PETROBRAS: where industry and science touch
sea turtle

PETROBRAS: where industry and science touch

Environmental responsibility is a hot topic these days! For the Brazilian oil and gas magnate Petrobras, this means caring for the safety of their operations and undertaking actions to balance their activities and the welfare of their workforce and of the communities. By improving products and...

Augmenting the potential of vessel position data with Maritime Boundaries (MarineTraffic)
speed boat

Augmenting the potential of vessel position data with Maritime Boundaries (MarineTraffic)

MarineTraffic displays the movement of over 550.000 vessels worldwide, based on their Automatic Identification System (AIS) signals. The website attracts millions of users on a monthly basis. Since March 31st, these vessel locations can also be plotted against the global Exclusive Economic Zones...

Tracking the fish trails
school of fish

Tracking the fish trails

Understanding the importance of estuarine and coastal areas for the migration of fish and recovery of populations requires tracking a fish’s movement. For this purpose, Pieterjan Verhelst analyses the tracks of tagged Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and European eel (Anguilla anguilla), detected on the...

Tuning in on porpoise FM

Tuning in on porpoise FM

Long-term data series of cetacean presence in the Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS) are essential to understand their habitat use and conservation needs. The prospects and predicaments of the cetacean passive acoustic sensor network of the Belgian LifeWatch observatory were therefore investigated...

Promoting microbial culture collections with mars.biodiversity.a

Promoting microbial culture collections with mars.biodiversity.a

Microbial cultures are crucial in expanding our understanding of the ecology, biochemical functioning and the evolutionary relations among Bacteria, Archaea and unicellular Eukaryota. This user story describes how we used the microbial Antarctic Resource System (mARS), hosted at, to...

There’s no plaice like an offshore wind farm
Offshore wind farm

There’s no plaice like an offshore wind farm

Offshore wind farms are built at a high rate in European waters to make the transition towards more green energy sources. Their development takes up marine space that is often not available anymore to other users such as the fisheries sector. This while knowledge on the ecological effects of wind...