Datasets (10) |
Top | Institute | Publication | Project | Datasets |
- Coelho, L.O., Colin, S., Berthelot, H., Santangeli, L., Lombard, F., Carsique, M., Dvorak, E., Pierella, J., Vincent, F., Dimier, C., Picheral, M., Searson, S., Kandels-Lewis, S., Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators, Karsenti, E., Pesant, S., Sunagawa, S., C., Bowler, Bork, P., Pepperkok, R., de Vargas C.,; (2020) Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction 20-180 micrometres, collected worldwide during the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) using a ring net and analysed by environmental High Content Fluorescence Microscopy (e-HCFM). , more
- Colin, S., Coelho, L.P., Berthelot, H., Soun, C., Dimier, C., Picheral, M., Searson, S., Kandels-Lewis, S., Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators, Karsenti, E., Pesant, S., Sunagawa, S., Bowler, C., Bork, P., Pepperkok, R., de Vargas, C.: (2020) Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction 5-20 micrometres, collected worldwide during the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) using a ring net and analysed by environmental High Content Fluorescence Microscopy (e-HCFM). , more
- Karp Boss, L., Romagnan, J.B., Dimier, C., Picheral, M., Searson, S., Kandels-Lewis, S., Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators, Karsenti, E., Pesant, S., Irisson, J.O., Lombard, F., Stemmann, L., Gorsky, G.: (2020) Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction 20-180 micrometres, collected worldwide during the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) using a ring net and analysed with a FlowCam imaging platform., more
- Reynaud, E., Dimier, C., Picheral, M., Searson, S., Kandels-Lewis, S., Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators, Karsenti, E., Pesant, S.: (2020) Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction 20-180 micrometres, collected worldwide during the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) using a ring net and analysed with a FlowCam imaging platform., more
- Romagnan, J.B., Jalabert, L., Brandao, M., Caray-Counil, L., Dimier, C., Picheral, M., Searson, S., Kandels-Lewis, S., Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators, Karsenti, E., Pesant, s., Irisson, J.O., Lombard, F., Stemmann, L., Gorsky, G.; (2020) Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >680 micrometres, collected worldwide during the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) using a Régent net and analysed on a ZooScan imaging platform., more
- Romagnan, J.B., Jalabert, L., Llopiz Monferrer, N., Elineau, A., Dimier, C., Picheral, M., Searson, S., Kandels-Lewis, S., Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators, Karsenti, E., Pesant, S., Irisson, J.O., Lombard, F., Stemmann, L., Gorsky, G.; (2020) Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >300 micrometres, collected worldwide during the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) using a Bongo net and analysed on a ZooScan imaging platform, more
- Romagnan, J.B., Jalabert, L., Llopiz Monferrer, N., Merland, C., Trudnowska, E., Brandao, M., Elineau, A., Dimier, C., Picheral, M., Searson, S., Kandels-Lewis, S., Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators, Karsenti, E., Pesant, S., Irisson, J.O., Lombard, F., Stemmann, L., Gorsky, G.; (2020) Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >300 micrometres, collected worldwide during the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) using a Multinet and analysed on a ZooScan imaging platform, more
- Romagnan, J.B., Jalabert, L., Olivier, M., Elineau, A., Brandao, M., Caray-Counil, L., Dimier, C., Picheral, M., Searson, S., Kandels-Lewis, S., Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators, Karsenti, E., Pesant, S., Irisson, J.O., Lombard, F., Stemmann, L., Gorsky, G.; (2020) Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >200 micrometres, collected worldwide during the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) using a WPII net and analysed on a ZooScan imaging platform., more
- Sarmento, H., Royo-Llonch, M., Dimier, C., Picheral, M., Searson, S., Kandels-Lewis, S., Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators, Karsenti, E., Pesant, S., G. Acinas, S., M Gasol J.; (2020) Occurrence of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes in the size fraction <5 micrometres, collected worldwide during the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) using either Niskin bottles or a large volume peristaltic pump and analysed by flow cytometry. , more
- Scalco, E., Sarno, D., Dimier, C., Picheral, M., Searson, S., Kandels-Lewis, S., Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators, Karsenti, E., Pesant, S., Bowler, C., Zingone, A.; (2020) Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction 20-180 micrometres, collected worldwide during the Tara Oceans expedition (2009-2013) using a ring net and analysed by inverted light microscopy., more
Publications (17) |
Top | Institute | Publication | Project | Datasets |
A1 Publications (17) [show] |
Massicotte, P.; Amiraux, R.; Amyot, M.-P.; Archambault, P.; Ardyna, M.; Arnaud, L.; Artigue, L.; Aubry, C.; Ayotte, P.; Bécu, G.; Bélanger, S.; Benner, R.; Bittig, H.C.; Bricaud, A.; Brossier, E.; Bruyant, F.; Chauvaud, L.; Christiansen-Stowe, D.; Claustre, H.; Cornet-Barthaux, V.; Coupel, P.; Cox, C.; Delaforge, A.; Dezutter, T.; Dimier, C.; Dominé, F.; Dufour, F.; Dufresne, C.; Dumont, D.; Ehn, J.; Else, B.; Ferland, J.; Forget, M.-H.; Fortier, L.; Gali, M.; Galindo, V.; Gallinari, M.; Garcia, N.; Ribeiro, C.G.; Gourdal, M.; Gourvil, P.; Goyens, C.; Grondin, P.-L.; Guillot, P.; Guilmette, C.; Houssais, M.-N.; Joux, F.; Lacour, L.; Lacour, T.; Lafond, A.; Lagunas, J.; Lalande, C.; Laliberté, J.; Lambert-Girard, S.; Larivière, J.; Lavaud, J.; LeBaron, A.; Leblanc, K.; Le Gall, F.; Legras, J.; Lemire, M.; Levasseur, M.; Leymarie, E.; Leynaert, A.; dos Santos, A.L.; Lourenço, A.; Mah, D.; Marec, C.; Marie, D.; Martin, N.; Marty, C.; Marty, S.; Massé, G.; Matsuoka, A.; Matthes, L.; Moriceau, B.; Muller, P.-E.; Mundy, C.-J.; Neukermans, G.; Oziel, L.; Panagiotopoulos, C.; Pangrazi, J.-J.; Picard, G.; Picheral, M.; du Sel, F.P.; Pogorzelec, N.; Probert, I.; Quéguiner, B.; Raimbault, P.; Ras, J.; Rehm, E.; Reimer, E.; Rontani, J.-F.; Rysgaard, S.; Saint-Béat, B.; Sampei, M.; Sansoulet, J.; Schmechtig, C.; Schmidt, S.; Sempéré, R.; Sévigny, C.; Shen, Y.; Tragin, M.; Tremblay, J.-E.; Vaulot, D.; Verin, G.; Vivier, F.; Vladoiu, A.; Whitehead, J.; Babin, M. (2020). Green Edge ice camp campaigns: understanding the processes controlling the under-ice Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom. ESSD 12(1): 151-176., more
Caputi, L.; Carradec, Q.; Eveillard, D.; Kirilovsky, A.; Pelletier, E.; Pierella Karlusich, J.J.; Vieira, F.R.J.; Villar, E.; Chaffron, S.; Malviya, S.; Scalco, E.; Acinas, S.G.; Alberti, A.; Aury, J.-M.; Benoiston, A.-S.; Bertrand, A.; Biard, T.; Bittner, L.; Boccara, M.; Brum, J.R.; Brunet, C.; Busseni, G.; Carratalà, A.; Claustre, H.; Coelho, L.P.; Colin, S.; D’Aniello, S.; Da Silva, C.; Del Core, M.; Doré, H.; Gasparini, S.; Kokoszka, F.; Jamet, J.-L.; Lejeusne, C.; Lepoivre, C.; Lescot, M.; Lima-Mendez, G.; Lombard, F.; Lukeš, J.; Maillet, N.; Madoui, M.-A.; Martinez, E.; Mazzocchi, M.G.; Néou, M.B.; Paz-Yepes, J.; Poulain, J.; Ramondenc, S.; Romagnan, J.-B.; Roux, S.; Salvagio Manta, D.; Sanges, R.; Speich, S.; Sprovieri, M.; Sunagawa, S.; Taillandier, V.; Tanaka, A.; Tirichine, L.; Trottier, C.; Uitz, J.; Veluchamy, A.; Veselá, J.; Vincent, F.; Yau, S.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Searson, S.; Dimier, C.; Picheral, M.; Tara Oceans Coordinators; Bork, P.; Boss, E.; de Vargas, C.; Follows, M.J.; Grimsley, N.; Guidi, L.; Hingamp, P.; Karsenti, E.; Sordino, P.; Stemmann, L.; Sullivan, M.B.; Tagliabue, A.; Zingone, A.; Garczarek, L.; D’Ortenzio, F.; Testor, P.; Not, F.; d'Alcalà, M.R.; Wincker, P.; Bowler, C.; Iudicone, D. (2019). Community-level responses to iron availability in open ocean plankton ecosystems. Global Biogeochem. Cycles 33(3): 391-419., more
Gregory, A.C.; Zayed, A.; Conceição-Neto, N.; Temperton, B.; Bolduc, B.; Alberti, A.; Ardyna, M.; Arkhipova, K.; Carmichael, M.; Cruaud, C.; Dimier, C.; Domínguez-Huerta, G.; Ferland, J.; Kandels, S.; Liu, Y.; Marec, C.; Pesant, S.; Picheral, M.; Pisarev, S.; Poulain, J.; Tremblay, J.-E.; Vik, D.; Babin, M.; Bowler, C.; Culley, A.I.; de Vargas, C.; Dutilh, B.E.; Iudicone, D.; Karp-Boss, L.; Roux, S.; Sunagawa, S.; Wincker, P.; Sullivan, M.; Acinas, S.G.; Bork, P.; Boss, E.; Bowler, C.; Cochrane, G.; Follows, M.; Gorsky, G.; Grimsley, N.; Guidi, L.; Hingamp, P.; Jaillon, O.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Karsenti, E.; Not, F.; Ogata, H.; Poulton, N.; Sardet, C.; Speich, S.; Stemmann, L. (2019). Marine DNA viral macro- and microdiversity from Pole to Pole. Cell 177(5): 1-15., more
Carradec, Q.; Pelletier, E.; Da Silva, C.; Alberti, A.; Seeleuthner, Y.; Blanc-Mathieu, R.; Lima-Mendez, G.; Rocha, F.; Tirichine, L.; Labadie, K.; Kirilovsky, A.; Bertrand, A.; Engelen, S.; Madoui, M.-A.; Méheust, R.; Poulain, J.; Romac, S.; Richter, D.J.; Yoshikawa, G.; Dimier, C.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Picheral, M.; Searson, S.; Tara Oceans Coordinators; Jaillon, O.; Aury, J.-M.; Karsenti, E.; Sullivan, M.B.; Sunagawa, S.; Bork, P.; Not, F.; Hingamp, P.; Raes, J.; Guidi, L.; Ogata, H.; de Vargas, C.; Iudicone, D.; Bowler, C.; Wincker, P. (2018). A global ocean atlas of eukaryotic genes. Nature Comm. 9(1): 13 pp., more
- Guidi, L.; Chaffron, S.; Bittner, L.; Eveillard, D.; Larhlimi, A.; Roux, S.; Darzi, Y.; Audic, S.; Berline, L.; Brum, J.R.; Coelho, L.P.; Ignacio-Espinoza, J.C.; Malviya, S.; Sunagawa, S.; Dimier, C.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Picheral, M.; Poulain, J.; Searson, S.; Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators; Stemmann, L.; Not, F.; Hingamp, P.; Speich, S.; Follows, M.; Karp-Boss, L.; Boss, E.S.; Ogata, H.; Pesant, S.; Weissenbach, J.; Wincker, P.; Acinas, S.G.; Bork, P.; de Vargas, C.; Iudicone, D.; Sullivan, M.B.; Raes, J.; Karsenti, E.; Bowler, C.; Gorsky, G. (2016). Plankton networks driving carbon export in the oligotrophic ocean. Nature (Lond.) 532(7600): 465-470., more
- Roux, S.; Brum, J.R.; Dutilh, B.E.; Sunagawa, S.; Duhaime, M.B.; Loy, A.; Poulos, B.T.; Solonenko, N.; Lara, E.; Poulain, J.; Pesant, S.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Dimier, C.; Picheral, M.; Searson, S.; Cruaud, C.; Alberti, A.; Duarte, C. M.; Gasol, J.M.; Vaqué, D.; Bork, P.; Acinas, S.G.; Wincker, P.; Sullivan, M.B.; Tara Oceans Coordinators (2016). Ecogenomics and potential biogeochemical impacts of globally abundant ocean viruses. Nature (Lond.) 537(7622): 689–693., more
- Brum, J.R.; Ignacio-Espinoza, J.C.; Roux, S.; Doulcier, G.; Acinas, S.G.; Alberti, A.; Chaffron, S.; Cruaud, C.; de Vargas, C.; Gasol, J.M.; Gorsky, G.; Gregory, A.C.; Guidi, L.; Hingamp, P.; Iudicone, D.; Not, F.; Ogata, H.; Pesant, S.; Poulos, B.T.; Schwenck, S.M.; Speich, S.; Dimier, C.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Picheral, M.; Searson, S.; Bork, P.; Bowler, C.; Sunagawa, S.; Wincker, P.; Karsenti, E.; Sullivan, M.B. (2015). Patterns and ecological drivers of ocean viral communities. Science (Wash.) 348(6237): 10 pp., more
- de Vargas, C.; Audic, S.; Henry, N.; Decelle, J.; Mahé, F.; Logares, R.; Lara, E.; Berney, C.; Le Bescot, N.; Probert, I.; Carmichael, M.; Poulain, J.; Romac, S.; Colin, S.; Aury, J.-M.; Bittner, L.; Chaffron, S.; Dunthorn, M.; Engelen, S.; Flegontova, O.; Guidi, L.; Horák, A.; Jaillon, O.; Lima-Mendez, G.; Lukeš, J.; Malviya, S.; Morard, R.; Mulot, M.; Scalco, E.; Siano, R.; Vincent, F.; Zingone, A.; Dimier, C.; Picheral, M.; Searson, S.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Acinas, S.G.; Bork, P.; Bowler, C.; Gorsky, G.; Grimsley, N.; Hingamp, P.; Iudicone, D.; Not, F.; Ogata, H.; Pesant, S.; Raes, J.; Sieracki, M.E.; Speich, S.; Stemmann, L.; Sunagawa, S.; Weissenbach, J.; Wincker, P.; Karsenti, E. (2015). Eukaryotic plankton diversity in the sunlit ocean. Science (Wash.) 348(6237): 11 pp., more
- Le Bescot, N.; Mahé, F.; Audic, S.; Dimier, C.; Garet, M.-J.; Poulain, J.; Wincker, P.; de Vargas, C.; Siano, R. (2015). Global patterns of pelagic dinoflagellate diversity across protist size classes unveiled by metabarcoding. Environ. Microbiol. 18(2): 609-626., more
- Lima-Mendez, G.; Faust, K.; Henry, N.; Decelle, J.; Colin, S.; Carcillo, F.; Chaffron, S.; Ignacio-Espinoza, J.C.; Roux, S.; Vincent, F.; Bittner, L.; Darzi, Y.; Wang, J.; Audic, S.; Berline, L.; Bontempi, G.; Cabello, A.M.; Coppola, L.; Cornejo-Castillo, F.M.; De Meester, L.; Ferrera, I.; Garet-Delmas, M.-J.; Guidi, L.; Lara, E.; Pesant, S.; Royo-Llonch, M.; Salazar, G.; Sánchez, P.; Sebastian, M.; Souffreau, C.; Dimier, C.; Picheral, M.; Searson, S.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Gorsky, G.; Not, F.; Ogata, H.; Speich, S.; Stemmann, L.; Weissenbach, J.; Wincker, P.; Acinas, S.G.; Sunagawa, S.; Bork, P.; Sullivan, M.B.; Karsenti, E.; Bowler, C.; de Vargas, C.; Raes, J. (2015). Determinants of community structure in the global plankton interactome. Science (Wash.) 348(6237): 9 pp., more
Pesant, S.; Tara Oceans Consortium Coordinators; Not, F.; Picheral, M.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Le Bescot, N.; Gorsky, G.; Iudicone, D.; Karsenti, E.; Speich, S.; Troublè, R.; Dimier, C.; Searson, S. (2015). Open science resources for the discovery and analysis of Tara Oceans data. Scientific Data 2(1)., more
- Sunagawa, S.; Coelho, L.P.; Chaffron, S.; Kultima, J.R.; Labadie, K.; Salazar, G.; Djahanschiri, B.; Zeller, G.; Mende, D.R.; Alberti, A.; Cornejo-Castillo, F.M.; Costea, P.I.; Cruaud, C.; d'Ovidio, F.; Engelen, S.; Ferrera, I.; Gasol, J.M.; Guidi, L.; Hildebrand, F.; Kokoszka, F.; Lepoivre, C.; Lima-Mendez, G.; Poulain, J.; Poulos, B.T.; Royo-Llonch, M.; Sarmento, H.; Vieira-Silva, S.; Dimier, C.; Picheral, M.; Searson, S.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Bowler, C.; de Vargas, C.; Gorsky, G.; Grimsley, N.; Hingamp, P.; Iudicone, D.; Jaillon, O.; Not, F.; Ogata, H.; Pesant, S.; Speich, S.; Stemmann, L.; Suillivan, M.B.; Weissenbach, J.; Wincker, P.; Karsenti, E.; Raes, J.; Acinas, S.G.; Bork, P. (2015). Structure and function of the global ocean microbiome. Science (Wash.) 348(6237): 9 pp., more
- Villar, E.; Farrant, G.K.; Follows, M.; Garczarek, L.; Speich, S.; Audic, S.; Bittner, L.; Blanke, B.; Brum, J.R.; Brunet, C.; Casotti, R.; Chase, A.; Dolan, J.R.; D'Ortenzio, F.; Gattuso, J.P.; Grimal, N.; Guidi, L.; Hill, C.N.; Jahn, O.; Jamet, J.-L.; Le Goff, H.; Lepoivre, C.; Malviya, S.; Pelletier, E.; Romagnan, J.-B.; Roux, S.; Santini, S.; Scalco, E.; Schwenck, S.M.; Tanaka, A.; Testor, P.; Vannier, T.; Vincent, F.; Zingone, A.; Dimier, C.; Picheral, M.; Searson, S.; Kandels-Lewis, S.; Acinas, S.G.; Bork, P.; Boss, E.; de Vargas, C.; Gorsky, G.; Ogata, H.; Pesant, S.; Sullivan, M.B.; Sunagawa, S.; Wincker, P.; Karsenti, E.; Bowler, C.; Not, F.; Hingamp, P.; Iudicone, D. (2015). Environmental characteristics of Agulhas rings affect interocean plankton transport. Science (Wash.) 348(6237): 11 pp., more
- Dimier, C.; Giovanni, S.; Ferdinando, T.; Brunet, C. (2009). Comparative ecophysiology of the xanthophyll cycle in six marine phytoplanktonic species. Protist 160(3): 397-411., more
- Dimier, C.; Brunet, C.; Geider, R.J.; Raven, J. (2009). Growth and photoregulation dynamics of the picoeukaryote Pelagomonas calceolata in fluctuating light. Limnol. Oceanogr. 54(3): 823-836., more
- Dimier, C.; Corato, F.; Saviello, G.; Brunet, C. (2007). Photophysiological properties of the marine picoeukaryote Picochlorum RCC (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). J. Phycol. 43(2): 275-283., more
- Dimier, C.; Corato, F.; Tramontano, F.; Brunet, C. (2007). Photoprotection and xanthophyll-cycle activity in three marine diatoms. J. Phycol. 43(5): 937-947, more