Thesaurus terms (10) : Dredging; Environmental pollution; Land reclamation; Landfill; Offshore wind farms; Pipeline construction; Sludge treatment; Soil pollution; Soil pollution; Soil pollution
Geographical terms (15) : ANE, Belgium, Zeeland Banks, Thornton Bank [Marine Regions]; ANE, France, Seine Estuary [Marine Regions]; ANE, Germany [Marine Regions]; ANE, Ireland, Cork [Marine Regions]; ANE, North Sea [Marine Regions]; ASE, Ghana [Marine Regions]; ASE, Nigeria [Marine Regions]; Australia [Marine Regions]; Belgium, Schelde R. [Marine Regions]; Belgium, Zeeschelde, Antwerp Harbour, Kallo Lock [Marine Regions]; ISEW, Hong Kong [Marine Regions]; ISW, Bangladesh [Marine Regions]; MED, Italy, Campania, Ischia I., Maronti Beach; MED, Tunisia [Marine Regions]; MED, Turkey [Marine Regions]
Address: Haven 1025 - Scheldedijk 30
2070 Zwijndrecht Belgium
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Type: Commercial
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Associated to an institute part (19) |
Person formerly associated with this organization |
Child institutes (6) |
Top | Persons | Publications | Project | Events |
- Dredging, Environmental & Marine Engineering N.V.; Baggerwerken Decloedt & Zoon N.V. (DEME), more
- Dredging, Environmental & Marine Engineering N.V.; DEC N.V. (DEME-DEC), more
- Dredging, Environmental & Marine Engineering NV; D.E.M.E. Blue Energy (DEME-DBE), more
- Dredging, Environmental & Marine Engineering NV; Dredging International NV (DEME-DI), more
- Dredging, Environmental & Marine Engineering NV; GeoSea nv (DEME), more
- Dredging, Environmental & Marine Engineering NV; Global Sea Mineral Resources (DEME-GSR), more
Abstract: |
DEME Group is a leader in research and development. Our in-house engineering department has significantly contributed to major breakthroughs in its core business: dredging and land reclamation. Over the years, DEME Group has developed innovative technology for environmental dredging, treating and cleaning contaminated sludge and polluted soil, construction of landfills for industrial and domestic waste. As these activities became more important, DEME-Group merged them in a separate company that works domestic and foreign markets: DEME Environmental Contractors (DEC).
DEME Group is working on the five continents, operating through a network of branch offices, subsidiaries and agencies from Mexico and Nigeria to Australia, from Caracas over Rome to Shanghai. Activities are well spread over the globe, balancing risks in one area with opportunities in another one. |
Publications (34) |
Top | Persons | Institutes | Project | Events |
( 14 peer reviewed ) split up filter
Islam, M.; Semeraro, A.; Langedock, K.; Moulaert, I.; Stratigaki, V.; Sterckx, T.; Van Hoey, G. (2024). Inducing mussel beds, based on an aquaculture long-line system, as nature-based solutions: effects on seabed dynamics and benthic communities. Nature-Based Solutions 6: 100142., more
Peck, C.J.; Langedock, K.; Boone, W.; Fourie, F.; Moulaert, I.; Semeraro, A.; Sterckx, T.; Geldhof, R.; Groenendaal, B.; Ponsoni, L. (2024). The use of autonomous underwater vehicles for monitoring aquaculture setups in a high-energy shallow water environment: case study Belgian North Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 11: 1386267., more
Eldrup, M.R.; Andersen, T.L.; Van Doorslaer, K.; Van der Meer, J. (2022). Improved guidance on roughness and crest width in overtopping of rubble mound structures along EurOtop. Coast. Eng. 176: 104152., more
Goedefroo, N.; Benham, P.; Debusschere, E.; Deneudt, K.; Mascart, T.; Semeraro, A.; Sterckx, T.; Van Hoey, G. (2022). Nature-based solutions in a sandy foreshore: A biological assessment of a longline mussel aquaculture technique to establish subtidal reefs. Ecol. Eng. 185: 106807., more
Vergote, T.A.; Raymackers, S. (2022). Building a framework for probabilistic assessment accounting for soil, spatial, operational and model uncertainty, applied to pile driveability. Ocean Eng. 266(Part 5): 113181., more
Blenkinsopp, C.E.; Bayle, P.M.; Conley, D.C.; Masselink, G.; Gulson, E.; Kelly, I.; Almar, R.; Turner, I.L.; Baldock, T.E.; Beuzen, T.; McCall, R.T.; Rijper, H.; Reniers, A.; Troch, P.; Gallach-Sánchez, D.; Hunter, A.J.; Bryan, O.; Hennessey, G.; Ganderton, P.; Tissier, M.; Kudella, M.; Schimmels, S. (2021). Author correction: High-resolution, large-scale laboratory measurements of a sandy beach and dynamic cobble berm revetment. Scientific Data 8(1): 86., more
Blenkinsopp, C.E.; Bayle, P.M.; Conley, D.C.; Masselink, G.; Gulson, E.; Kelly, I.; Almar, R.; Turner, I.L.; Baldock, T.E.; Beuzen, T.; McCall, R.T.; Rijper, H.; Reniers, A.; Troch, P.; Gallach-Sánchez, D.; Hunter, A.J.; Bryan, O.; Hennessey, G.; Ganderton, P.; Tissier, M.; Kudella, M.; Schimmels, S. (2021). High-resolution, large-scale laboratory measurements of a sandy beach and dynamic cobble berm revetment. Scientific Data 8(1): 22., more
Gallach-Sánchez, D.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A. (2021). A new average wave overtopping prediction formula with improved accuracy for smooth steep low-crested structures. Coast. Eng. 163: 103800., more
Thibaud Mascart | Tomas Sterckx | Sophie Delerue-Ricard | Jan Fordeyn | Marc Huygens (2021). Coastbusters a nature-based solutions coastal management alternative. Terra et Aqua 163: 26-37, more
Sterckx, T.; Lemey, E.; Huygens, M.; Fordeyn, J.; Groenendaal, B.; Semeraro, A.; Mascart, T.; Van Doorslaer, K. (2020). Coastbusters: nature inspired solutions for ecosystem based coastal management, in: Altomare, C. et al. Special issue on climate change adaptation and countermeasures in coastal environments. Hydrolink, 1: pp. 7-10, more
Wyns, L.; Semeraro, A.; Sterckx, T.; Delbare, D.; Van Hoey, G. (2020). Practical implementation of in vitro culture of Lanice conchilega (Polychaeta) in a coastal defence context. Invertebr. Reprod. Dev. 64(3): 219-236., more
Remmers, J.; Reale, C.; Pisanò, F.; Raymackers, S.; Gavin, K. (2019). Geotechnical installation design of suction buckets in non-cohesive soils: a reliability-based approach. Ocean Eng. 188: 106242., more
Van Doorslaer, K.; Romano, A.; De Rouck, J.; Kortenhaus, A. (2017). Impacts on a storm wall caused by non-breaking waves overtopping a smooth dike slope. Coast. Eng. 120: 93-111., more
Thomsen, F.; Borsani, F.; Clarke, D.; De Jong, C.; de Wit, P.; Goethals, F.; Holtkamp, M.; San Martin, E.; Spadaro, P.; van Raalte, G.; Victor, G.Y.V.; Jensen, A. (2016). WODA technical guidance on underwater sound from dredging, in: Popper, A.N. et al. The effects of noise on aquatic life II. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 875: pp. 1161-1166., more
- Pepi, Y.; Langedock, K.; Moulaert, I.; Semeraro, A.; Ponsoni, L.; De Geeter, C.; Van Hoey, G.; Sterckx, T.; Boone, W. (2023). An accelerometer-based monitoring system for mussel aquaculture off the Belgian coast, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 1 March 2023, Bruges. VLIZ Special Publication, 90: pp. 84-85, more
- Pint, S.; Moulaert, I.; Pirlet, H.; Langedock, K.; Semeraro, A.; Van Hoey, G.; Sterckx, T.; Boone, W.; Everaert, G.; Hablützel, P. (2023). Subtidal mussel reefs: A feasible nature-based approach for coastal protection along the Belgian coast?, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 1 March 2023, Bruges. VLIZ Special Publication, 90: pp. 88, more
- Moulaert, I.; Langedock, K.; Boone, W.; Carpentier, J.-B.; Delbare, D.; Devriese, S.; Geldhof, R.; Groenendaal, B.; Huyghens, M.; Mascart, T.; Semeraro, A.; Van Hoey, G.; Sterckx, T. (2022). Coastbusters, nature-based solutions for sustainable coastal management, in: ECSA 59: Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas 5 - 8 September 2022, San Sebastian, Spain. , more
- Plets, R.; De Batist, M;; Missiaen, T.; De Clercq, M.; Garcia, D.; Mestdagh, T.; Versteeg, W.; Fitch, S.; Harding, R.; Gaffney, V.; Busschers, F.; Van Heteren, S. (2022). Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of the Flemish Bight (southern North Sea): a re-evaluation, in: EGU General Assembly 2022. Vienna, Austria & Online, 23–27 May 2022. pp. EGU22-7244., more
- Goedefroo, N.; Benham, P.; Debusschere, E.; Deneudt, K.; Mascart, T.; Semeraro, A.; Sterckx, T.; Van Hoey, G. (2021). The application of longline mussel aquaculture to establish subtidal reefs: Nature-based solutions in coastal defense, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, Online event 3 March 2021. VLIZ Special Publication, 85: pp. 62-63, more
- Vancauwenbergh, L.; Vandepitte, D.; Moens, D.; Vanneste, G.; Vercruijsse, P. (2020). Reconstruction and analysis of the torsional excitation force component of a cutter suction dredger in hard rock conditions, in: Proceedings of ISMA2020 including USD2020. pp. 2699-2713, more
- Devolder, B.; Stempinski, F.; Mol, A.; Rauwoens, P. (2019). Validation of a roll decay test of an offshore installation vessel using OpenFOAM, in: Bensow, R. et al. MARINE 2019 - Computational Methods in Marine Engineering VIII, 13-15 May, 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. pp. 670-681, more
- Devolder, B.; Mol, A.; Rauwoens, P. (2019). Hydrodynamic modelling of wave-structure interaction processes using OpenFOAM, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 13 March 2019. VLIZ Special Publication, 83: pp. 104-105, more
- Islam, R.; Mascart, T.; Stechele, B.; Lemey, E.; Nevejan, N.; Geldhof, R.; Huygens, M. (2019). What are the boundary conditions to implement nature-inspired coastal defence solutions? A Coastbusters blueprint comparison between Europe and Bay of Bengal, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 13 March 2019. VLIZ Special Publication, 83: pp. 117, more
- Islam, R.; Stechele, B.; Mascart, T.; Lemey, E.; Huygens, M.; Geldhof, R.; Nevejan, N. (2019). Environmental DNA, an emerging tool to predict the potentiality of nature inspired designs and oyster reef restoration: a Coastbusters case study for oyster reefs construction in the Belgian part of the North Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 13 March 2019. VLIZ Special Publication, 83: pp. 116, more
- Sterckx, T. (2019). Looking for opportunities to grow, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 13 March 2019. VLIZ Special Publication, 83: pp. 46, more
- Sterckx, T.; Lemey, E.; Huygens, M.; Fordeyn, J.; Groenendaal, B.; Delbare, D.; Vanagt, T.; Pycke, B.; Semeraro, A.; Mascart, T. (2019). COASTBUSTERS: investigation of ecosystem based coastal stabilisation solutions, in: 22nd World Dredging Congress (WODCON XXII). pp. 1-10, more
- Wyns, L.; Semeraro, A.; Delbare, D.; Groenendaal, B.; Pycke, B.F.G.; Sterckx, T.; Mascart, T.; Huygens, M.; Lemey, E.; Fordeyn, J.; Vanagt, T.; Van Hoey, G. (2019). In vitro experiment on spawning induction of L. conchilega and substrate preference during settlement of the larva, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Bredene, Belgium, 13 March 2019. VLIZ Special Publication, 83: pp. 160-161, more
- Verschraegen, F. (2018). DEME: Creating land for the future, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 5, more
- Van Esbroeck, M.; Dockx, J.; Van de Velde, K.; Pensaert, S.; Pynaert, K.; Horckmans, L. (2013). The AMORAS project: dewatering and reuse of the Antwerp Port sediments, in: CEDA 20th World Dredging Congress and Exhibition 2013 (WODCON XX). The Art of Dredging. Brussels, Belgium, 3-7 June 2013. pp. 602-612, more
- de Vries, G.; Beyen, J. (2009). A special unit for water injection dredgers, in: CEDA Dredging Days 2009 - Dredging Tools for the Future. pp. 13, more
- Paauw, J.J.; Grima, M.A.; Peters, J.D.P.A.; De Boom, M.; Claessens, S.; van Dijk, J.C. (2009). Towards an LCC approach in the dredging industry, in: CEDA Dredging Days 2009 - Dredging Tools for the Future. pp. 7, more
- Fernagu, E.; Zhang, H.; Tomlinson, R. (2008). Sustainability of reclaimed foreshore - case study: Southport Broadwater Parklands, in: The Proceedings of The Eighth (2008) ISOPE PACIFIC/ASIA OFFSHORE MECHANICS SYMPOSIUM (PACOMS-2008). , more
- Willems, K.; Sánchez-Arcilla, A.; Aguar, J.G.; De Rouck, J.; Troch, P.; Bolaños, R. (2007). Extreme waves revisited, in: McKee Smith, J. (Ed.) Coastal Engineering 2006: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference, San Diego, California, USA, 3-8 September 2006. Vol. 1. pp. 802-811., more
- Willems, K.; Sánchez-Arcilla, A.; Aguar, J.G.; De Rouck, J.; Troch, P.; Bolaños, R. (2006). Extreme waves revisited, in: Coastal Engineering Foundation 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 2-8 September 2006, San Diego, California, USA: book of abstracts. pp. 23, more