Institute |
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Wageningen University and Research Centre; Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies; Vestiging Den Hoorn Texel, more
Function: researcher
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Tel.: +31-(0)317-48 71 08
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Publications (14) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Dataset |
A1 Publications (8) [show] |
Breen, P.; Cañadas, A.; Cadhla, O.O.; Mackey, M.; Scheidat, M.; Geelhoed, S.C.V.; Rogan, E.; Jessopp, M.J. (2017). New insights into ocean sunfish (Mola mola) abundance and seasonal distribution in the northeast Atlantic. NPG Scientific Reports 7(1): 9 pp., more
Hammond, P.S.; MacLeod, K.; Berggren, P.; Borchers, D.L.; Burt, L.; Cañadas, A.; Desportes, G.; Donovan, G.P.; Gilles, A.; Gillespie, D.; Gordon, J.; Hiby, L.; Kuklik, I.; Leaper, R.; Lehnert, K.; Leopold, M.; Lovell, P.; Øien, N.; Paxton, C.G.M.; Ridoux, V.; Rogan, E.; Samarra, F.; Scheidat, M.; Sequeira, M.; Siebert, U.; Skov, H.; Swift, R.; Tasker, M.L.; Teilmann, J.; Van Canneyt, O.; Vásquez, J.A. (2013). Cetacean abundance and distribution in European Atlantic shelf waters to inform conservation and management. Biol. Conserv. 164: 107-122., more
Gilles, A.; Adler, S.; Kaschner, K.; Scheidat, M.; Siebert, U. (2011). Modelling harbour porpoise seasonal density as a function of the German Bight environment: implications for management. Endang. Species Res. 14(2): 157-169., more
Lindeboom, H.J.; Kouwenhoven, H.J.; Bergman, M.J.N.; Bouma, S.; Brasseur, S.; Daan, R.; Fijn, R.C.; de Haan, D.; Dirksen, S.; van Hal, R.; Hille Ris Lambers, R.; ter Hofstede, R.; Krijgsveld, K.L.; Leopold, M.; Scheidat, M. (2011). Short-term ecological effects of an offshore wind farm in the Dutch coastal zone; a compilation. Environ. Res. Lett. 6(3): 035101 (13 pp.)., more
Scheidat, M.; Tougaard, J.; Brasseur, S.; Carstensen, J.; van Polanen Petel, T.; Teilmann, J.; Reijnders, P. (2011). Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and wind farms: a case study in the Dutch North Sea. Environ. Res. Lett. 6(2): 11 pp., more
- Herr, H.; Scheidat, M.; Lehnert, K.; Siebert, U. (2009). Seals at sea: modelling seal distribution in the German bight based on aerial survey data. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 156(5): 811-820., more
Scheidat, M.; Gilles, A.; Kock, K.-H.; Siebert, U. (2008). Harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena abundance in the southwestern Baltic Sea. Endang. Species Res. 5(2-3): 215-223., more
- Siebert, U.; Gilles, A.; Lucke, K.; Ludwig, M.; Benke, H.; Kock, K.-H.; Scheidat, M. (2006). A decade of harbour porpoise occurrence in German waters: analyses of aerial surveys, incidental sightings and strandings. J. Sea Res. 56(1): 65-80., more
Peer reviewed publications (3) [show] |
- Geelhoed, S.C.V.; Scheidat, M. (2018). Abundance of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) on the Dutch continental shelf, aerial surveys 2012-2017, in: North Sea Cetacean Special. Lutra (Leiden), 61(1): pp. 127-136, more
- Weel, S.M.H.; Geelhoed, S.C.V.; Tulp, I.; Scheidat, M. (2018). Feeding behaviour of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the Ems estuary, in: North Sea Cetacean Special. Lutra (Leiden), 61(1): pp. 137-152, more
Geelhoed, S.C.V.; Scheidat, M.; van Bemmelen, R.S.A.; Aarts, G. (2013). Abundance of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) on the Dutch Continental Shelf, aerial surveys in July 2010-March 2011. Lutra 56(1): 45-57, more
Book chapter [show] |
- Scheidat, M.; Gilles, A.; Siebert, U. (2006). Evaluating the distribution and density of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in selected areas in German waters, in: von Nordheim, H. et al. (Ed.) Progress in marine conservation in Europe: NATURA 2000 sites in German offshore waters. pp. 189-208, more
Reports (2) [show] |
Hammond, P.S.; Lacey, C.; Gilles, A.; Viquerat, S.; Börjesson, P.; Herr, H.; MacLeod, K.; Ridoux, V.; Santos, M.B.; Scheidat, M.; Teilmann, J.; Vingada, J.; Øien, N. (2017). Estimates of cetacean abundance in European Atlantic waters in summer 2016 from the SCANS-III aerial and shipboard surveys. Sea Mammal Research Unit: St Andrews . 39 pp., more
Rogers, S.; Casini, M.; Cury, P.; Heath, M.; Irigoien, X.; Kuosa, H.; Scheidat, M.; Skov, H.; Stergiou, K.; Trenkel, V.; Wikner, J.; Yunev, O. (2010). Marine Strategy Framework Directive Task Group 4 Report: Food webs. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg. ISBN 978-92-79-15656-4. 55 pp., more