This institute is the successor of the institute underneath Marine Science Laboratories, more
Parent institute: Bangor University, more
Previous name: University College of North Wales Bangor; Marine Science Laboratories, more
Address: Askew Street
LL59 5AB Menai Bridge Anglesey, Wales UK
| | Tel.: +44-(0)1248-38 28 46
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Type: Scientific
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Persons formerly associated with this organization (3) |
Publications (9) |
Top | Persons | Projects | Datasets |
( 5 peer reviewed ) split up filter
van der Schatte Olivier, A.; Le Vay, L.; Malham, S.K.; Christie, M.; Wilson, J.; Allender, S.; Schmidlin, S.; Brewin, J.M.; Jones, L. (2021). Geographical variation in the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus content of blue mussels, Mytilus edulis. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 167: 112291., more
Kirui, B.Y.K.; Kairo, J. G.; Skov, M. W.; Mencuccini, M.; Huxham, M. (2012). Effects of species richness, identity and environmental variables on growth in planted mangroves in Kenya. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 465: 1-10., more
Huxham, M.; Kumara, M. P.; Jayatissa, L. P.; Krauss, K. W.; Kairo, J.; Langat, J.; Mencuccini, M.; Skov, M. W.; Kirui, B. (2010). Intra- and interspecific facilitation in mangroves may increase resilience to climate change threats. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. (B Biol. Sci.) 365(1549): 2127-2135., more
Huxham, M.; langat, J.; Tamooh, F.; Kennedy, H.; Mencuccini, M.; Skov, M.; Kairo, J. (2010). Decomposition of mangrove roots: effects of location, nutrients, species identity and mix in a Kenyan forest. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 88(1): 135-142., more
Carreiro-Silva, M.; McClanahan, T. R. (2001). Echinoid bioerosion and herbivory on Kenyan coral reefs: the role of protection from fishing. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 262(2): 133-153., more
- Volckaert, F.; Hillen, J.; Hablützel, P.; Maes, G.; Herten, K.; Chaturvedi, A.; Ogden, R.; Taylor, M.; Maroso, F.; Verheyden, D.; Cambiè, G.; Gkagkavouzis, K.; Triantafyllidis, A.; De Innocentiis, S.; Coscia, I. (2018). Seascape-mediated patterns and processes of population differentiation in European seabass, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 98, more
- Winton, D.; Adams, L.; Anderson, E.; Burrows, M.; Dickens, S.; Dobson, N.; Grist, H.; Hull, S.; Jenkins, S.; Kragh, G.; Mieszkowska, N.; Millard, J.; Morrall, Z.; Richardson, L.; Sugden, H.; Vye, S.; Watson, G.; Delany, J. (2018). Capturing our Coast – communications and key messaging to engage and retain citizen scientists over a three year project, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 111-112, more
- Van Landeghem, K.; Besio, G.; Niemann, H.; Mellett, C.; Huws, D.; Steinle, L.; O'Reilly, S.; Croker, P.; Hodgson, D.; Williams, D. (2013). Amplified Sediment waves in the Irish Sea (AmSedIS), in: Van Lancker, V. et al. (Ed.) MARID 2013: Fourth International Conference on Marine and River Dune Dynamics. Bruges, Belgium, 15-17 April 2013. VLIZ Special Publication, 65: pp. 285-290, more
- Van Lancker, V. R. M.; Honeybun, S.D.; Moerkerke, G. P. M. (2000). Sediment transport pathways in the Broers Bank - Westdiep coastal system: preliminary results, in: Trentesaux, A. et al. Marine Sandwave Dynamics, International Workshop, March 23-24 2000, University of Lille 1, France. Proceedings. pp. 205-212, more
Projects (6) |
Top | Persons | Publications | Datasets |
- CEPHSTOCK: Cephalopod Stocks in European Waters: Review, Analysis, Assessment and Sustainable Management, more
- COST-IMPACT: Costing the impact of demersal fishing on marine ecosystem processes and biodiversity, more
- GBIRM: Genetic Biodiversity, more
- MarBEF: Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence, more
- MarFish: Causes and consequences of changing marine biodiversity a fish and fisheries perspective, more
- VHR3D: Very High Resolution Marine 3D Seismic Method for Detailed Site Investigation, more
Datasets (3) |
Top | Persons | Publications | Projects |
Mackie, A.S.Y., James, J.W.C., Rees, E.I.S., Darbyshire, T., Philpott, S.L., Mortimer, K., Jenkins, G.O. & Morando, A., 2006. The Outer Bristol Channel Marine Habitat Study. - Studies in Marine Biodiversity and Systematics from the National Museum of Wales. BIOMÔR Reports 4: 249 pp. & Appendix 228 pp., more
- Mackie, A.S.Y., P.G. Oliver, E.I.S. Rees, 1991: Biomôr 1 dataset. Benthic data from the Southern Irish Sea from 1989-1991. National Museum and galleries of Wales, Cardiff, UK., more
- van Denderen, P.D.; Törnroos, A.; Sciberras, S.; Hinz, H.; Lasota, R.; Mangano, M.C.; Valanko, S.; Hiddink, J.G.; Technical University of Denmark: Denmark; Abo Akademi University: Finland; Heriot-Watt University: Scotland; Universitat de les Illes Balears: Spain; University of Gdansk: Poland; Stazione Zoologica 'Anton Dohrn' of Naples: Italy; International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Denmark; Bangor University: UK; (2022): EnBioSeaCo: Benthic invertebrate sampling over gradients of commercial trawling intensity and oxygen depletion in the Southern Baltic Sea. Marine Data Archive., more