanea II. Fisheries Centre Research Reports, 28(2). Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, The University of British Columbia: Vancouver. 141 pp., more
- Palomares, M.L.D.; Pauly, D. (2010). Marine biodiversity in southeast Asian and adjacent seas. Fisheries Centre Research Reports, 18(3). Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia: Vancouver. , more
- Palomares, M.L.D.; Bailly, N.; Pauly, D. (2009). FishBase, SeaLifeBase and database-drive ecosystem modeling, in: Palomares, M.L.D. et al. (Ed.) Ecopath 25 Years Conference Proceedings: Extended Abstracts. Fisheries Centre Research Reports, 17(3): pp. 156-158, more
- Pauly, D.; Alder, J.; Booth, S.; Cheung, W.W.L.; Christensen, V.; Close, C.; Sumaila, U.R.; Swartz, W.; Tavakolie, A.; Watson, R.; Wood, L.; Zeller, D. (2009). Fisheries in large marine ecosystems: descriptions and diagnoses, in: Sherman, K. et al. (Ed.) The UNEP large marine ecosystem report: a perspective on changing conditions in LMEs of the world's regional seas. UNEP Regional Seas Reports and Studies, 182: pp. 23-40, more
- Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (Ed.) (2007). Reconstruction of marine fisheries catches for key countries and regions (1950-2005). Fisheries Centre Research Reports, 15(2). Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia: Canada. 170 pp., more
Khan, A.S.; Sumaila, U.R.; Watson, R.; Munro, G.; Pauly, D. (2006). The nature and magnitude of global non-fuel fisheries subsidies, in: Sumaila, U.R. et al. Catching more bait: a bottom-up re-estimation of global fisheries subsidies. Fisheries Centre Research Reports, 14(16): pp. 5-37, more
Pauly, D. (2006). Major trends in small-scale marine fisheries, with emphasis on developing countries, and some implications for the social sciences. Marit. Stud. 4(2): 47-51, more
Sumaila, U.R.; Teh, L.; Watson, R.; Tyedmers, P.; Pauly, D. (2006). Fuel subsidies to fisheries globally: Magnitude and impacts on resource sustainability, in: Sumaila, U.R. et al. Catching more bait: a bottom-up re-estimation of global fisheries subsidies. pp. 38-48, more
Sumaila, U.R.; Pauly, D. (Ed.) (2006). Catching more bait: a bottom-up re-estimation of global fisheries subsidies. Fisheries Centre Research Reports, 14(16). The Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia: Vancouver. 114 pp., more
- Pauly, D.; Chuenpagdee, R. (2002-2003). Fisheries and coastal ecosystems: the need for integrated management. Journal of Business Administration and Policy Analysis 30-31: 205-222, more
(2001). Fisheries impacts on North Atlantic ecosystems: Models and analyses. Fisheries Centre Research Reports, 9(4). The Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia: Vancouver. iii, 344 pp., more
Christensen, V.; Guénette, S.; Heymans, J.J.; Walters, C.J.; Watson, R.; Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (2001). Estimating fish abundance of the North Atlantic, 1950 to 1999, in: Fisheries impacts on North Atlanticecosystems: Models and analyses. Fisheries Centre Research Reports, 9(4): pp. 1-25, more
- Pauly, D. (1998). Why squid, though not fish, may be better understood by pretending they are. S. Afr. J. Mar. Sci./S.-Afr. Tydskr. Seewet. 20(1): 47-58., more
Trites, A.W.; Christensen, V.; Pauly, D. (1997). Competition between fisheries and marine mammals for prey and primary production in the Pacific Ocean. J. Northwest Atl. Fish. Sci. 22: 173-187, more
- Froese, R.; Pauly, D. (1994). Fishbase as a tool for comparing the life history patterns of flatfish. Neth. J. Sea Res. 32(3-4): 235-239, more
- Pauly, D. (1994). A framework for latitudinal comparisons of flatfish recruitment. Neth. J. Sea Res. 32(2): 107-118, more
- Dalzell, P.; Pauly, D. (1990). Assessment of the fish resource of Southeast Asia, with emphasis on the Banda and Arafura Seas. Neth. J. Sea Res. 25(4): 641-650, more
Books (23) [show] |
- Pauly, D. (2019). Vanishing fish: Shifting baselines and the future of global fisheries. Greystone Books: Vancouver/Berkeley. ISBN 978-1-77164-398-6. 288 pp., more
- Pauly, D.; Zeller, D. (Ed.) (2016). Global atlas of marine fisheries: A critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts. Island Press: Washington, Covelo, London. ISBN 978-1-61091-625-7. XVII, 497 pp., more
- Tesfamichael, D.; Pauly, D. (Ed.) (2016). The Red Sea ecosystem and fisheries. Coral Reefs of the World, 7. Springer Science+Business Media: Dordrecht. ISBN 978-94-017-7433-8. xiii, 203 pp., more
Pauly, D.; Zeller, D. (2015). So long, and thanks for all the fish: The Sea Around Us, 1999-2014, A fifteen year retrospective. Sea Around Us, Fisheries Centre, The University of British Columbia: Vancouver. 171 pp., more
Pauly, D.; Zeller, D. (Ed.) (2015). Catch Reconstruction: concepts, methods, and data sources. Online edition. Sea Around Us/University of British Columbia: Vancouver. 43 pp., more
- Pauly, D. (2010). 5 Easy Pieces: How fishing impacts marine ecosystems. The State of the World's Oceans Series. Island Press: Washington D.C.ISBN 978-1-59726-718-2. 193 pp., more
Karpouzi, V.S.; Watson, R.; Pauly, D. (2006). Modelling and mapping resource overlap between seabirds and fisheries on a global scale: a preliminary assessment. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2006(L:01). ICES: Copenhagen. 24 pp., more
Christensen, V.; Walters, C.J.; Pauly, D. (2005). Ecopath with ecosim: a user's guide. University of British Columbia, Fisheries Centre: Vancouver. 154 pp., more
Palomares, M.L.; Samb, B.; Diouf, T.; Vakily, J.M.; Pauly, D. (Ed.) (2004). Fish biodiversity: Local studies as basis for global inferences. ACP-EU Fisheries Research Report, 14. Office for Official Publications of the European Union: Luxembourg. 283 pp., more
- Pauly, D. (2004). Darwin's fishes: An encyclopedia of ichthyology, ecology, and evolution. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 0-521-82777-9. XXV, 340 pp., more
- Pauly, D.; Maclean, J. (2003). In a perfect ocean: the state of fisheries and ecosystems in the North Atlantic Ocean. The State of the World's Oceans Series, 1. Island Press: Washington D.C. ISBN 1-55963-324-7. XXX, 175 pp., more
- Silvestre, G.T.; Garces, L.R.; Stobutzki, I.C.; Ahmed, M.; Valmonte-Santos, R.A.; Luna, C.; Lachica-Aliño, L.; Munro, P.; Christensen, V.; Pauly, D. (Ed.) (2003). Assessment, management and future directions for coastal fisheries in Asian countries. WorldFish Center Contributions, 1705. WorldFish Center: Penang. 35 + cd-rom pp., more
Vakily, J.M.; Camara, S.B.; Mendy, A.N.; Marques, V.; Samb, B.; dos Santos, A.J.; Sheriff, M.F.; Ould Taleb Sidi, M.; Pauly, D. (2002). Poissons marins de la sous-région Nord-Ouest Africaine. Commission Européenne. Centre Commun de Recherche: Ispra. 124 pp., more
- Froese, R.; Pauly, D. (Ed.) (2000). FishBase 2000: Concepts, design and data sources. ICLARM Contribution, 1594. ICLARM: Los Baños. ISBN 971-8709-99-1. XVII, 344 pp., more
- Froese, R.; Pauly, D. (Ed.) (1997). FishBase 97: Concepts, design and data sources. ICLARM Contribution, 1402. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management: Makati City. ISBN 971-8709-06-1. 256, 2 cd-roms pp., more
- Pauly, D.; Moreau, J. (1997). Méthodes pour l'évaluation des ressources halieutiques. Cépaduès Editions: Toulouse. ISBN 2-85428-444-5. XII, 288 pp., more
- Pauly, D. (1994). On the sex of fish and the gender of scientists: A collection of essays in fisheries science. Fish & Fisheries Series, 14. Chapman & Hall: London. ISBN 0-412-59540-0. XVII, 250 pp., more
- Christensen, V.; Pauly, D. (Ed.) (1993). Trophic models of aquatic ecosystems. ICLARM Conference Proceedings, 26. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management: Manila. ISBN 971-1022-84-2. X, 390 pp., more
- Gayanilo, F.C.; Soriano, M.; Pauly, D. (1989). A draft guide to the Complete ELEFAN. ICLARM Software, 2. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management: Manila. VII, 70 pp., more
- Longhurst, A.R.; Pauly, D. (1987). Ecology of tropical oceans. ICLARM Contribution, 389. Academic Press: San Diego, London. ISBN 0-12-455562-4. xi, 407 pp., more
- Pauly, D.; Morgan, G.R. (Ed.) (1987). Length-based methods in fisheries research: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Theory and Application of Length-Based Methods for Stock Assessment, 11 - 16 February 1985, Mazzara del Vallo, Sicily, Italy. ICLARM Conference Proceedings, 13. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management: Manila. ISBN 971-1022-28-1. VII, 468 pp., more
- Pauly, D.; Tsukayama, I. (Ed.) (1987). The Peruvian Anchoveta and its upwelling ecosystem: Three decades of change. ICLARM Studies and Reviews, 15. Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE)/Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)/International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management: Callao, Eschborn, Manila. ISBN 971-1022-34-6. xii, 351 pp., more
- Pauly, D. (1979). Theory and management of tropical multispecies stocks: a review, with emphasis on the southeast Asian demersal fisheries. ICLARM Studies and Reviews, 1. International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management: Manila. IV, 35 pp., more
Book chapters (43) [show] |
- Pauly, D.; Palomares, M.L.D.; Derrick, B.; Tsui, G.; Hood, L.; Zeller, D. (2019). The Sea Around Us as provider of global fisheries catch and related marine biodiversity data to the Nereus Program and civil society, in: Cisneros-Montemayor, A.M. et al. Predicting future oceans: Sustainability of ocean and human systems amidst global environmental change. pp. 111-119., more
- Booth, S.; Cheung, W.W.L.; Coombs-Wallace, A.P.; Lam, V.W.Y.; Zeller, D.; Christensen, V.; Pauly, D. (2016). Pollutants in the seas around us, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Global atlas of marine fisheries: a critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts. : pp. 152-170, more
- Campbell, B.; Alder, J.; Trujillo, P.; Pauly, D. (2016). A global analysis of mariculture production and its sustainability, 1950-2030, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Global atlas of marine fisheries: a critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts. : pp. 137-151, more
- Cheung, W.W.L.; Pauly, D. (2016). Global-scale responses and vulnerability of marine species and fisheries to climate change, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Global atlas of marine fisheries: a critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts. : pp. 86-97, more
- Colléter, M.; Valls, A.; Christensen, V.; Coll, M.; Gascuel, D.; Guitton, J.; Piroddi, C.; Steenbeek, J.; Buszowski, J.; Pauly, D. (2016). Modeling the global oceans with the Ecopath software suite: a brief review and application example, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Global atlas of marine fisheries: a critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts. : pp. 98-109, more
- Cullis-Suzuki, S.; Pauly, D. (2016). Global evaluation of High Seas fisheries management, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Global atlas of marine fisheries: a critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts. : pp. 76-85, more
- Lam, V.W.Y.; Tavakolie, A.; Palomares, M.L.D.; Pauly, D.; Zeller, D. (2016). The Sea Around Us catch database and its spatial expression, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Global atlas of marine fisheries: a critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts. : pp. 59-67, more
Lam, V.W.Y.; Pauly, D. (2016). Fisheries indicators for Open Ocean Areas: Catch from bottom impacting gear, Marine Trophic Index, Fishing-in-Balance Index and demersal fishing effort, in: UNESCO-IOC et al. The open ocean: Status and trends. pp. 254-263, more
Lam, V.W.Y.; Pauly, D. (2016). Tuna Catches from 1950 to 2010: who catches what and where will this end?, in: UNESCO-IOC et al. The open ocean: Status and trends. pp. 264-270, more
Lam, V.W.Y.; Pauly, D. (2016). Fish catch potential in the open ocean under different climate change projections, in: UNESCO-IOC et al. The open ocean: Status and trends. pp. 272-280, more
- Le Manach, F.; Chavance, P.; Cisneros-Montemayor, A.M.; Lindop, A.; Padilla, A.; Schiller, L.; Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (2016). Global catches of large pelagic fishes, with emphasis on the High Seas, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Global atlas of marine fisheries: a critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts. The State of the World's Oceans Series, : pp. 34-45, more
- Paleczny, M.; Karpouzi, V.S.; Hammill, E.; Pauly, D. (2016). Global seabird populations and their food consumption, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Global atlas of marine fisheries: a critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts. : pp. 125-136, more
- Palomares, M.L.D.; Cheung, W.W.L.; Lam, V.W.Y.; Pauly, D. (2016). The distribution of exploited marine biodiversity, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Global atlas of marine fisheries: a critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts. : pp. 46-58, more
- Pauly, D. (2016). On the importance of fisheries catches, with a rationale for their reconstruction, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Global atlas of marine fisheries: a critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts. The State of the World's Oceans Series, : pp. 1-11, more
Pauly, D.; Lam, V.W.Y. (2016). How sustainable are open ocean fisheries?, in: UNESCO-IOC et al. The open ocean: Status and trends. pp. 242-252, more
- Pauly, D.; Zeller, D. (2016). Toward a comprehensive estimate of global marine fisheries catches, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Global atlas of marine fisheries: a critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts. pp. 171-181, more
- Tesfamichael, D.; Pauly, D. (2016). Introduction to the Red Sea, in: Tesfamichael, D. et al. The Red Sea ecosystem and fisheries. pp. 1-19., more
- Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (2016). Marine fisheries catch reconstruction: definitions, sources, methods, and challenges, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Global atlas of marine fisheries: a critical appraisal of catches and ecosystem impacts. The State of the World's Oceans Series, : pp. 12-33, more
- Al-Abdulrazzak, D.; Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (2015). Understanding fisheries through historical reconstructions: implications for fishery management and policy, in: Kittinger, J.N. et al. (Ed.) Marine historical ecology in conservation: Applying the past to manage for the future. pp. 119-133, more
Lam, V.W.Y.; Tavakolie, A.; Pauly, D.; Zeller, D. (2015). The Sea Around Us databases and their spatial dimensions, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Catch Reconstruction: concepts, methods, and data sources. pp. 33-40, more
Le Manach, F.; Cisneros-Montemayor, A.M.; Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (2015). Reconstructing catches of large pelagic fishes, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Catch Reconstruction: concepts, methods, and data sources. pp. 14-16, more
Palomares, M.L.D.; Cheung, W.; Lam, V.; Pauly, D. (2015). Taxon distributions, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Catch Reconstruction: concepts, methods, and data sources. pp. 17-33, more
- Pauly, D. (2015). Foreword, in: Kittinger, J.N. et al. (Ed.) Marine historical ecology in conservation: Applying the past to manage for the future. pp. xvii-xviii, more
Sumaila, U.R.; Teh, L.; Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (2015). The global ex-vessel fish price database, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Catch Reconstruction: concepts, methods, and data sources. pp. 42-43, more
Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (2015). Reconstructing marine fisheries catch data, in: Pauly, D. et al. (Ed.) Catch Reconstruction: concepts, methods, and data sources. pp. 2-14, more
- Pauly, D. (2011). Foreword, in: Chuenpagdee, R. (Ed.) World small-scale fisheries: contemporary visions. pp. 15-17, more
- Sumaila, U.R.; Pauly, D. (2011). The “March of Folly” in global fisheries, in: Jackson, J.B.C. et al. (Ed.) Shifting baselines: The past and the future of ocean fisheries. pp. 21-32, more
- Pauly, D. (2008). Beauty for fishes, in: Comer, S. et al. (Ed.) Ichthyo, the architecture of fish: X-rays from the Smithsonian Institution. pp. 21-25, more
- Kitchingman, A.; Lai, S.; Morato, T.; Pauly, D. (2007). How many seamounts are there and where are they located?, in: Pitcher, T.J. et al. Seamounts: Ecology, fisheries & conservation. Fish and Aquatic Resources Series, 12: pp. 26-40, more
- Pauly, D.; Watson, R. (2007). Counting the last fish, in: Scientific American (Ed.) Oceans: a scientific American reader. pp. 127-134, more
Pauly, D.; Alder, J. (Ed.) (2005). Marine Fisheries Systems, in: Hassan, R. et al. (Ed.) Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Current State and Trends, Volume 1. Findings of the Condition and Trends Working Group of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Series, 1: pp. 477-511, more
- Preikshot, D.; Pauly, D. (2005). Global fisheries and marine conservation: is coexistence possible?, in: Norse, E.A. et al. (Ed.) Marine conservation biology: the science of maintaining the sea's biodiversity. pp. 185-197, more
- Chuenpagdee, R.; Pauly, D. (2004). The Gulf of Thailand trawl fisheries, in: Swan, J. et al. Report and documentation of the International Workshop on the Implementation of International Fisheries Instruments and Factors of Unsustainability and Overexploitation in Fisheries, Mauritius, 3-7 February 2003. FAO Fisheries Report = FAO Rapport sur les pêches, 700: pp. 203-220, more
- Froese, R.; Pauly, D. (2003). Dynamik der Überfischung = Dynamics of overfishing, in: Lozán, J.L. et al. (Ed.) Warnsignale aus Nordsee & Wattenmeer: eine aktuelle Umweltbilanz. pp. 288-295, more
- Pauly, D.; Watson, R.; Christensen, V. (2003). Ecological geography as a framework for a transition toward responsible fishing, in: Sinclair, M. et al. Responsible fisheries in the marine ecosystem. pp. 87-101, more
- Watson, R.; Pauly, D.; Christensen, V.; Froese, R.; Longhurst, A.; Platt, T.; Sathyendranath, S.; Sherman, K.; O'Reilly, J.; Celone, P. (2003). Mapping fisheries onto marine ecosystems for regional, oceanic and global integrations, in: Hempel, G. et al. Large marine ecosystems of the world. pp. 375-395, more
Hempel, G.; Pauly, D. (2002). Fisheries and fisheries science in their search for sustainability, in: Field, J.G. et al. (Ed.) Oceans 2020: science, trends, and the challenge of sustainability. pp. 109-135, more
- Pauly, D. (2002). Darwin’s Fishes: the writing of a lost book, in: Christensen, V. et al. Proceedings of the INCO-DC Conference: Placing fisheries in their ecosystem context, Galápagos Islands, Ecuador, 4-8 December 2000. ACP-EU Fisheries Research Report, 12: pp. 21-23, more
- Pauly, D.; Christensen, V. (2002). Ecosystem models, in: Hart, P.J.B. et al. (Ed.) Handbook of fish biology and fisheries: 2. Fisheries. pp. 211-227, more
- Pauly, D. (2000). Fishing down marine food webs, in: Harrison, P.J. et al. Fisheries oceanography: an integrative approach to fisheries ecology and management. Fish and Aquatic Resources Series, 4: pp. 195-199, more
- Pauly, D. (1997). Integrando dimensiones ecológicas y socio-económicas a la investigacion pesquera del sur del Golfo de México, in: Flores-Hernández, D. et al. (Ed.) Análisis y Diagnóstico de los Recursos Pesqueros Críticos del Golfo de México. EPOMEX Serie Cientifica, 7: pp. 437-446, more
- Pauly, D.; Yáñez-Arancibia, A. (1994). Fisheries in coastal lagoons, in: Kjerfve, B. (Ed.) Coastal lagoon processes. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 60: pp. 377-399., more
- Yáñez-Arancibia, A.; Lara Domínguez, A.L.; Pauly, D. (1994). Coastal lagoons as fish habitats, in: Kjerfve, B. (Ed.) Coastal lagoon processes. Elsevier Oceanography Series, 60: pp. 363-376., more
Abstracts (3) [show] |
- Kaschner, K.; Watson, R.; Trites, A.W.; Pauly, D. (2004). Mapping world-wide distributions of marine mammal species using a relative environmental suitability (RES) model, in: Ocean Biodiversity Informatics, Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004: book of abstracts. pp. 70, more
- Pauly, D.; Watson, R. (2004). Fisheries impact on global marine biodiversity and ecosystems: inference from large heterogeneous data sets, in: Ocean Biodiversity Informatics, Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004: book of abstracts. pp. 8, more
- Rius, J.; Tolentino-Pablico, G.; Froese, R.; Pauly, D. (2004). Predicting trophic level for all fishes, in: Ocean Biodiversity Informatics, Hamburg, Germany: 29 November to 1 December 2004: book of abstracts. pp. 96, more
Reports (3) [show] |
Christensen, V.; Walters, C.J.; Ahrens, R.N.M.; Alder, J.; Buszowski, J.; Christensen, L.B.; Cheung, W.W.L.; Dunne, J.J.; Froese, R.; Karpouzi, V.S.; Kastner, K.; Kearney, K.; Lai, S.; Lam, V.W.Y.; Palomares, M.L.; Peters-Mason, A.; Piroddi, C.; Sarmiento, J.L.; Steenbeek, J.; Sumaila, U.R.; Watson, R.; Zeller, D.; Pauly, D. (Ed.) (2008). Models of the world's Large Marine Ecosystems. Technical Series. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission = Série technique, 80. UNESCO: Paris. iv, 36 + appendices pp., more
Pauly, D.; Christensen, V.; Froese, R.; Longhurst, A.; Platt, T.; Sathyendranath, S.; Sherman, K.; Watson, R. (2000). Mapping fisheries onto marine ecosystems: a proposal for a consensus approach for regional, oceanic and global integrations. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2000(T:14). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 15 pp., more
Pauly, D.; Trites, A.W.; Capuli, E.; Christensen, V. (1995). Diet composition and trophic levels of marine mammals. CM Documents - ICES, C.M. 1995(N:13). ICES: Copenhagen. 11 + tables pp., more
Other publications (9) [show] |
- Froese, R.; Pauly, D. (2013). Fish stocks, in: Levin, S.A. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Biodiversity. pp. 477-487., more
Pauly, D. (2006). Unsustainable marine fisheries. Sustainable development law & policy Fall 2006(1): 10-12,79, more
Pauly, D. (2003). Ecosystem impacts of the world’s marine fisheries. Global change newsletter 55: 21-23, more
- Pauly, D.; Watson, R.; Rigolle, C. (2003). De laatste vis wordt geteld. Eos 20(10): 10-15, more
Christensen, V.; Pauly, D. (1995). Fish production, catches and the carrying capacity of the world oceans. Naga 18(3): 34-40, more
- Pauly, D.; Christensen, V. (1995). Coral reef systems and their exploitation: towards a global account. Reef Encounter 18: 6-7, more
- Pauly, D. (1994). From growth to Malthusian overfishing: stages of fisheries resources misuse. Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin 3: 7-14, more
- Jarre, A.; Palomares, M.L.; Soriano, M.L.; Sambilay Jr., V.C.; Pauly, D. (1991). Some new analytical and comparative methods for estimating the food consumption of fish. ICES Mar. Sci. Symp. 193: 99-108, more
- Pauly, D. (Ed.) The State of the World's Oceans Series. ISSN 0379-8267, more