Trawl-survey data in the central-eastern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) collected in 1957 and 1958
Citable as data publication
National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS); Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), Italy; (2017): Trawl-survey data in the central-eastern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) collected in 1957 and 1958.
Fortibuoni, Tomaso Availability:
![]() Description
Between June 5th 1957 and July 4th 1958 a series of trawl-surveys were organised by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IOF, Croatia) in the Croatian channels around the Hvar Island (central-eastern Adriatic). more
Tows were performed once a month in all of the 10 fixed stations, for a total of 120 hauls. Two motorboats were employed, “Bios” (300 HP; LOA = 26 m) and “Predvodnik” (200 HP; LOA = 19 m). A cotton bottom otter-trawl net was used (wing mesh-size: 57 mm; cod-end mesh-size: 22 mm; foot-rope length: 34 m; head-rope length: 28 m). Tow duration was one hour for all hauls. CPUE (n/h) indexes for 104 demersal species were recorded (6,718 records), as well as information on the sediment type at each station. Species synonymies were updated according to the modern nomenclature referring to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). Some species are grouped into multispecies categories that group taxonomically similar species, i.e. species of the same genus or family (e.g. Raja spp., Triglidae). Sediment samples were collected by means of the Peterson power shovel. The depth of each station was extracted from the EMODnet Digital Bathymetry. Scope Themes: Biology > Benthos, Biology > Fish Keywords: Marine/Coastal, Demersal trawl, Historical records, Marine Historical Ecology, self-propelled small boat, EurOBIS calculated BBOX, MED, Central Adriatic Sea, Crustacea, Mollusca, Pisces Geographical coverage EurOBIS calculated BBOX Stations
Bounding Box Coordinates: MinLong: 16,17; MinLat: 42,95 - MaxLong: 17,47; MaxLat: 43,4 [WGS84] MED, Central Adriatic Sea [Marine Regions] Temporal coverage
5 June 1957 - 4 July 1958 Parameters
Abundance of biological entity specified elsewhere per unit of sampling time in the water body [BODC] Catch per unit effort Sediment texture class Contributors
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Vrgoc, N. et al. (2004). Review of current knowledge on shared demersal stocks of the Adriatic Sea. FAO-MiPAF Scientific Cooperation to Support Responsible Fisheries in the Adriatic Sea. GCP/RER/010/ITA/TD-12. AdriaMed Technical Documents, 12 . FAO AdriaMed: Termoli. 91 pp., more
Zupanovic, S. (1961). Kvantitativno-kvalitativna analiza ribijih naselja kanala srednjeg Jadrana = Analyse quantitative-qualitative des populations des poissons dans les canaux de l'Adriatique moyenne. Acta Adriat. 9(3): 1-152, more
Dataset status: Completed
Data type: Data
Data origin: Research: field survey
Metadatarecord created: 2017-03-08
Information last updated: 2022-08-03