Publications (29) |
Top | Institute | Publications |
A1 Publications (17) [show] |
de Fouw, J; van Horssen, P.W.; Craeymeersch, J.; Leopold, M.F.; Perdon, J.; Troost, K.; Tulp, I.; van Zwol, J.; Philippart, C.J. (2024). Spatio-temporal analysis of potential factors explaining fluctuations in population size of Spisula subtruncata in the Dutch North Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. 11: 1476223., more
Dye, B.; Tulp, I.; van Leeuwen, A.; Blom, E.; Schram, E. (2024). A rockling's choice: The trade-off between thermal preference and physical structure in the five bearded rockling, Ciliata mustela. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 570: 151959., more
Maathuis, M.A.M; Couperus, B.; van der Molen, J.; Poos, J.J.; Tulp, I.; Sakinan, S. (2024). Resolving the variability in habitat use by juvenile small pelagic fish in a major tidal system by continuous echosounder measurements. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 741: 169-187., more
Maathuis, M.A.M.; Tulp, I.; Valk, S.; van den Brink, X.; Couperus, A.S.; Keur, M.C.; Nijland, R.; Sakinan, S.; van der Vorst, V.; Poos, J.J. (2024). Small pelagic fish in the shallow Wadden Sea show opportunistic feeding with a strong benthic link. ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 81(8): 1521-1535., more
Lameris, T.K.; Tomkovich, P.S.; Johnson, J.A.; Morisson, R.I.G.; Tulp, I.; Lisovski, S.; DeCicco, L.; Dementyev, M.; Gill, R.E.; ten Horn, J.; Piersma, T.; Pohlen, Z.; Schekkerman, H.; Soloviev, M.; Syroechkovsky, E.E.; Zhemchuzhnikov, M.K.; van Gils, J.A. (2022). Mismatch‐induced growth reductions in a clade of Arctic‐breeding shorebirds are rarely mitigated by increasing temperatures. Glob. Chang. Biol. 28(3): 829-847., more
Bolle, L.J.; Hoek, R.; Pennock, I.; Poiesz, S.S.H.; van Beusekom, J.E.E.; van der Veer, H.W.; Witte, J.IJ.; Tulp, I. (2021). No evidence for reduced growth in resident fish species in the era of de-eutrophication in a coastal area in NW Europe. Mar. Environ. Res. 169: 105364., more
- Tulp, I.; Glorius, S.; Rippen, A.D.; Looije, D.; Craeymeersch, J. (2020). Dose-response relationship between shrimp trawl fishery and the macrobenthic fauna community in the coastal zone and Wadden Sea. J. Sea Res. 156: 101829., more
Aarts, G.M; Brasseur, S.; Poos, J.J.; Schop, J.; Kirkwood, R.; van Kooten, T.; Mul, E.; Reijnders, P.; Rijnsdorp, A.D.; Tulp, I. (2019). Top‐down pressure on a coastal ecosystem by harbor seals. Ecosphere 10(1): e02538. , more
- Tulp, I.; van der Veer, H.W.; Walker, P.; van Walraven, L.; Bolle, L.J. (2017). Can guild- or site-specific contrasts in trends or phenology explain the changed role of the Dutch Wadden Sea for fish? J. Sea Res. 127: 150-163., more
van Walraven, L.; Dapper, R.; Nauw, J.J.; Tulp, I.; Witte, J.IJ.; van der Veer, H.W. (2017). Long-term patterns in fish phenology in the western Dutch Wadden Sea in relation to climate change. J. Sea Res. 127: 173-181., more
Freitas, V.; Witte, J.IJ.; Tulp, I.; van der Veer, H.W. (2016). Shifts in nursery habitat utilization by 0-group plaice in the western Dutch Wadden Sea. J. Sea Res. 111: 65-75., more
- Couperus, B.; Gastauer, S.; Fässler, S.M.M.; Tulp, I.; van der Veer, H.W.; Poos, J.J. (2016). Abundance and tidal behaviour of pelagic fish in the gateway to the Wadden Sea. J. Sea Res. 109: 42–51., more
- Tulp, I.; Craeymeersch, J.; Leopold, M.F.; van Damme, C.; Fey, F.; Verdaat, H. (2010). The role of the invasive bivalve Ensis directus as food source for fish and birds in the Dutch coastal zone. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 90(3): 116-128., more
- Tulp, I.; Schekkerman, H.; Klaassen, R.H.G.; Ens, B.J.; Visser, G.H. (2009). Body condition of shorebirds upon arrival at their Siberian breeding grounds. Polar Biol. 32(3): 481-491., more
Tulp, I.; Bolle, L.J.; Rijnsdorp, A.D. (2008). Signals from the shallows: in search of common patterns in long-term trends in Dutch estuarine and coastal fish. J. Sea Res. 60(1-2): 54-73., more
Tulp, I.; Schekkerman, H. (2008). Has prey availability for Arctic birds advanced with climate change? Hindcasting the abundance of tundra arthropods using weather and seasonal variation. Arctic 61(1): 48-60, more
Liebezeit, J.R.; Smith, P.A.; Lanctot, R.B.; Schekkerman, H.; Tulp, I.; Kendall, S.J.; Tracy, D.M.; Rodrigues, R.J.; Meltofte, H.; Robinson, J.A.; Gratto-Trevor, C.; McCaffery, B.J.; Morse, J.; Zack, S.W. (2007). Assessing the development of shorebird eggs using the flotation method: species-specific and generalized regression models. Condor 109: 32-47, more
Peer reviewed publications (6) [show] |
- Weel, S.M.H.; Geelhoed, S.C.V.; Tulp, I.; Scheidat, M. (2018). Feeding behaviour of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the Ems estuary, in: North Sea Cetacean Special. Lutra (Leiden), 61(1): pp. 137-152, more
Brander, K.M.; Ottersen, G.; Bakker, J.P.; Beaugrand, G.; Herr, H.; Garthe, S.; Gilles, A.; Kenny, A.; Siebert, U.; Skjoldal, H.R.; Tulp, I. (2016). Environmental impacts - marine ecosystems, in: Quante, M. et al. North Sea region climate change assessment. Regional Climate Studies, : pp. 241-274., more
Meltofte, H.; Piersma, T.; Boyd, H.; McCaffery, B.J.; Ganter, B.; Golovnyuk, V.V.; Graham, K.; Gratto-Trevor, C.; Morrison, R.I.G.; Nol, E.; Rösner, H.-U.; Schamel, D.; Schekkerman, H.; Soloviev, M.Y.; Tomkovich, P.S.; Tracy, D.M.; Tulp, I.; Wennerberg, L. (2007). Effects of climate variation on the breeding ecology of Artic shorebirds. Meddelelser om Grønland. Bioscience, 59. Danish Polar Centre: Copenhagen. ISBN 978-87-90369-06-4. 48 pp., more
Brasseur, S.M.J.M.; Tulp, I.; Reijnders, P.; Smit, C.; Dijkman, E.; Cremer, J.; Kotterman, M.; Meesters, E.H.W.G. (2004). Voedselecologie van de gewone en grijze zeehond in de Nederlandse kustwateren. I. Onderzoek naar de voedselecologie van de gewone zeehond, II. Literatuurstudie naar het dieet van de grijze zeehond. Alterra-Rapport, 905. Alterra: Wageningen. 116 pp., more
- Piersma, T.; de Goeij, P.; Tulp, I. (1993). An evaluation of intertidal feeding habitats from a shorebird perspective: towards relevant comparisons between temperate and tropical mudflats. Neth. J. Sea Res. 31(4): 503-512, more
Tulp, I.; Verkuil, Y. (1993). Premigratory fattening in knots: food conditions, feeding time and intake rates. NIOZ-rapport, 1993(6). NIOZ: Texel. 43 pp., more
Abstract [show] |
Tulp, I.; Bolle, L.J.; Rijnsdorp, A.D. (2009). Signals from the shallows: in search of common patterns in long-term trends in Dutch estuarine and coastal fish, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 6 March 2009: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 41: pp. 99, more
Reports (2) [show] |
Schotanus, J.; Verschuur, X.; Tulp, I.; Tangelder, M. (2022). Visserij en ecologische effecten in de Zuidwestelijke Deltawateren: een quickscan naar verschillende vormen van visserij en schelpdierkweek in de Zuidwestelijke delta en de bestaande kennis over ecologische effecten. Wageningen Marine Research Report, C089/22. Wageningen Marine Research: Yerseke. 64 pp., more
Tulp, I.; Poot, M.J.M.; Meininger, P.L.M.; Berrevoets, C.M.; Boudewijn, T.J. (2001). Aantalsontwikkelingen van watervogels in de Westerschelde: mogelijke effecten van de vaargeulverruiming in 1997-2000. Werkdocument RIKZ, 2001-825x. Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee/RIKZ: Middelburg. 88 + bijlagen pp., more
Other publications (3) [show] |
- Beukhof, E.; van de Wolfshaar, K.; Tulp, I.; Beier, U. (2021). De aard van het beestje zegt meer. Levende Nat. 122(2): 51-55, more
Tulp, I.; Van Hal, R.; ter Hofstede, R.; Rijnsdorp, A.D. (2009). Klimaatverandering in de Noordzee: gevolgen voor vis. Levende Nat. 110(6): 273-276, more
Brasseur, S.M.J.M.; Tulp, I.; Reijnders, P.J.H. (2006). Verspreiding en voedselkeus van zeehonden uit de Waddenzee, fase 1. Levende Nat. 107(4): 157-161, more