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Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Belgische Geologische Dienst (BGD/GSB), more
Institutional address:
Departement VII of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Jennerstraat 13
1000 Brussel
Tel.: +32-(0)2-788 76 00
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Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Departement Aard- en Omgevingswetenschappen; Afdeling Geologie, more
Publications (8) |
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A1 Publications (4) [show] |
- Roefs, P.; Moretti, M.; Welkenhuysen, K.; Piessens, K.; Compernolle, T. (2019). CO2-enhanced oil recovery and CO2 capture and storage: an environmental economic trade-off analysis. J. Environ. Manage. 239: 167-177., more
- Welkenhuysen, K.; Meyvis, B.; Swennen, R.; Piessens, K. (2018). Economic threshold of CO2-EOR and CO2 storage in the North Sea: a case study of the Claymore, Scott and Buzzard oil fields. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 78: 271-285., more
- Compernolle, T.; Welkenhuysen, K.; Huisman, K.; Piessens, K.; Kort, P. (2017). Off-shore enhanced oil recovery in the North Sea: The impact of price uncertainty on the investment decisions. Energy policy 101: 123-137., more
- Welkenhuysen, K.; Rupert, J.; Compernolle, T.; Ramirez, A.; Swennen, R.; Piessens, K. (2017). Considering economic and geological uncertainty in the simulation of realistic investment decisions for CO2-EOR projects in the North Sea. Appl. Energy 185(Part 1): 745-761., more
Peer reviewed publications (3) [show] |
Welkenhuysen, K.; Meyvis, B.; Piessens, K. (2017). A profitability study of CO2-EOR and subsequent CO2 storage in the North Sea under low oil market prices. Energy Procedia 114: 7060-7069., more
Welkenhuysen, K.; Compernolle, T.; Piessens, K.; Ramirez, A.; Rupert, J.; Swennen, R. (2014). Geological uncertainty and investment risk in CO2-enhanced oil recovery. Energy Procedia 63: 7878-7883., more
Welkenhuysen, K.; Piessens, K.; Baele, J.-M.; Laenen, B.; Dusar, M. (2011). CO2 storage opportunities in Belgium. Energy Procedia 4: 4913-4920., more
Abstract [show] |
Welkenhuysen, K.; Compernolle, T.; Meyvis, B.; Moretti, M.; Piessens, K.; Roefs, P.; Swennen, R. (2018). Economic and environmental comparison of CO2 storage and enhanced oil recovery project configurations in the North Sea, in: 6th International Geologica Belgica Meeting 2018. , more