English name: Hydraulics laboratory
Parent institute: Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Civiele Techniek (UGent), more
Thesaurus terms (8) : Beach protection; Coast defences; Coastal engineering; Coastal morphology; Harbour design; Sediment transport; Wave energy; Wave propagation
MRG keywords (4) : Coastal defence; Construction; Hydrodynamics; Sediment mechanics/dynamics
Geographical terms (4) : ANE, Belgium, Belgian Coast [Marine Regions]; ANE, Belgium, Brugge, Zeebrugge [Marine Regions]; ANE, Poland [Marine Regions]; Belgium, Aa R. [Marine Regions]
Address: Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
9000 Gent Belgium
| | Tel.: +32-(0)9-264 32 81
| |
Type: Scientific
1 Director: Head of the department 2 Marine scientist: Works in this research group and acts as (co-)author in at least one marine publication in the last 5 years. 3 Specialized personnel: Provides administrative or technical support to marine scientific research.
Persons formerly associated with this organization (19) |
Abstract: |
The Hydraulics laboratory was founded in 1935. The research activities of the laboratory concern the broad field of hydraulics within the civil engineering domain. The group has a special interest for hydraulic structures, hydro- and morphodynamics of rivers and estuaries, and eco-hydraulics. Laboratory and field measurements are used as a basis for the validation of mathematical models.
Regarding coast- and estuary-related hydraulics, research is performed on the following topics:
- idealised modelling of tidal hydrodynamics and morphodynamic equilibria of tidal systems;
- hydro- and morphodynamics of estuaries, rivers and open channel junctions;
- hydrodynamics and mass transfer between a flow and a lateral embayment;
- hydraulic design of structures (locks, weirs, fish passes, bed and bank protection, etc.).
In the future, the laboratory will continue to study the abovementioned topics, in collaboration with Belgian and foreign universities. |
Publications (121) |
Top | Persons | Projects | Events |
( 53 peer reviewed ) split up filter
El Rahi, J.; Martinez-Estevez, I.; Almeida Reis, R.; Tagliafierro, B.; Dominguez, J.M.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Stratigaki, V.; Suzuki, T.; Troch, P. (2024). Exploring Wave–Vegetation Interaction at Stem Scale: Analysis of the Coupled Flow–Structure Interactions Using the SPH-Based DualSPHysics Code and the FEA Module of Chrono. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 12(7): 1120. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jmse12071120, more
El Rahi, J.; Stratigaki, V.; De Troch, M.; Troch, P. (2024). Numerical modelling of wave–vegetation interaction: Embracing a cross-disciplinary approach for bridging ecology and engineering for nature-inclusive coastal defence systems. Water 16(14): 1977. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w16141977, more
Deng, X.; De Mulder, T.; Schuttelaars, H. (2023). Initial formation of channel-shoal patterns in double-inlet systems. Ocean Dynamics 73(1): 1-21. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-022-01528-6, more
El Rahi, J.; Martínez-Estévez, I.; Tagliafierro, B.; Dominguez, J.M.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Stratigaki, V.; Suzuki, T.; Troch, P. (2023). Numerical investigation of wave-induced flexible vegetation dynamics in 3D using a coupling between DualSPHysics and the FEA module of Project Chrono. Ocean Eng. 285: 115227. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.115227, more
He, Z.X.; Liang, M.G.; Jia, L.W.; Dong, H.; Chen, K.L.; Liu, J.; Lin, Y.T.; Ou, J.T. (2022). Long-term morphological modeling and implication for estuarine regulation of the Modaomen Estuary, Pearl River Delta, China. Appl. Ocean Res. 123: 103184. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2022.103184, more
Vervaet, T.; Stratigaki, V.; Ferri, F.; De Beule, L.; Claerbout, H.; De Witte, B.; Vantorre, M.; Troch, P. (2022). Experimental modelling of an isolated WECfarm real-time controllable heaving point absorber wave energy converter. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 10(10): 1480. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jmse10101480, more
Vervaet, T.; Stratigaki, V.; De Backer, B.; Stockman, K.; Vantorre, M.; Troch, P. (2022). Experimental modelling of point-absorber wave energy converter arrays: a comprehensive review, identification of research gaps and design of the WECfarm setup. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 10(8): 1062. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jmse10081062, more
Wu, M.; De Vos, L.; Arboleda Chavez, C.E.; Stratigaki, V.; Whitehouse, R.; Baelus, L.; Troch, P. (2022). A study of scale effects in experiments of monopile scour protection stability. Coast. Eng. 178: 104217. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2022.104217, more
Boelens, T.; Qi, T.; Schuttelaars, H.; De Mulder, T. (2021). Morphodynamic equilibria in short tidal basins using a 2DH exploratory model. JGR: Earth Surface 126(3): e2020JF005555. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1029/2020JF005555, more
Deng, X.; Meerman, C.; Boelens, T.; De Mulder, T.; Salles, P.; Schuttelaars, H.M. (2021). Morphodynamic equilibria in double-inlet systems: existence and stability. JGR: Earth Surface 126(12): e2021JF006266. https://dx.doi.org/10.1029/2021JF006266, more
Fernandez, G.V.; Stratigaki, V.; Quartier, N.; Troch, P. (2021). Influence of power take-off modelling on the far-field effects of wave energy converter farms. Water 13(4): 429. https://hdl.handle.net/10.3390/w13040429, more
Vergeynst, J.; Pauwels, I.; Baeyens, R.; Mouton, A.; De Mulder, T.; Nopens, I. (2021). Shipping canals on the downstream migration route of European eel (Anguilla anguilla): Opportunity or bottleneck? Ecol. Freshw. Fish. 30(1): 73-87. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/eff.12565, more
Wu, M.; De Vos, L.; Arboleda Chavez, C.E.; Stratigaki, V.; Streicher, M.; Troch, P. (2021). Quantification of measurement and model effects in monopile foundation scour protection experiments. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 9(6): 585. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jmse9060585, more
Boelens, T.; Schuttelaars, H.; Plancke, Y.; De Mulder, T. (2020). Historical and future development of the tidally averaged transport of sandy sediments in the Scheldt estuary: a 2D exploratory model. Ocean Dynamics 70(4): 481-504. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-019-01339-2, more
Kisacik, D.; Stratigaki, V.; Wu, M.; Cappietti, L.; Simonetti, I.; Troch, P.; Crespo, A.; Altomare, C.; Dominguez, J.; Hall, M.; Gomez-Gesteira, M.; Canelas, R.B.; Stansby, P. (2020). Efficiency and survivability of a floating oscillating water column wave energy converter moored to the seabed: an overview of the EsflOWC MaRINET2 database. Water 12(4): 992. https://hdl.handle.net/10.3390/w12040992, more
Vergeynst, J.; Vanwyck, T.; Baeyens, R.; De Mulder, T.; Nopens, I.; Mouton, A.; Pauwels, I. (2020). Acoustic positioning in a reflective environment: going beyond point-by-point algorithms. Animal Biotelemetry 8(1): [1-17]. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40317-020-00203-1, more
Vergeynst, J.; Baktoft, H.; Mouton, A.; De Mulder, T.; Pauwels, I. (2020). The influence of system settings on positioning accuracy in acoustic telemetry, using the YAPS algorithm. Animal Biotelemetry 8(1): 25. https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40317-020-00211-1, more
Wu, M.; De Vos, L.; Arboleda Chavez, C.E.; Stratigaki, V.; Fazeres-Ferradosa, T.; Rosa-Santos, P.; Taveira-Pinto, F.; Troch, P. (2020). Large scale experimental study of the scour protection damage around a monopile foundation under combined wave and current conditions. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 8(6): 417. https://hdl.handle.net/10.3390/jmse8060417, more
Arboleda Chavez, C.E.; Stratigaki, V.; Wu, M.; Troch, P.; Schendel, A.; Welzel, M.; Villanueva, R.; Schlurmann, T.; De Vos, L.; Kisacik, D.; Pinto, F.T.; Fazeres-Ferradosa, T.; Santos, P.R.; Baelus, L.; Szengel, V.; Bolle, A.; Whitehouse, R.; Todd, D. (2019). Large-scale experiments to improve monopile scour protection design adapted to climate change - The PROTEUS project. Energies (Basel) 12(9): 1709. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/en12091709, more
Balitsky, P.; Quartier, N.; Stratigaki, V.; Fernandez, G.V.; Vasarmidis, P.; Troch, P. (2019). Analysing the near-field effects and the power production of near-shore WEC array using a new wave-to-wire model. Water 11(6): 1137. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w11061137, more
Dominguez, J.M.; Crespo, A.J.C.; Hall, M.; Altomare, C.; Wu, M.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; Cappietti, L.; Gomez-Gesteira, M. (2019). SPH simulation of floating structures with moorings. Coast. Eng. 153: 103560. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2019.103560, more
Fernandez, G.V.; Stratigaki, V.; Vasarmidis, P.; Balitsky, P.; Troch, P. (2019). Wake effect assessment in long- and short-crested seas of heaving-point absorber and oscillating wave surge WEC arrays. Water 11(6): 1126. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w11061126, more
Stratigaki, V. (2019). WECANet: the first open pan-European network for marine renewable energy with a focus on wave energy-COST Action CA17105. Water 11(6): 1249. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w11061249, more
Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; Forehand, D. (2019). A fundamental coupling methodology for modeling near-field and far-field wave effects of floating structures and wave energy devices. Renew. Energy 143: 1608-1627. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2019.05.046, more
Vergeynst, J.; Pauwels, I.; Baeyens, R.; Coeck, J.; Nopens, I.; De Mulder, T.; Mouton, A. (2019). The impact of intermediate-head navigation locks on downstream fish passage. River Res. Applic. 35(3): 224-235. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/rra.3403, more
Wu, M.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; Altomare, C.; Verbrugghe, T.; Crespo, A.; Cappietti, L.; Hall, M.; Gomez-Gesteira, M. (2019). Experimental study of a moored floating oscillating water column wave-energy converter and of a moored cubic box. Energies (Basel) 12(10): 1834. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/en12101834, more
Balitsky, P.; Fernandez, G.V.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P. (2018). Assessment of the power output of a two-array clustered WEC farm using a BEM solver coupling and a wave-propagation model. Energies (Basel) 11(11): 2907. https://hdl.handle.net/10.3390/en11112907, more
Boelens , T.; Schuttelaars, H.M.; Schramkowski, G.; De Mulder, T. (2018). The effect of geometry and tidal forcing on hydrodynamics and net sediment transport in semi-enclosed tidal basins. Ocean Dynamics 68(10): 1285-1309. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-018-1198-9, more
Devolder, B.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; Rauwoens, P. (2018). CFD simulations of floating point absorber wave energy converter arrays subjected to regular waves. Energies (Basel) 11(3): 641. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/en11030641, more
Pouchoulin, S.; Ramos, P.X.; Mignot, E.; Schindfessel, L.; De Mulder, T.; Riviere, N. (2018). Discussion of "Tang, H., Zhang, H., & Yuan, S. (2018). Hydrodynamics and contaminant transport on a degraded bed at a 90-degree channel confluence. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 18(2), 443-463". Environ. Fluid Mech. 18(5): 1293-1295. https://hdl.handle.net/10.1007/s10652-018-9612-x, more
Altomare, C.; Dominguez, J.M.; Crespo, A.J.C.; González-Cao, J.; Suzuki, T.; Gómez-Gesteira, M.; Troch, P. (2017). Long-crested wave generation and absorption for SPH-based DualSPHysics model. Coast. Eng. 127: 37-54. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2017.06.004, more
Decrop, B.; De Mulder, T.; Toorman, E.; Sas, M. (2017). A parameter model for dredge plume sediment source terms. Ocean Dynamics 67(1): 137-146. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-016-1017-0, more
Geerts, L.; Cox, T.J.S.; Maris, T.; Wolfstein, K.; Meire, P.; Soetaert, K. (2017). Substrate origin and morphology differentially determine oxygen dynamics in two major European estuaries, the Elbe and the Schelde. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 191: 157-170. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2017.04.009, more
Wang, C.; Wang, Q.; Meire, D.; Ma, W.; Wu, C.; Meng, Z.; van de Koppel, J.; Troch, P.; Verhoeven, R.; De Mulder, T.; Temmerman, S. (2016). Biogeomorphic feedback between plant growth and flooding causes alternative stable states in an experimental floodplain. Adv. Water Resour. 93(Part B): 223-235. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.07.003, more
Decrop, B.; De Mulder, T.; Toorman, E.; Sas, M. (2015). Numerical simulation of near-field dredging plumes: efficiency of an environmental valve. J. Environ. Eng. 141(12). https://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000982, more
Decrop, B.; De Mulder, T.; Toorman, E.; Sas, M. (2015). Large-eddy simulations of turbidity plumes in crossflow. Eur. J. Mech. B Fluids 53: 68-84. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.euromechflu.2015.03.013, more
Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; Stallard, T.; Forehand, D.; Folley, M.; Kofoed, J.; Benoit, M.; Babarit, A.; Vantorre, M.; Kirkegaard, J. (2015). Sea-state modification and heaving float interaction factors from physical modelling of arrays of wave energy converters. J. Renew. Sust. Energ. 7(6): 061705. https://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4938030, more
Verschoren, V.; Meire, D.; Schoelynck, J.; Buis, K.; Bal, K.; Troch, P.; Meire, P.; Temmerman, S. (2015). Resistance and reconfiguration of natural flexible submerged vegetation in hydrodynamic river modelling. Environ. Fluid Mech. 16(1): 245-265. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10652-015-9432-1, more
Schoelynck, J.; Bal, K.; verschoren, V.; Penning, E.; Struyf, E.; Bouma, T.; Meire, D.; Meire, P.; Temmerman, S. (2014). Different morphology of Nuphar lutea in two contrasting aquatic environments and its effect on ecosystem engineering. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms 39(15): 2100-2108. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/esp.3607, more
Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; Stallard, T.; Forehand, D.; Kofoed, J.P.; Folley, M.; Benoit, M.; Babarit, A.; Kirkegaard, J. (2014). Wave basin experiments with large wave energy converter arrays to study interactions between the converters and effects on other users in the sea and the coastal area. Energies (Basel) 7(2): 701-734. dx.doi.org/10.3390/en7020701, more
Koftis, T.; Prinos, P.; Stratigaki, V. (2013). Wave damping over artificial Posidonia oceanica meadow: A large-scale experimental study. Coast. Eng. 73: 71-83. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2012.10.007, more
Schoelynck, J.; Meire, D.; Bal, K.; Buis, K.; Troch, P.; Bouma, T.; Temmerman, S.; Meire, P. (2013). Submerged macrophytes avoiding a negative feedback in reaction to hydrodynamic stress. Limnologica 43(5): 371-380. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.limno.2013.05.003, more
Manca, E.; Caceres, I.; Alsina, J.M.; Stratigaki, V.; Townend, I.; Amos, C.L. (2012). Wave energy and wave-induced flow reduction by full-scale model Posidonia oceanica seagrass. Cont. Shelf Res. 50-51: 100-116. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2012.10.008, more
De Doncker, L.; Troch, P.; Verhoeven, R.; Meire, P. (2011). Validation of the STRIVE model for coupling ecological processes and surface water flow. Journal of Hydroinformatics 13(4): 741-759. dx.doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2010.067, more
Stratigaki, V.; Manca, E.; Prinos, P.; Losada, I.; Lara, J.; Sclavo, M.; Amos, C.; Caceres, I.; Sanchez-Arcilla, A. (2011). Large-scale experiments on wave propagation over Posidonia oceanica. J. Hydraul. Res. 49(Supplement 1): 31-43. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00221686.2011.583388, more
Meire, D.; De Doncker, L.; Declercq, F.; Buis, K.; Troch, P.; Verhoeven, R. (2010). Modelling river-floodplain interaction during flood propagation. Nat. Hazards 55(1): 111-121. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11069-010-9554-1, more
Adhikari, B.; Verhoeven, R.; Troch, P. (2009). Appropriate rehabilitation strategy for a traditional irrigation supply system: a case from the Babai area in Nepal. Wat. Sci. Tech. 60(11): 2819-2828. dx.doi.org/10.2166/wst.2009.721, more
Adhikari, B.; Verhoeven, R.; Troch, P. (2009). Fair and sustainable irrigation water management in the Babai basin, Nepal. Wat. Sci. Tech. 59(8): 1505-1513. dx.doi.org/10.2166/wst.2009.150, more
Adhikari, B.; Verhoeven, R.; Troch, P. (2009). Water rights of the head reach farmers in view of a water supply scenario at the extension area of the Babai Irrigation Project, Nepal. Phys. Chem. Earth, Parts A 34(1-2): 99-106. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pce.2008.04.004, more
De Doncker, L.; Troch, P.; Verhoeven, R.; Bal, K.; Meire, P.; Quintelier, J. (2009). Determination of the Manning roughness coefficient influenced by vegetation in the river Aa and Biebrza river. Environ. Fluid Mech. 9(5): 549-567. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10652-009-9149-0, more
De Doncker, L.; Troch, P.; Verhoeven, R. (2008). Accuracy of discharge measurements in a vegetated river. Flow meas. instrum. 19(1): 29-40. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2007.08.007, more
Anibas, C.; Bal, K.; Banasiak, R.; Batelaan, O.; Buis, K.; De Doncker, L.; De Smet, N.; Gerard, M.; Meire, P.; Troch, P.; Van Belleghem, S.; Verhoeven, R. (2007). Quantification of the groundwater-surface water interaction by analysing temperature gradients in the streambed of the Aa river, Belgium. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 9: 03114, more
Vantorre, M.; Banasiak, R.; Verhoeven, R. (2004). Modelling of hydraulic performance and wave energy extraction by a point absorber in heave. Appl. Ocean Res. 26(1-2): 61-72. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2004.08.002, more
- Schuttelaars, H.M.; Deng, X.; De Mulder, T. (2022). Morphodynamic equilibria in double-inlet systems, in: NCK days 2022. Coastal adaptation to climate change: fight or flight?. pp. 25, more
- Jaramillo-Torres, M.G.; Carpintero-Moreno, E.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P. (2021). Time-domain wave propagation modelling for assessing the impact of WEC farms on the wave field and the local morphodynamics and sediment transport, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, Online event 3 March 2021. VLIZ Special Publication, 85: pp. 74-75, more
- Sismani, G.; Wu, M.; Stratigaki, V.; Loukogeorgaki, E.; Troch, P. (2021). Analysis of flap-type Wave Energy Converters with OpenFOAM using the dynamic mesh method, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day. Oostende, Belgium, 3 March 2021. VLIZ Special Publication, 87: pp. 109-110, more
- Van Cauter, P.-J. (2021). Field tests of flow overtopping a dike: flow characteristics on landward slope. MSc Thesis. Ghent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture: Ghent. 150 pp., more
- Boelens, T. (2020). Depth-averaged idealised modelling of the hydro- and morphodynamics of tidal inlet systems and estuaries. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Gent: Gent. ISBN 978-94-6355-379-7. xxi, 200 pp., more
- Carpintero Moreno, E.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; De Pauw, B.; Baur, T. (2020). Blue Accelerator: the new testing site in Ostend for maritime technology developments to enhance Blue Economy, in: Stratigaki, V. et al. Book of abstracts of the General Assembly 2020 (online event) of the WECANet COST Action CA17105: a pan-European network for marine renewable energy with a focus on wave energy. pp. 68-69, more
- Chu, K.; Vanlede, J.; Decrop, B.; Mostaert, F. (2020). Validation of North Sea models: sub report 1. Validation and sensitivity analysis. Version 3.0. FHR reports, 19_058_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. VII, 35 + 8 p. app. pp., more
- De Beule, L.; Vervaet, T.; Quartier, N.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P. (2020). WEC control strategies for the WECfarm project, in: Stratigaki, V. et al. Book of abstracts of the General Assembly 2020 (online event) of the WECANet COST Action CA17105: a pan-European network for marine renewable energy with a focus on wave energy. pp. 98-99, more
- De Witte, B.; Claerbout, H.; Vervaet, T.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P. (2020). Experimental testing of wave energy converters for the WECfarm project, in: Stratigaki, V. et al. Book of abstracts of the General Assembly 2020 (online event) of the WECANet COST Action CA17105: a pan-European network for marine renewable energy with a focus on wave energy. pp. 59-60, more
- El Rahi, J.; Martínez-Estévez, I.; Dominguez, J.; Stratigaki, V.; Crespo, A.; Troch, P.; Suzuki, T.; Gomez-Gesteira, M. (2020). Development of a fluid-structure interaction system within DualSPHysics for flexible oscillating structures with applications to wave energy converters (WEC), in: Stratigaki, V. et al. Book of abstracts of the General Assembly 2020 (online event) of the WECANet COST Action CA17105: a pan-European network for marine renewable energy with a focus on wave energy. pp. 14-15, more
- Martínez-Estévez, I.; El Rah, J.; Dominguez, J.; Tagliafierro, B.; Stratigaki, V.; Crespo, A.; Troch, P.; Suzuki, T.; Gomez-Gesteira, M. (2020). Coupling between DualSPHysics and the Finite Element Module of Project Chrono: multiphysics modelling of waves-WEC interaction, in: Stratigaki, V. et al. Book of abstracts of the General Assembly 2020 (online event) of the WECANet COST Action CA17105: a pan-European network for marine renewable energy with a focus on wave energy. pp. 11, more
- Sismani, G.; Wu, M.; Stratigaki, V.; Loukogeorgaki, E.; Troch, P. (2020). The Dynamic Mesh Method in CFD Simulations of Flap-type Wave Energy Converters, in: Stratigaki, V. et al. Book of abstracts of the General Assembly 2020 (online event) of the WECANet COST Action CA17105: a pan-European network for marine renewable energy with a focus on wave energy. pp. 127, more
- Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P. (2020). Modelling of moored floating structures and marine renewable energy technologies using a non-linear numerical approach and experiments in wave testing facilities, in: Stratigaki, V. et al. Book of abstracts of the General Assembly 2020 (online event) of the WECANet COST Action CA17105: a pan-European network for marine renewable energy with a focus on wave energy. pp. 13, more
- Vasarmidis, P.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P. (2020). Internal wave generation in a non-hydrostatic model for modelling wave-WEC (array and farm) interactions and far field effects, in: Stratigaki, V. et al. Book of abstracts of the General Assembly 2020 (online event) of the WECANet COST Action CA17105: a pan-European network for marine renewable energy with a focus on wave energy. pp. 48-49, more
- Vervaet, T.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P. (2020). Development of a single wave energy converter for the WECfarm project, in: Stratigaki, V. et al. Book of abstracts of the General Assembly 2020 (online event) of the WECANet COST Action CA17105: a pan-European network for marine renewable energy with a focus on wave energy. pp. 66-67, more
- Delefortrie, G.; Geerts, S.; Lataire, E.; Troch, P.; Monbaliu, J. (2019). Coastal & ocean basin and towing tank for manoeuvres in shallow water at Flanders Maritime Laboratory, in: The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the Maritime Industry (AMT’19): book of abstract. pp. 36, more
- Delefortrie, G.; Geerts, S.; Lataire, E.; Troch, P.; Monbaliu, J. (2019). Coastal & ocean basin and towing tank for manoeuvres in shallow water at Flanders Maritime Laboratory, in: The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for the Maritime Industry (AMT’19): proceedings. pp. [1-15], more
- Geerts, S.; Delefortrie, G.; Lataire, E.; Troch, P. (2019). Flanders Maritime Laboratory, new large scale facilities for towing tank and wave basin research, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Hydraulic Modelling and Measuring Technology (ISHMMT 2018), 30th May - 1st June, Nanjing, China. pp. [1-7], more
- Gruwez, V.; Altomare, C.; Suzuki, T.; Streicher, M.; Cappietti, L.; Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P. (2019). Numerical modelling of overtopped bore impacts on dike mounted vertical walls in very shallow foreshore conditions [POSTER]. Presented at CREST final conference: Climate Resilient Coast, 26-09-2019, Ostend. Ghent University: Ghent. 1 poster pp., more
- Kolokythas, G.; Meire, D.; De Roo, S.; Plancke, Y.; Mostaert, F. (2019). Wave measurements at Galgeschoor: sub report 1. Analysis of velocities and waves during an intensive measuring campaign (November 2015). Version 4.0. FHR reports, 15_054_1. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. IX, 90 + 58 p. app. pp., more
- Troch, P.; Stratigaki, V.; Devriese, P.; Kortenhaus, A.; De Maeyer, J.; Monbaliu, J.; Toorman, E.; Rauwoens, P.; Vanneste, D.; Suzuki, T.; Verwaest, T. (2018). Design features of the upcoming coastal and ocean basin in Ostend, Belgium, in: Lynett, P. (Ed.) Proceedings of 36th Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2018), Baltimore, Maryland, July 30 - August 3, 2018. Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 36: pp. [1-10]. https://dx.doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36.papers.94, more
- Vasarmidis, P.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P. (2018). Prediction of wave field generation performance for the new Coastal and Ocean Basin (COB) in Belgium, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 123, more
- Verao Fernandez, G.; Balitsky, P.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P. (2018). Validation of a coupling methodology for numerical modelling of near and far field effects of Wave Energy Converter arrays using the MILDwave and NEMOH models, based on the WECwakes experimental database, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 124-125, more
- Verelst, K.; Vercruysse, J.B.; De Mulder, T. (2018). Comparison of software for computation of longitudinal forces on a ship in a lock chamber during levelling with openings in the lock gate, in: Bung, D.B. et al. 7th IAHR International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures, Aachen, Germany, 15-18 May. pp. [1-13]. https://dx.doi.org/10.15142/T3KD2H, more
- Wu, M.; Arboleda Chavez, C.E.; Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P. (2018). Large-scale modelling of scour protection around wind turbine monopile foundations, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Scientist Day. Bredene, Belgium, 21 March 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 80: pp. 128, more
- Meire, D.; Claeys, S.; Plancke, Y. (2017). Characterization of uncertainty in the measuring of bottom transport using ADCP, in: Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods 2017 Conference (HMEM 2017). pp. [1-6], more
- Troch, P.; Stratigaki, V.; Devriese, P.; Kortenhaus, A.; Silin, N.; Nelko, V.; De Mayer, J.; Monbaliu, J.; Toorman, E.A.; Rauwoens, P.; Vanneste, D.; Suzuki, T.; Van Oyen, T.; Verwaest, T. (2017). Design features of the upcoming Coastal and Ocean Basin in Ostend, Belgium, for marine renewable energy applications, in: Proceedings of the 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 27th Aug -1st Sept 2017, Cork, Ireland. pp. [1-9], more
- Verbrugghe, T.; Troch, P.; Kortenhaus, A.; Stratigaki, V.; Vasarmidis, P. (2017). Waves: an ocean of modelling options. Poster presented at the VLIZ Marine Science Day 3 March 2017. Department of Civil Engineering, Ghent University: Gent. 1 poster pp., more
- Boelens, T.; De Mulder, T.; Schuttelaars, H.M.; Schramkowski, G.P. (2016). Idealized model study on tidal wave propagation in prismatic and converging basins with tidal flats, in: Erpicum, S. et al. Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress, Liege, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016: Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change. pp. 364, more
- Decrop, B.; De Mulder, T.; Toorman, E. (2016). A comparison of simple buoyant jet models with CFD analysis of overflow dredging plumes, in: Erpicum, S. et al. Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress, Liege, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016: Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change. pp. 1039-1044, more
- Kortenhaus, A.; Troch, P.; Silin, N.; Nelko, V.; Devriese, P.; Stratigaki, V.; De Mayer, J.; Monbaliu, J.; Toorman, E.A.; Rauwoens, P.; Vanneste, D.; Suzuki, T.; Van Oyen, T.; Verwaest, T. (2016). Design features of the upcoming Coastal and Ocean Basin in Ostend, Belgium, in: Erpicum, S. et al. Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress, Liege, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016: Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change. pp. 356-363, more
- Vercruysse, J.B.; Verelst, K.; De Mulder, T. (2016). Stilling basin design for inlet sluice with vertical drop structure: scale model results vs. literature formulae [PRESENTATION]. Presented on the 4th IAHR Europe Congress, Liège, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016. Flanders Hydraulics Research/Ghent University: Antwerp. 26 slides pp., more
- Verelst, K.; Vercruysse, J.B.; Ramos, P.X.; De Mulder, T. (2016). Experimental investigation of the influence of breaking logs on the flow patterns induced by lock filling with gate openings, in: Erpicum, S. et al. Proceedings of the 4th IAHR Europe Congress, Liege, Belgium, 27-29 July 2016: Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change. pp. 618-628, more
- Decrop, B.; De Mulder, T.; Toorman, E.; Sas, M. (2015). A parameter model for dredge plume sediment source terms, in: Toorman, E.A. et al. (Ed.) INTERCOH2015: 13th International Conference on Cohesive Sediment Transport Processes. Leuven, Belgium, 7-11 September 2015. VLIZ Special Publication, 74: pp. 28-29, more
- Hassan, W.; Heyvaert, G.; Willems, M. (2015). Physical scale modeling of tidal flow hydrodynamics at the port of Zeebrugge. Poster presented at the VLIZ Young Marine Scientist's Day 20 February 2015. Flanders Hydraulics Research/Ghent University: Antwerpen, Gent. 1 poster pp., more
- Verelst, K.; Vandenbruwaene, W.; Peeters, P.; Heredia Gomez, M.; De Mulder, T. (2015). Erosion and sedimentation near the renovated weir lock complex of Asper in Belgium, in: Cheng, L. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Scour and Erosion - ICSE 2014, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 2-4 December 2014. pp. 535-544, more
- Verelst, K.; Vercruysse, J.; De Mulder, T.; Fahner, T. (2015). Hydraulic design of a filling emptying system for the new Royers lock in the port of Antwerp (Belgium), in: E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress 28 June – 3 July, 2015, The Hague, the Netherlands. pp. 4563-4574, more
- Verelst, K.; Vercruysse, J.B.; De Mulder, T.; Fahner, T.; De Cock, W.; Pauwels, H. (2015). Hydraulic design of a filling emptying system for the new Royers lock in the port of Antwerp (Belgium) [PRESENTATION]. Presented on the 36th IAHR WORLD CONGRESS, The Hague, 03 July 2015. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. 19 slides pp., more
- Creelle, S.; De Mulder, T.; Schindfessel, L.; Van Oyen, T. (2014). Influence of hydraulic resistance on flow features in an open channel confluence, in: 3rd IAHR Europe Congress: book of proceedings, 2014, Porto - Portugal. pp. [1-10, more
- Delecluyse, K.; Vanlede, J.; De Maerschalck, B.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2014). Eilanden Oostkust: deelrapport 1. Effecten van de eilanden op de stroming. Versie 4.0. WL Rapporten, 14_006. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. III, 31 pp., more
- Stratigaki, V. (2014). Experimental study and numerical modelling of intra-array interactions and extra-array effects of wave energy converter arrays = Experimentele studie en numerieke modellering van intra-array-interacties en extra-array-effecten van golfenergieconvertorparken. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur, Vakgroep Civiele Techniek, Afdeling Weg- en Waterbouwkunde: Gent. ISBN 978-90-8578-681-8. [diff. pag.] pp., more
- Suzuki, T.; Altomare, C.; De Roo, S.; Verwaest, T.; Trouw, K.; Zijlema, M. (2014). Directional spreading effect on wave transformation and wave overtopping in a shallow foreshore [POSTER]. Flanders Hydraulics Research: Antwerp. 1 poster pp., more
- De Mulder, T.; Vercruysse, J.B.; Peeters, P.; Maris, T.; Meire, P. (2013). Inlet sluices for flood control areas with controlled reduced tide in the Scheldt estuary: an overview, in: Bung, D.B. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the international workshop on hydraulic design of low-head structures, Aachen, Germany, February, 20-22, 2013. pp. 43-53, more
- Vercruysse, J.B.; De Mulder, T.; Verelst, K.; Peeters, P. (2013). Stilling basin optimization for a combined inlet-outlet sluice in the framework of the Sigmaplan, in: Bung, D.B. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the international workshop on hydraulic design of low-head structures, Aachen, Germany, February, 20-22, 2013. pp. 55-66, more
- Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; Malherbe, B.; Fordeyn, J. (2012). Vlaamse Baaien development plan: estimation of the wave climate for Flanders Bays using the numerical model mildwave, in: Troch, P. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts of the 4th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection - Coastlab12. Department of Civil Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, September 17-20, 2012. pp. 175-176, more
- Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P.; Vantorre, M.; Folley, M. (2012). Development of a point absorber wave energy converter for investigation of wake effects in large scale experiments, in: Troch, P. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts of the 4th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection - Coastlab12. Department of Civil Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, September 17-20, 2012. pp. 235-236, more
- Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P. (2012). Large scale experiments on farms of heaving wave energy converters, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts - VLIZ Young Marine Scientists' Day. Brugge, Belgium, 24 February 2012. VLIZ Special Publication, 55: pp. 79-80, more
- Troch, P.; Stratigaki, V.; De Roo, S. (Ed.) (2012). Book of abstracts of the 4th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection - Coastlab12. Department of Civil Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, September 17-20, 2012. Ghent University/IAHR = AIRH: Gent. ISBN 978-90-382-2008-6. 292 pp., more
- Troch, P.; Stratigaki, V.; De Roo, S. (Ed.) (2012). Book of proceedings of the 4th international conference on the application of physical modelling to port and coastal protection - Coastlab12, Department of Civil Engineering, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, September 17-20, 2012. Ghent University/IAHR = AIRH: Ghent. ISBN 978-9-09-027444-7. 879 pp., more
- Herremans, A.; Meire, D.; Troch, P.; Verhoeven, R.; Buis, K.; Meire, P.; Temmerman, S.; Verhoeven, G. (2011). Development of a new optical imaging technique for studying the spatial heterogeneity in vegetated streams and rivers, in: ECOHYDRAULICS : linkages between hydraulics and ecological processes in rivers (Clermont-Ferrand, France). pp. 159-163, more
- Stratigaki, V.; Vanneste, D.; Troch, P.; Gysens, S.; Willems, M. (2011). Numerical modeling of wave penetration in Ostend harbour, in: (2010). The 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2010), June 30 - July 5, 2010, Shanghai, China: book of papers. pp. [1-15], more
- De Roo, S.; Troch, P. (2010). Response of technical-biological bank protection to ship-generated wave actions – first results, in: Dittrich, A. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, Braunschweig, Germany, September 08-10, 2010: River flow 2010 [CD-ROM]. pp. 1339-1345, more
- Delecluyse, K.; Troch, P.; Blanckaert, K. (2010). The effect of migrating dune forms on the flow field of an alluvial river, in: Dittrich, A. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, Braunschweig, Germany, September 08-10, 2010: River flow 2010 [CD-ROM]. pp. 913-919, more
- Stratigaki, V.; Troch, P. (2010). Design of Oostende harbour: numerical simulation of wave diffraction through the gap at Montgomery dok using the ‘mild slope’ wave propagation model, MILDwave. Vlaamse Overheid: Brussel. 43 pp., more
- Tichko, S.; Van de Maele, J.; Vanmassenhove, N.; De Schutter, G.; Vierendeels, J.; Verhoeven, R.; Troch, P. (2010). Numerical modelling of the filling of formworks with self-compacting concrete, in: Rahman, M. et al. Advances in Fluid Mechanics VIII. International series on advances in fluid mechanics, : pp. 157-168. https://dx.doi.org/10.2495/AFM100141, more
- Adhikari, B.; Verhoeven, R.; Troch, P. (2009). Inter-basin transfer of Nepal's water resources for sustainable benefits, in: Feyen, J. et al. (Ed.) Proceedings of The International Urban Water Conference, Heverlee, Belgium, 15-19 September, 2008: Water and Urban Development Paradigms Towards an Integration of Engineering, Design and Management Approaches. pp. 647-653, more
- Meire, D.; De Doncker, L.; Troch, P.; Verhoeven, R. (2009). Simulation of the filling and emptying processes between a river and its storage areas, in: López Jiménez, P.A. et al. Environmental Hydraulics - Theoretical, Experimental and Computational Solutions: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environmental Hydraulics, IWEH09, 29 & 30 October 2009, Valencia, Spain. pp. 37-39. dx.doi.org/10.1201/b10999-11, more
- Adhikari, B.; Verhoeven, R.; Troch, P. (2008). A sustainable alternative of exploiting Nepal’s water resources to benefit the riparian countries, in: Irrigation Show 2008 - Proceedings of a meeting held 2-4 November 2008, Anaheim, California. pp. 16 pp., more
- Adhikari, B.; Verhoeven, R.; Troch, P. (2008). Fair and sustainable irrigation water management in the Babai river basin (Nepal), in: IWA 11th international specialized conference on watershed and river basin management, 4-5 September 2008, Budapest, Hungary. pp. 2 pp., more
- De Doncker, L.; Troch, P.; Verhoeven, R.; Desmet, N.; Buis, K.; Meire, P. (2008). Computational aspects of river hydraulics, in: Ionescu, C. et al. “Computational models for civil engineering 2008”, International Symposium Iasi, Romania, May 30, 2008. pp. 177-186, more
- Adhikari, B.; Verhoeven, R.; Troch, P. (2007). An ecohydraulic approach to the modernization of farmer managed irrigation systems in Nepal, in: Irrigation show 2007 - Proceedings of a meeting held 9-11 December 2007, San Diego, California. pp. 832-843, more
- Buis, K.; Anibas, C.; Bal, K.; Banasiak, R.; De Doncker, L.; Desmet, N.; Gerard, M.; Van Belleghem, S.; Batelaan, O.; Troch, P.; Verhoeven, R.; Meire, P. (2007). Fundamentele studie van uitwisselingsprocessen in rivierecosystemen - GeÏntegreerde modelontwikkeling, in: Congres Watersysteemkennis 2006/2007: Modellen voor integraal waterbeheer in Vlaanderen. Water: Tijdschrift over Integraal Waterbeleid, 32: pp. 51-54, more
- De Doncker, L.; Troch, P.; Verhoeven, R.; Desmet, N.; Buis, K.; Meire, P. (2007). Stromingsweerstand in rivieren door de aanwezigheid van macrofyten, in: Congres Watersysteemkennis 2006/2007: Modellen voor integraal waterbeheer in Vlaanderen. Water: Tijdschrift over Integraal Waterbeleid, 32: pp. 47-50, more
- De Doncker, L.; Troch, P.; Verhoeven, R.; Buis, K.; Meire, P. (2007). Flood routing using 'Femme', in: Ionescu, C. et al. “Civil engineering 2007”, International Symposium Iasi, Romania, May 25, 2007. pp. 487-497, more
- De Doncker, L.; Troch, P.; Verhoeven, R.; Bal, K.; Meire, P. (2006). Influence of aquatic plants on the flow resistance and the hydraulic capacity of vegetated rivers, in: Alves, E.C.T.L. et al. (Ed.) River Flow 2006: Proceedings of the International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, Lisbon, Portugal, 6-8 September 2006. pp. 593-602. dx.doi.org/10.1201/9781439833865.ch61, more
- Huygens, M.; Verhoeven, R.; Willems, M.; Mostaert, F. (2001). Integrated research on sand suppletion as a coastal defence system: application to the Flemish East Coast, in: XXIX IAHR Congress Proceedings, September 16-21, 2001, Bejing, China. pp. 294-299, more
- Huygens, M.; Verhoeven, R.; Willems, M.; Mostaert, F. (2001). An integrated technical research of beach nourishment design for the Flemish East Coast, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 46, more
- Huygens, M.; Verhoeven, R.; Fransaer, D.; Van de Voorde, W. (1992). Measurements of sediment transport along the Belgian coast, in: Studiedag sedimenttransport = Journée d'étude transport de sediments, Heverlee, 03-03-1992, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Arenbergkasteel. pp. [1-13], more
Projects (17) |
Top | Persons | Publications | Events |
- Kracht t.g.v. stroming op meetpaal Prosperpolder, more
- "Paardenmarkt" site evaluation, more
- A fundamental study on exchange processes in river ecosystems, more
- Beheersing van het slibtransport in niet-bevaarbare waterlopen als deel van het integraal waterbeheer: project Zwalmbekken, more
- CLASH: Crest Level Assessment of coastal Structures by full scale monitoring, neural network prediction and Hazoa analysis on permissible wave overtopping, more
- Development and adaptation software for the limnimetric database, more
- Development of a network for measuring overflow frequencies and discharges, more
- Hydrodynamica en sediment transport. Fundamentele aspecten bij een duurzaam beheer van zandige kustzones, more
- Kracht t.g.v. stroming op meetpaal Prosperpolder, more
- Laboratory investigation on wave run-up and overtopping, more
- OPTICREST: Geohydraulic behaviour of rubble breakwaters: Opticrest, more
- Optimisation of coastal defence works in front of the Flemish coast, more
- Research for sedimenttransport phenomena in coastal areas, rivers and sewers, more
- Study of run-up and overtopping on a rubble mound breakwater in Zeebrugge based on full-scale measurements, more
- Study of the behaviour of partly cohesive sediments in steady and unsteady flow, more
- Support quality management - standard specifications for hydraulic structures. Study 1998, more
- Time dependent transport of natural sediment mixtures with application toward sewer systems and river estuaries, more