Publications (42) |
Top | Publications | Project |
A1 Publications (21) [show] |
Leslie, H.A.; Brandsma, S.H.; Barber, J.L.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Bersuder, P.; Barry, J.; Shore, R.F.; Walker, L.A.; de Boer, J. (2021). Decabromodiphenylether trends in the European environment: bird eggs, sewage sludge and surficial sediments. Sci. Total Environ. 774: 145174., more
- Brandsma, S.H.; Leonards, P.E.G.; Leslie, H.A.; de Boer, J. (2015). Tracing organophosphorus and brominated flame retardants and plasticizers in an estuarine food web. Sci. Total Environ. 505: 22-31., more
- de Boer, J.; Dao, Q.T.; Van Leeuwen, S.P.J.; Kotterman, M.J.J.; Schobben, J.H.M. (2010). Thirty year monitoring of PCBs, organochlorine pesticides and tetrabromodiphenylether in eel from The Netherlands. Environ. Pollut. 158(5): 1228-1236., more
- Belpaire, C.G.J.; Goemans, G.; Geeraerts, C.; Quataert, P.; Parmentier, K.; Hagel, P.; de Boer, J. (2009). Decreasing eel stocks: survival of the fattest? Ecol. Freshw. Fish. 18(2): 197-214., more
- Bakker, M.; de Winter-Sorkina, R.; de Mul, A.; Boon, P.E.; van Donkersgoed, G.; van Klaveren, J.D.; Baumann, B.A.; Hijman, W.C.; Van Leeuwen, S.P.J.; de Boer, J.; Zeilmaker, M.J. (2008). Dietary intake and risk evaluation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in The Netherlands. Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 52(2): 204-216, more
- de Boer, J. (2004). Brominated flame retardants in the environment - the price for our convenience? Environ. Chem. 1(2): 81-85., more
- de Boer, J.; Wester, P.G.; van der Horst, A.; Leonards, P.E.G. (2003). Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in influents, suspended particulate matter, sediments, sewage treatment plant and effluents and biota from the Netherlands. Environ. Pollut. 122(1): 63-74., more
- Vos, J.G.; Becher, G.; van den Berg, M.; de Boer, J.; Leonards, P.E.G. (2003). Brominated flame retardants and endocrine disruption. Pure Appl. Chem. 75(11-12): 2039-2046, more
- Boon, J.P.; Lewis, W.E.; Tjoen-A-Choy, M.R.; Allchin, C.R.; Law, R.J.; de Boer, J.; Hallers-Tjabbes, C.C.; Zegers, B.N. (2002). Levels of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants in animals representing different trophic levels of the North Sea food web. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36(19): 4025-4032, more
- Covaci, A.; de Boer, J.; Ryan, J.J.; Voorspoels, S.; Schepens, P. (2002). Distribution of organobrominated and organochlorinated contaminants in Belgian human adipose tissue. Environ. Res. 88(3): 210-218, more
de Boer, J.; McGovern, E. (2001). Certified reference materials for organic contaminants for use in monitoring of the aquatic environment. Trends Anal. Chem. 20(3): 140-159, more
- de Geus, H.-J.; de Boer, J.; Brinkman, U.A.Th. (1997). Development of a thermal desorption modulator for gas chromatography. J. Chromatogr. 767: 137-151, more
- de Boer, J.; Dao, Q.T.; Wester, P.G.; Bøwadt, S.; Brinkman, U.A.Th. (1995). Determination of mono-ortho substituted chlorobiphenyls by multidimensional gas chromatography and their contribution to TCDD equivalents. Anal. Chim. Acta 300(1-3): 155-165, more
- Muir, D.C.G.; de Boer, J. (1995). Recent developments in the analysis and environmental chemistry of toxaphene with emphasis on the marine environment. Trends Anal. Chem. 14(2): 56-66, more
- de Boer, J.; Van der Valk, F.; Kerkhoff, M.A.T.; Hagel, P. (1994). 8-Year study on the elimination of PCBs and other organochlorine compounds from eel (Anguilla anguilla) under natural conditions. Environ. Sci. Technol. 28(13): 2242-2248., more
- de Boer, J.; van der Meer, J.; Reutergardh, L.; Calder, J.A. (1994). Determination of chlorobiphenyls in cleaned-up seal blubber and marine sediment extracts: interlaboratory study. J. AOAC Int. 77(6): 1411-1422, more
- Wells, D.E.; de Boer, J. (1994). The 1993 QUASIMEME laboratory-performance study: chlorobiphenyls in fish oil and standard solutions. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 29(4-5): 174-84, more
- de Boer, J.; Wester, P.G. (1993). Determination of toxaphene in human milk from Nicaragua and in fish and marine mammals from the northeastern Atlantic and the North Sea. Chemosphere 27(10): 1879-1890, more
- de Boer, J.; Duinker, J.C.; Calder, J.A.; van der Meer, J. (1992). Interlaboratory study on the analysis of chlorobiphenyl congeners. J. AOAC Int. 75(6): 1054-1062, more
- de Boer, J.; Wester, P. (1991). Chlorobiphenyls and organochlorine pesticides in various sub-Antarctic organisms. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 22(9): 441-447, more
- Kerkhoff, M.A.T.; de Boer, J.; Geerdes, J. (1981). Heptachlor epoxide in marine mammals. Sci. Total Environ. 19(1): 41-50., more
Peer reviewed publications (2) [show] |
de Boer, J.; van der Zande, T.E.; Pieters, H.; Ariese, F.; Schipper, C.A.; van Brummelen, T.; Vethaak, A.D. (2001). Organic contaminants and trace metals in flounder liver and sediment from the Amsterdam and Rotterdam harbours and off the Dutch coast. J. Environ. Monit. 3(4): 386-393, more
- Boon, J.P.; Helle, M.; Dekker, M.; Sleiderink, H.M.; de Leeuw, J.W.; Klamer, H.J.C.; Govers, B.; Wester, P.; de Boer, J. (1996). In-vitro biotransformation of chlorinated bornanes (toxaphene) in hepatic microsomes of marine mammals and birds: influence on bioaccumulation and mutagenicity. Mém. Mus. natl. hist. nat., Sér. A Zool. 162: 1-6, more
Book [show] |
- Belfroid, A.C.; Murk, A.J.; de Voogt, P.; Schäfer, A.J.; Rijs, G.B.J.; Vethaak, A.D.; Meerman, J.H.N.; van der Velde, E.G.; de Boer, J. (1999). Hormoonontregelaars in water: oriënterende studie naar de aanwezigheid van oestrogeen-actieve stoffen in watersystemen en afvalwater in Nederland. RIZA-Rapport, 99(7). RIKZ/RIZA: The Netherlands. ISBN 90-3795-227-1. 109 pp., more
Book chapters (6) [show] |
- Law, R.J.; Webster, L.; Theobald, N.; Rumney, H.S.; de Boer, J. (2011). Organic micropollutants, in: Quevauviller, P. et al. (Ed.) Chemical marine monitoring: Policy framework and analytical trends. Water Quality Measurements Series, : pp. 161-196, more
- Belpaire, C.G.J.; Goemans, G.; Geeraerts, C.; Quataert, P.; Parmentier, K.; Hagel, P.; de Boer, J. (2008). Decreasing eel stocks: survival of the fattest?, in: Belpaire, C. Pollution in eel: a cause of their decline? = Verontreiniging in paling: een oorzaak van zijn achteruitgang?. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, M.2008.2: pp. 115-143, more
Lebeuf, M.; de Boer, J.; Haarich, M.; Roose, P. (2000). Annex 7: concentrations of tris (4-chlorophenyl) methanol and tris (4-chlorophenyl) methane in fish, in: Report of the marine chemistry working group, ICES, Copenhagen, 28 February – 3 March 2000. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2000(E:01): pp. 46-49, more
- Cleemann, M.; Paulsen, G.B.; Pritzl, G.; Riget, F.; Poulsen, M.E.; de Boer, J.; Klungsøyr, J. (1997). Organochlorines in sediments and biota from Greenland, in: Hites, R.A. Levels in the environment, levels in food, sources. 17th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Indianapolis, USA, August 25-29, 1997. Organohalogen Compounds, 32: pp. 268-271, more
- de Boer, J. (1997). Toxaphene - recent developments in analysis and biomonitoring, in: Hites, R.A. (Ed.) Toxaphene, transport and fate, ecotoxicology and human exposure. 17th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Indianapolis, USA, August 25-29, 1997. Organohalogen Compounds, 33: pp. 7-12, more
- Wester, P.G.; de Geus, H.-J.; de Boer, J.; Brinkman, U.A.Th. (1997). Simple nomenclature for chlorinated bornanes, bornenes and bornadienes from which structural information can be directly deduced, in: Hites, R.A. (Ed.) Toxaphene, transport and fate, ecotoxicology and human exposure. 17th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Indianapolis, USA, August 25-29, 1997. Organohalogen Compounds, 33: pp. 47-52, more
Thesis [show] |
- de Boer, J. (1995). Analysis and biomonitoring of complex mixtures of persistent halogenated micro-contaminants. PhD Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Amsterdam. ISBN 90-9007970-X. 323 pp., more
Reports (8) [show] |
Oldenkamp, R.; de Boer, J.; van der Veen, I. (2022). PFAS in sea spray. Rapport R22/007/ E&H. Milieu & Gezondheid, Faculty of Science Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Amsterdam. 12 pp., more
Wevers, M.; Voorspoels, S.; Covaci, A.; Roosens, L.; Neels, H.; Schepens, P.; Belpaire, C.; Goemans, G.; de Boer, J.; D'Havé, H.; De Coen, W.M.; Van Hooste, H. (2007). Milieurapport Vlaanderen. MIRA Achtergronddocument 2007: verspreiding van persistente organische polluenten. Vlaamse Milieu Maatschappij: Erembodegem. 51 pp., more
- Wevers, M.; Voorspoels, S.; Covaci, A.; Schepens, P.; Belpaire, C.; Goemans, G.; de Boer, J.; D'Havé, H.; De Coen, W.M.; Van Hooste, H. (2005). Milieurapport Vlaanderen. MIRA Achtergronddocument 2005: verspreiding van gebromeerde vlamvertragers. Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM): Erembodegem. 29 pp., more
- Boon, J.P.; Smith, D.E.C.; Lewis, W.E.; Klamer, H.J.C.; Pastor, D.; Wester, P.G.; de Boer, J. (1998). In vitro biotransformatie van organohalogeenverbindingen in zeezoogdieren en vogels. Mogelijke gevolgen voor bioaccumulatie en genotoxiciteit: 4. Polychloor terfenylen (PCT's). BEON Rapport = BEON-report, 98(1). RIKZ: Den Haag. 38 pp., more
- Boon, J.P.; Smith, D.E.C.; Lewis, W.E.; Klamer, H.J.C.; Pastor, D.; Wester, P.G.; de Boer, J. (1998). In vitro biotransformatie van organohalogeenverbindingen in zeezoogdieren en vogels. Mogelijke gevolgen voor bioaccumulatie en genotoxiciteit: 5. Chloordanen. BEON Rapport = BEON-report, 98(7). RIKZ: Den Haag. 42 pp., more
- Boon, J.P.; Greve, M.J.; Bouma, J.; de Boer, M.K.; Lewis, W.E.; Klamer, H.J.C.; Pastor, D.; Wester, E.; de Boer, J. (1997). In vitro biotransformatie van organohalogeenverbindingen in zeezoogdieren en vogels. Mogelijke gevolgen voor bioaccumulatie en genotoxiciteit: 3. Gebromeerde vlamvertragers (polybroom difenylethers en polybroom bifenylen). BEON Rapport = BEON-report, 97(6). RIKZ: Den Haag. 46 pp., more
- Boon, J.P.; Sleiderink, H.M.; de Boer, J.; Wester, P.; Klamer, H.J.C.; Govers, B. (1996). De ontwikkeling van een in-vitro assay voor de bepaling van de invloed van biotransformatie op de bioaccumulatie en de mutageniteit van lipofiele organohalogeenverbindingen in mariene toppredatoren: 2. Toxafeen. BEON Rapport = BEON-report, 96(1). RIKZ: Den Haag. 36 pp., more
- Boon, J.P.; van Schanke, A.; Roex, E.; de Boer, J.; Wester, P. (1995). De ontwikkeling van een in-vitro assay voor de bepaling van de invloed van biotransformatie op de bioaccumulatie en de mutageniteit van lipofiele organohalogeenverbindingen in mariene toppredatoren: 1. Validatie van de assay met PCBs en de eerste testresultaten met toxafeen. BEON Rapport = BEON-report, 95(4). RIKZ: Den Haag. 58 pp., more
Other publications (3) [show] |
- Belpaire, C.; Geeraerts, C.; de Boer, J. (2009). The survival of the fattest - Dalend vetgehalte luidt einde van de paling in. Eos (januari): 97-99, more
- de Boer, J. (2001). Verontreinigingen in visserijproducten: consequenties van nationale en Europese normstelling. Aquacultuur 16(2): 23-27, more
- de Boer, J. (1997). CB and OCP certified standard solutions now available from QUASIMEME. Quasimeme 4: 12-13, more