Institutes (2) |
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- Université Catholique de Louvain; Earth and Life Institute (ELI), more
Institutional address:
Croix du Sud 2 / L7.05.05
(de Serres building - B office - 157)
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
- Université Catholique de Louvain; Faculté d'Ingénierie Biologique, Agronomique et Environnementale (AGRO), more
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Publications (25) |
Top | Institutes | Publications |
A1 Publications (20) [show] |
Matondo, B.N.; Fontaine, F.; Detrait, O.; Poncelet, C.; Vandresse, S.; Orban, P.; Gelder, J.; Renardy, S.; Benitez, J.P.; Dierckx, A.; Dumonceau, F.; Rollin, X.; Ovidio, M. (2023). Glass eel restocking experiments in typologically different upland rivers: how much have we learned about the importance of recipient habitats? Water 15(17): 3133., more
Matondo, B.N.; Backory, L.; Dupuy, G.; Amoussou, G.; Oumarou, A.A.; Gelder, J.; Renardy, S.; Benitez, J.P.; Dierckx, A.; Dumonceau, F.; Rollin, X.; Ovidio, M. (2023). Space and time use of European eel restocked in upland continental freshwaters, a long-term telemetry study. Fishes 8(3): 137., more
- Matondo, B.N.; Delrez, N.; Bardonnet, A.; Vanderplasschen, A.; Joaquim-Justo, C.; Rives, J.; Benitez, J.-P.; Dierckx, A.; Séleck, E.; Rollin, X.; Ovidio, M. (2022). A complete check-up of European eel after eight years of restocking in an upland river: trends in growth, lipid content, sex ratio and health status. Sci. Total Environ. 807(Part 3): 151020., more
- Cornet, V.; Geay, F.; Erraud, A.; Mandiki, S.N.M.; Flamion, E.; Larondelle, Y.; Rollin, X.; Kestemont, P. (2021). Modulations of lipid metabolism and development of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fry in response to egg-to-fry rearing conditions. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 47(4): 979-997., more
- Matondo, B.N.; Benitez, J.-P.; Dierckx, A.; Renardy, S.; Rollin, X.; Colson, D.; Baltus, L.; Romain, V.R.M.; Ovidio, M. (2021). What are the best upland river characteristics for glass eel restocking practice? Sci. Total Environ. 784: 147042., more
Matondo, B.N.; Benitez, J.-P.; Dierckx, A.; Rollin, X.; Ovidio, M. (2020). An evaluation of restocking practice and demographic stock assessment methods for cryptic juvenile European eel in upland rivers. Sustainability 12(3): 1124., more
- Bernard, B.; Mandiki, S.N.M.; Duchatel, V.; Rollin, X.; Kestemont, P. (2019). A temperature shift on the migratory route similarly impairs hypo-osmoregulatory capacities in two strains of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts. Fish Physiol. Biochem. 45(4): 1245-1260., more
- Matondo, B.N.; Séleck, E.; Dierckx, A.; Benitez, J.-P.; Rollin, X.; Ovidio, M. (2019). What happens to glass eels after restocking in upland rivers? A long‐term study on their dispersal and behavioural traits. Aquat. Conserv. 29(3): 374-388., more
- Bernard, B.; Sobandi, K.C.; Darras, V.; Rollin, X.; Mandiki, S.N.M.; Kestemont, P. (2018). Influence of strain origin on osmoregulatory and endocrine parameters of two non-native strains of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 258: 205-212., more
- Bodin, N.; Delfosse, G.; Tran, T.N.T.; Le Boulengé, E.; Abboudi, T.; Rollin, X. (2012). Effects of fish size and diet adaptation on growth performances and nitrogen utilization of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.) juveniles given diets based on free and/or protein-bound amino acids. Aquaculture 356-357: 105-115., more
- Tran, T.N.T.; Bodin, N.; De Saeger, S.; Larondelle, Y.; Rollin, X. (2011). Substitution of fish meal by sesame oil cake (Sesamum indicum L.) in the diet of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.). Aquacult. Nutr. 17(1): 80-89., more
- Abboudi, T.; Mambrini, M.; Larondelle, Y.; Rollin, X. (2009). The effect of dispensable amino acids on nitrogen and amino acid losses in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fry fed a protein-free diet. Aquaculture 289(3-4): 327-333., more
- Bodin, N.; Govaerts, B.; Abboudi, T.; Detavernier, C.; De Saeger, S.; Larondelle, Y.; Rollin, X. (2009). Protein level affects the relative lysine requirement of growing rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry. Br. j. nutr. 102(1): 37-53., more
- Tran, T.N.T.; Parkouda, C.; De Saeger, S.; Larondelle, Y.; Rollin, X. (2009). Protein level does not affect lysine utilization efficiency at marginal lysine intake in growing rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry. Aquaculture 288(3-4): 312-320., more
- Bodin, N.; Mambrini, M.; Wauters, J.B.; Abboudi, T.; Ooghe, W.; Le Boulenge, E.; Larondelle, Y.; Rollin, X. (2008). Threonine requirements for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) at the fry stage are similar. Aquaculture 274(2-4): 353-365., more
- Abboudi, T.; Ooghe, W.; Larondelle, Y.; Rollin, X. (2007). Determination of the threonine requirement for maintenance in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fry with the diet dilution procedure. Aquacult. Nutr. 13(4): 281-290., more
- Abboudi, T.; Mambrini, M.; Ooghe, W.; Larondelle, Y.; Rollin, X. (2006). Protein and lysine requirements for maintenance and for tissue accretion in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fry. Aquaculture 261(1): 369-383., more
- Rollin, X.; Wauters, J.-B.; Bodin, N.; Larondelle, Y.; Ooghe, W.; Wathelet, B.; Abboudi, T. (2006). Maintenance threonine requirement and efficiency of its use for accretion of whole-body threonine and protein in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fry. Br. j. nutr. 95(2): 234-245., more
- Peng, J.; Larondelle, Y.; Pham, D.; Ackman, R.G.; Rollin, X. (2003). Polyunsaturated fatty acid profiles of whole body phospholipids and triacylglycerols in anadromous and landlocked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) fry. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. (B Biochem. Mol. Biol.) 134(2): 335-348., more
- Rollin, X.; Peng, J.; Pham, D.; Ackman, R.G.; Larondelle, Y. (2003). The effects of dietary lipid and strain difference on polyunsaturated fatty acid composition and conversion in anadromous and landlocked salmon (Salmo salar L.) parr. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. (B Biochem. Mol. Biol.) 134(2): 349-366., more
Book chapter [show] |
Belpaire, C.; Stevens, M.; Breine, J.; Verreycken, H.; Ovidio, M.; Matondo, B.N.; Roland, K.; Rollin, X.; Vlietinck, K. (2013). Report on the eel stock and fishery in Belgium 2012/2013, in: Report of the Joint EIFAAC/ICES Working Group on Eels (WGEEL), 18–22 March 2013 in Sukarietta, Spain, 4–10 September 2013 in Copenhagen, Denmark. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2013(ACOM:18): pp. 227-270, more
Reports (3) [show] |
Belpaire, C.; Breine, J.; Van Wichelen, J.; Pauwels, I.; Baeyens, R.; Coeck, J.; Matondo, B.N.; Ovidio, M.; Vergeynst, J.; Verhelst, P.; De Meyer, J.; Adriaens, D.; Teunen, L.; Bervoets, L.; Sony, D.; Rollin, X.; Dumonceau, F.; Vlietinck, K. (2020). Report on the eel stock, fishery and other impacts in Belgium, 2019–2020. ICES Scientific Reports = Rapports Scientifiques du CIEM, 2. ICES: Copenhagen. 48 pp., more
Belpaire, C.; Van Thuyne, G.; Breine, J.; Buysse, D.; Van Wichelen, J.; Coeck, J.; Ovidio, M.; Matondo, B.N.; De Meyer, J.; Bouilliart, M.; Adriaens, D.; Verhelst, P.; Rees, J.F.; Rollin, X.; Vlietinck, K. (2016). Report on the eel stock, fishery and other impacts, in Belgium 2016
. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 44 pp., more
Belpaire, C.; Breine, J.; Buysse, D.; Van Wichelen, J.; Coeck, J.; Ovidio, M.; Matondo, B.N.; De Meyer, J.; Bouilliart, M.; Adriaens, D.; Verhelst, P.; Roland, K.; Kestemont, P.; Bervoets, L.; Darchambeau, F.; Rollin, X.; Vlietinck, K. (2015). Report on the eel stock and fishery in: Belgium 2014/'15. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 71 pp., more
Other publication [show] |