Projects (7) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
- Causes and consequences of changing marine biodiversity a fish and fisheries perspective, more
- Costing the impact of demersal fishing on marine ecosystem processes and biodiversity, more
- Development of decision support systems, more
- Effects of biodiversity on the functioning and stability of marine ecosystems: European scale comparisons, more
- Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence, more
- Meiobenthic And Nematode biodiversity: Unraveling Ecological and Latitudinal Aspects, more
- Vectors of changes in marine life, impact on economic sectors, more
Datasets (7) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
- Austen, M. & McEvoy, A. (1993). Experimental effects of TBT on meiobenthic communities. Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), UK., more
- Austen, M. & McEvoy, A. (1993). Nematodes from the Exe estuary (UK): microcosm experiments. Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), UK., more
- Austen, M. & McEvoy, A. (1993). Nematodes from the Lynher estuary (UK): microcosm experiments. Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), UK., more
- Austen, M. (1995). Nematodes of Solbergstrand, Norway (in presence and absence of Brissopsis). Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), UK., more
- McEvoy, A. & Austen, M. (1996). Offshore nematodes from Rame (UK) and in microcosm experiment (exposure to metals). Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), UK., more
- Somerfield, P.J. & Austen, M. (1993). Meiofauna from Lynher estuary in microcosms with contaminated sediment from the Fal estuary. Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML), UK., more
- Nematoda from Oslofjord (bioturbation experiment), more
Publications (43) |
Top | Institute | Publications | Projects | Datasets |
A1 Publications (26) [show] |
Beaumont, N.J.; Aanesen, M.; Austen, M.C.; Börger, T.; Clark, J.R.; Cole, M.; Hooper, T.; Lindeque, P.K.; Pascoe, C.; Wyles, K.J. (2019). Global ecological, social and economic impacts of marine plastic. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 142: 189-195., more
Broszeit, S.; Beaumont, N.J.; Hooper, T.L.; Somerfield, P.J.; Austen, M.C. (2019). Developing conceptual models that link multiple ecosystem services to ecological research to aid management and policy, the UK marine example. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 141: 236-243., more
Börger, T.; Broszeit, S.; Ahtiainen, H.; Atkins, J.P.; Burdon, D.; Luisetti, T.; Murillas, A.; Oinonen, S.; Paltriguera, L.; Roberts, L.; Uyarra, M.C.; Austen, M.C. (2016). Assessing costs and benefits of measures to achieve Good Environmental Status in European regional seas: challenges, opportunities, and lessons learnt. Front. Mar. Sci. 3: 192., more
- Fernandes, J.A.; Santos, L.; Vance, T.; Fileman, T.; Smith, D.; Bishop, J.D.D.; Viard, F.; Queirós, A.M.; Merino, G.; Buisman, E.; Austen, M.C. (2016). Costs and benefits to European shipping of ballast-water and hull-fouling treatment: impacts of native and non-indigenous species. Mar. Policy 64: 148-155., more
- Hyder, K.; Rossberg, A.G.; Allen, J.I.; Austen, M.C.; Barciela, R.M.; Bannister, H.J.; Blackwell, P.G.; Blanchard, J.L.; Burrows, M.T.; Defriez, E.; Dorrington, T.; Edwards, K.P.; García-Carreras, B.; Heath, M.R.; Hembury, D.J.; Heymans, J.J.; Holt, J.; Houle, J.E.; Jennings, S.; Mackinson, S.; Malcolm, S.J.; McPike, R.; Mee, L.; Mills, D.K.; Montgomery, C.; Pearson, D.; Pinnegar, J.K.; Pollicino, M.; Popova, E.E.; Rae, L.; Rogers, S.I.; Speirs, D.; Spence, M.A.; Thorpe, R.; Turner, R.K.; van der Molen, J.; Yool, A.; Paterson, D.M. (2015). Making modelling count - increasing the contribution of shelf-seas community and ecosystem models to policy development and management. Mar. Policy 61: 291-302., more
- Beaumont, N.J.; Austen, M.C.; Atkins, J.P.; Burdon, D.; Degraer, S.; Dentinho, T.P.; Derous, S.; Holm, P.; Horton, T.; van Ierland, E.; Marboe, A.H.; Starkey, D.J.; Townsend, M.; Zarzycki, T. (2007). Identification, definition and quantification of goods and services provided by marine biodiversity: implications for the ecosystem approach. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 54(3): 253-265., more
Derous, S.; Austen, M.; Claus, S.; Daan, N.; Dauvin, J.-C.; Deneudt, K.; Depestele, J.; Desroy, N.; Heessen, H.; Hostens, K.; Marboe, A.H.; Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Moreno, M.P.; Moulaert, I.; Paelinckx, D.; Rabaut, M.; Rees, H.; Ressurreição, A.; Roff, J.C.; Santos, P.T.; Speybroeck, J.; Willems, W.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Tatarek, A.; ter Hofstede, R.; Vincx, M.; Zarzycki, T.; Degraer, S. (2007). Building on the concept of marine biological valuation with respect to translating it to a practical protocol: Viewpoints derived from a joint ENCORA-MARBEF initiative. Oceanologia 49(4): 579-586, more
- Meldal, B.H.M.; Debenham, N.J.; De Ley, P.; De Ley, I.T.; Vanfleteren, J.R.; Vierstraete, A.R.; Bert, W.; Borgonie, G.; Moens, T.; Tyler, P.A.; Austen, M.C.; Blaxter, M.L.; Rogers, A.D.; Lambshead, P.J.D. (2007). An improved molecular phylogeny of the Nematoda with special emphasis on marine taxa. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 42(3): 622-636., more
- Pinto, T.K.; Austen, M.C.; Bemvenuti, C.E. (2006). Effects of macroinfauna sediment disturbance on nematode vertical distribution. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 86(2): 227-233., more
Covich, A.P.; Austen, M.C.; Bärlocher, F.; Chauvet, E.; Cardinale, B.J.; Biles, C.L.; Inchausti, P.; Dangles, O.; Solan, M.; Gessner, M.O.; Statzner, B.; Moss, B. (2004). The role of biodiversity in the functioning of freshwater and marine benthic ecosystems. BioScience 58(4): 767-775, more
- Widdicombe, S.; Austen, M.C.; Kendall, M.A.; Olsgard, F.; Schaanning, M.; Dashfield, S.L.; Needham, H.R. (2004). The importance of bioturbators for biodiversity maintenance: The indirect effects of fishing disturbance. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 274: in press, more
- Austen, M.C.; Lambshead, P.J.D.; Hutchings, P.A.; Boucher, G.; Snelgrove, P.V.R.; Heip, C.H.R.; King, G.; Koike, I.; Smith, C. (2002). Biodiversity links above and below the marine sediment-water interface that may influence community stability. Biodivers. Conserv. 11: 113-136, more
- Widdicombe, S.; Austen, M.C. (2001). The interaction between physical disturbance and organic enrichment: An important element in structuring benthic communities. Limnol. Oceanogr. 46(7): 1720-1733, more
- Smith, C.R.; Austen, M.C.; Boucher, G.; Heip, C.H.R.; Hutchings, P.A.; King, G.M.; Koike, I.; Lambshead, P.J.D.; Snelgrove, P.V.R. (2000). Global change and biodiversity linkages across the sediment-water interface. BioScience 50(12): 1108-1120, more
- Snelgrove, P.V.R.; Austen, M.C.; Boucher, G.; Heip, C.H.R.; Hutchings, P.A.; King, G.M.; Koike, I.; Lambshead, P.J.D.; Smith, C.R. (2000). Linking biodiversity above and below the marine sediment-water interface. BioScience 50(12): 1076-1088, more
- Widdicombe, S.; Austen, M.C.; Kendall, M.A.; Warwick, R.M.; Jones, M.B. (2000). Bioturbation as a mechanism for setting and maintaining levels of diversity in subtidal macrobenthic communities. Hydrobiologia 440(1-3): 369-377., more
- Austen, M.C.; Widdicombe, S. (1998). Experimental evidence of effects of the heart urchin Brissopsis lyrifera on associated subtidal meiobenthic nematode communities. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 222(1-2): 219-238., more
- Austen, M.C.; Widdicombe, S.; Villano-Pitacco, N. (1998). Effects of biological disturbance on biodiversity and structure of nematode communities. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 174: 233-246, more
- Austen, M.; McEvoy, A. (1997). The use of offshore meiobenthic communities in laboratory microcosm experiments: response to heavy metal contamination. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 211: 247-261, more
- Austen, M.C.; McEvoy, A. (1997). Experimental effects of tributyltin (TBT) contaminated sediment on a range of meiobenthic communities. Environ. Pollut. 96(3): 435-444, more
- Austen, M.C.; Somerfield, P.J. (1997). A community level sediment bioassay applied to an estuarine heavy metal gradient. Mar. Environ. Res. 43(4): 315-328, more
- Lampadariou, N.; Austen, M.C.; Robertson, N.; Vlachonis, G. (1997). Analysis of meiobenthic community structure in relation to pollution and disturbance in Iraklion harbour, Greece. Vie Milieu (1980) 47(1): 9-24, more
- Austen, M.C.; Warwick, R.M. (1995). Effects of manipulation of food supply on estuarine meiobenthos. Hydrobiologia 311(1-3): 175-184., more
- Austen, M.C.; McEvoy, A.; Warwick, R.M. (1994). The specificity of meiobenthic community responses to different pollutants: results from microcosm experiments. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 28(9): 557-563, more
Gee, J.M.; Austen, M.C.; De Smet, G.; Ferraro, T.; McEvoy, A.; Moore, S.; Van Gansbeke, D.; Vincx, M.; Warwick, R.M. (1992). Soft sediment meiofauna community responses to environmental pollution gradients in the German Bight and at a drilling site off the Dutch coast. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 91(1-3): 289-302, more
- Austen, M.C.; Buchanan, J.B.; Hunt, H.G.; Josefson, A.B.; Kendall, M.A. (1991). Comparison of long-term trends in benthic and pelagic communities of the North-Sea. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 71(1): 179-190, more
Book [show] |
- Heip, C.H.R.; Hummel, H.; van Avesaath, P.H.; Appeltans, W.; Arvanitidis, C.; Aspden, R.; Austen, M.; Boero, F.; Bouma, T.J.; Boxshall, G.; Buchholz, F.; Crowe, T.; Delaney, A.E.; Deprez, T.; Emblow, C.; Feral, J.-P.; Gasol, J.M.; Gooday, A.J.; Harder, J.; Ianora, A.; Kraberg, A.C.; MacKenzie, B.R.; Ojaveer, H.; Paterson, D.; Rumohr, H.; Schiedek, D.; Sokolowski, A.; Somerfield, P.J.; Sousa Pinto, I.; Vincx, M.; Weslawski, J.M.; Nash, R. (2009). Marine biodiversity & ecosystem functioning. MarBEF EU Network of Excellence: Dublin. 100 pp., more
Book chapters (8) [show] |
- Hattam, C.; Beaumont, N.; Austen, M. (2014). The seas, ecosystem services, and human well-being, in: Bowen, R.E. et al. (Ed.) Oceans and human health: Implications for society and well-being. pp. 71-112, more
- Beaumont, N.J.; Austen, M.C.; Atkins, J.P.; Burdon, D.; Degraer, S.; Dentinho, T.P.; Derous, S.; Holm, P.; Horton, T.; van Ierland, E.; Marboe, A.H.; Starkey, D.J.; Townsend, M.; Zarzycki, T. (2008). Identification, definition and quantification of goods and services provided by marine biodiversity: implications for the ecosystem approach, in: Derous, S. Mariene biologische waardering als een beslissingsondersteunende techniek voor marien beheer. pp. 219-242, more
- Derous, S.; Austen, M.; Claus, S.; Daan, N.; Dauvin, J.-C.; Deneudt, K.; Depestele, J.; Desroy, N.; Heessen, H.; Hostens, K.; Marboe, A.H.; Lescrauwaet, A.-K.; Moreno, M.P.; Moulaert, I.; Paelinckx, D.; Rabaut, M.; Rees, H.; Ressurreição, A.; Roff, J.C.; Santos, P.T.; Speybroeck, J.; Willems, W.; Stienen, E.W.M.; Tatarek, A.; ter Hofstede, R.; Vincx, M.; Zarzycki, T.; Degraer, S. (2008). Building on the concept of marine biological valuation with respect to translating it to a practical protocol: Viewpoints derived from a joint ENCORA-MARBEF initiative, in: Derous, S. Mariene biologische waardering als een beslissingsondersteunende techniek voor marien beheer. pp. 91-98, more
- Widdicombe, S.; Austen, M.C.; Kendall, M.A.; Warwick, R.M.; Jones, M.B. (2000). Bioturbation as a mechanism for setting and maintaining levels of diversity in subtidal macrobenthic communities, in: Jones, M.B. et al. Island, Ocean and Deep-Sea Biology: Proceedings of the 34th European Marine Biology Symposium, held in Ponta Delgada (Azores), Portugal, 13-17 September 1999. Developments in Hydrobiology, 152: pp. 369-377., more
- Austen, M.C.; Warwick, R.M. (1995). Effects of manipulation of food supply on estuarine meiobenthos, in: Heip, C.H.R. et al. Major biological processes in European tidal estuaries. Developments in Hydrobiology, 110: pp. 175-184, more
- Austen, M.C.; Warwick, R.M. (1992). Report of progress in mesocosm experiments with meiobenthos, in: Herman, P.M.J. (Ed.) JEEP 92: Major biological processes in European tidal estuaries: report of the workshop held in Plymouth, January 29 - February 1, 1992. pp. 129-134, more
- Austen, M.C.; Warwick, R.M. (1992). Effects of experimental manipulation of food supply on estuarine meiobenthos: progress report, in: Herman, P.M.J. (Ed.) JEEP 92: Major biological processes in European tidal estuaries: report of the workshop held in Plymouth, January 29 - February 1, 1992. pp. 135, more
- Duffus, J.H.; Austen, M.C.; Clyne-Kelly, M.; Smaldon, P.R. (1984). Studies on the suitability of developmental stages of Patella vulgata, Littorina rudis, and Pomatoceros triqueter for toxicity assessement, in: Persoone, G. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Ecotoxicological Testing for the Marine Environment, Ghent, Belgium, september 12-14, 1983: volume 2. pp. 31-40, more
Abstracts (4) [show] |
- Austen, M.C.; Emblow, C.S. (2007). Costing the impact of demersal fishing on marine ecosystem processes and biodiversity: a holistic framework linking fisheries, environment and socio-economics (COST-IMPACT), in: Cieslikiewicz, W. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the EurOCEAN 2004: European Conference on Marine Science & Ocean Technology: Celebrating European marine science; building the European research area; communicating marine science, Galway, Ireland, 10-13 May 2004. pp. 188-189, more
- Schratzberger, M.; Lampadariou, N.; Somerfield, P.; Austen, M.; McEvoy, A.; Vandepitte, L.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2007). Response of nematode communities to physical perturbation: role of man-made impacts, in: Thirteenth International Meiofauna Conference (THIRIMCO) July 29 - August 3, 2007, Recife, Brazil: Abstract book. pp. [18], more
Beaumont, N.J.; Austen, M. (2006). Goods and services provided by marine biodiversity, in: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning EU Network of Excellence: General Assembly - Science Meeting Lecce (Italy) 9-11 May 2006: Book of Abstracts. pp. 10, more
- Austen, M.C.; Emblow, C.S. (2004). Costing the impact of demersal fishing on marine ecosystem processes and biodiversity: a holistic framework linking fisheries, environment and socio-economics (COST-IMPACT), in: European Conference on Marine Science and Ocean Technology. Celebrating European marine science: building the European research area: communicating marine science, 10th - 13th May 2004, Galway, Ireland: abstract book. pp. 48-49, more
Other publications (4) [show] |
Mangi, S.; Delaney, A.E.; Austen, M. (2008). The role of marine biodiversity in directly providing goods and services. MarBEF Newsletter 8: 7-9, more
Austen, M. (2007). Two MarBEF workshops in Plymouth. MarBEF Newsletter 7: 8, more
Austen, M. (2005). Progress in Theme 3. MarBEF Newsletter 2: 6, more
Austen, M.C.; Beaumont, N.J. (2004). Theme 3: the socio-economic importance of marine biodiversity. MarBEF Newsletter 1: 4-5, more